I decided to be very messy at my free weekend, where nothing could interrupt me!

I decided to be very messy at my free weekend, where nothing could interrupt me!
I put on my jumpsuit, taped up the arm/leg/tail endings so none of my poop or pee could leak through it

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From the deep of our hearth, we (Sup Forums's community) hope that your parents will see dead. But not in a normal way. No no. You must die in a painful way, best if you are caught doing an horrible crime (like being a pedo) and before dying, you will get humiliated and your demise will be posted on the internet, and many videos will talk about you, and about your faggottiness. Deeply,
Sup Forums

No!! Why would you say that that is so mean I just thought some of you guys would enjoy my fun times :( youre so mean!!

What the fuck, its scary how this doesn't seem like a copypasta.

Nobody here likes you. Nobody here likes what you like. Stop bothering people with your disgusting, degenerate fantasies. Kill yourself or be fucking normal.

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kys your account

nice fantasy op dont let others bother you

You guys are so mean!!!

Thx very much :3 but this isnt fantasy, i actually did this hehe, it was very run UwU
Do you also like this kind of thing??

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Kys furfag

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Yeah, i'm agree, it's a liiiiitle litle bit wierd, but you don't deserve to kill yourself, i think peoples could try to say other things than kill yourself or be normal, but don't listen to them my friend, they are just mean jerks : )

Thx hehe x3
Your very kind, and you should try it, it sounds wierd but itd super duoer fun and hot uwu

Hot. As. Fuck.

Thanks, maybe i will try it, can i show you a hot furry pic, it's from Riis

It’s hunting season boys

God the amount of cringe is so gigantic, i miss infinitechan, fuck..

Omg yiss ols! Show me as many hit oics as you can hehe x3

get help

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If you've considered suicide more than twice a week for the past three months, it may be time to take action.

This is a call to arms directly to your psyche, please, An Hero.

Fuck you meanie!!!

I uhhhhh I wouldn't go near somebody that spend two days in their own shit just to finish it by pissing half in their mouth half in their neckbeard while beating it.

No thanks. No, really, I insist.

I dont have any body hair so fuck you!! You should just leave nibody here likes you >:c

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oh ok sure goodbye

yeah sorry i'll leave for real now good bye

post pics

It isnt! Enjoy life, hehe x3 I enjoed myself this weekend for examole uwu dont be depressiin :3

Srry but. I'm kinda shy haha

now you're the meanie dude

Maybe if we trade?

post pics

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pls commit self gun

Death to furries

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pics post

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Omg so hot, thxxx
Kinda busy rn, plis gimme 20 mims and I'll post hehe x3