Leftist tread, post your superior ideology and how we can change the world

Leftist tread, post your superior ideology and how we can change the world

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fuck off

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Reply with one positive contribution from the left or just admit the best you can do is be a bot

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Don't want to add anything loser leftist OP?

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All of my medications and therapy are paid for. Now that my mental health is good, I study Mathematics and Statistics at a top university.

u mad right wing cucks?

>be right wing
>don't have any of those problems to begin with
>already making good money

stay mad

So changing the world means making everybody hate you? Congrats

Basically this.

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Here you go, not that it's 100% accurate but at least you know you're wrong

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Can't we all just admit we don't truly give a fuck about the politics, we're just here for the violence?

No one is gonna fix the world. Destroy to create endlessly. Progress is destruction. Tradition is suicide.

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It's ok to kill anyone. Commies, Nazis, rich people, poor people, blacks, whites, jews, atheists, christians, satanists.

Stop being a fag, you fuckin npc.

finish 8 grade before posting here

I love how lemmings think they're part of something important as they fly off the cliffside.

>not fucking the commie girl hardcore till she goes back to being sane


What's the difference besides the edgy anarchist bit? lol

hey same tho

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