Why does this angle trigger the right so muhc ?

Why does this angle trigger the right so muhc ?

Attached: Greta-Thunberg.jpg (950x460, 85K)

why does the left use children to make their point instead of experts in their fields?

Why do you repeat this same stale thread every fucking day? Is there anything that hasn't been said about her?

who is she ??? any nudes ? Look retarded do

cause she's a right angle

that picture showcases the ugly asymmetry of her face which could be a result of incest, bad genetics or fas.

You guys gonna listen to experts now?! Like accreditited scientiest ?!

Cuz...if that was an option...

Because you ignored the experts we brought for the past 4 decades.

personally I get triggered by the angle 37degrees.
there's just something about it that sets me off

Attached: angle.gif (379x203, 1K)

Because she's obtuse, not acute

That I can understand at least

She's acutie tho

>nuclear power
>but the left is pro-science!
my sides

because the experts continuously change what the problem was for those 4 decades?

Because you don't actually believe she is one enough to spell it right

>so muhc
Greta, get off the computer you illiterate sperg. Your Mom an Dad just got paid €100,000 to make you do a speech. Go shill that retarded ass! Momma needs a new BMW!

Sorry, where do vaccines come into this one ?

Angle? You ignorant fucking hillbilly

Get money get paid, if you weren't so retarded you would be able to outearn this "sperg"

the antivaxx movement is a mix of people from the left and the right

Dubs of savage truth! That's pretty much how this retarded cunt is being used. Her Mom and Dad get paid to trot her around an regurgitate speeches written for her.

Attached: lmfao.gif (280x153, 443K)

Sorry, where have scientests come back and said that climate change isn't the most pressing concern humanity has to deal with in the next 50 years ?

Any sources that have some shred of respect would be appreciated

Have you been saved by the one true Geometry?


The left needs a child to tell them what to do, since they're so emotionally unhinged and can't form a coherent rational thought.

Yeah, I thought retards were just retards but then again we still have climate change deniers lmao

Australia got dis one guis

What is it about the anti-science movement these days ? Are people that afraid of knowldge in the US these days ?

Isn't she just holding countries accountable for the agreements they signed ?


You wanna have input into this one or just chuckle on the sidelines ?

Is that the last bastion of hope for you guys? That she benifited from public attention towards a good cause ?

Does it really matter how this gets attention, we need more people talking about this very real problem

>Isn't she just holding countries accountable
Greta is holding countries accountable.

I had to type that out to see what in the fucking world you can possibly be on about.

Good job!

You people disgust me. If you wanna get triggered by 37 degrees, fine, it's your life and it's your choice if you wanna ruin it. Just don't do it in front of the children, you perverts.

I'm an adult and I will enjoy whatever angles I wan't in my own home!

People in general have never been pro-science, and the respective sides only support it when it suits their agenda. This idea that one side or the other is pro-science is ridiculous. They all have their heads up their asses in different areas, and even when they are generally on the side of the scientific consensus, they usually do from a quasi-religious stance that gets as many details wrong as they get right.

Why is the solution to climate change always fascism?

Just out of curiousity, can you show me some examples of the "left" being scientifically retarded ?

I don't understand this statement. Where has there been a link between fascism and climate change effectiveness ?

You brought experts? What are you, a fucking university dean? Bill gates? No, you're a muppet!

The entire SJW culture

Please show me any accredited scientist or researcher than can disprove the recent acceleration in climate change effects

I'll hate whatever angles I like and you can't stop me

currently it's 49 degrees - dirty dirty angle, looking at me like it's nearly 50. disgusting.

Attached: IMG_0387.jpg (1300x951, 203K)

Attached: IMG_0388.jpg (427x200, 22K)

Dude you got your angles mixed up. Most of us 37 degree people just wanna enjoy ourselves within the confines of our homes. We don't want no trouble man. It's the 53 degrees and up you need to be worried about. They are nasty.

Attached: triggered.gif (320x180, 894K)

Please kiss my hairy ring piece.

When you can actually have a conversation about the topic in a constructive manner why don't you come back and try again

Fuck off.

Truth, isn't that mostly dead now tho ?

awww :)


Cuz shes obtuse.

Nuclear energy for some reason is hated by the left and most progressive climate activists for some reason, even though its easily the best solution for lowering emissions and carbon

Because she's obtuse.

She doesnt trigger neoliberals because neoliberals are completely fine with child abuse and whining about problems while not having a solution, aka virtue signaling.

It IS a nice camera angle.

. Waste disposal, you dumb motherfucker.

Lets not pretend there are no risks with current state of nuclear energy. Yes its a very viable source of energy but we still don't really have a great way to dispose of it.

In saying that, I support the use of nuclear power over that of coal or oil

Because they are more snowflake than the soyist of bois.

Common sense...in my thread ?

The fuck has this place become

More snowflake than the fucker that ran away like a little girl from NATO after the other leaders laughed at him? S.T.A.B.L.E

It's still way more cost efficient than things like solar and hydro. You can't suddenly change the world from fossil fuels to completely renewable in a day with no money. You need a stepping stone, which nuclear is that stepping stone.

You would think if the entire world went nuclear power, we would be a lot more efficient and increase our society greatly to the point that we can just launch all the waste into outer space eventually

Is throwing it far away really the right solution though? I'm all for using the shit out of the resources we have on this planet but in a responsible way

Scotland is using the shit out of wind power right now. Maybe more of those off the coast would help

It's definitely easier to completely change over on a smaller scale, something like Scotland which is great. Trying to change the entire infrastructure of something like the US would be much more difficult.

They're prohibitively expensive. Nuclear power is surely the way to go.

Absolutely, but we all have to start somewhere and it's clearly working for a number of countries including China and Germany

I agree, and that is why I think it SHOULD be down to the individual towns and local businesses to try and change our energy, not some sweeping legislation that would bankrupt us.

Is China actually shifting to more renewable energy? Last I heard them and India were the worst polluters and carbon emitters on the planet, but I haven't done a lot of research on them.

I do know that Germany has been increasing its coal energy under Merkel so not sure why you are pointing to them

Look at the yoy growth on this list :
en wikipedia org/wiki/Wind_power_by_country

6/10 would nut on her face

not really

Is that really "anti-science" though? It's annoying and cringy af but ...

sjw culture isnt one group, its more of a general term so while some sjws are just about whining and race bating some others like the more that 2 gender types are clearly anti science.

Strong women make conservatives uncomfortable. It is threatening to them to see a 16-year-old woman who is more consequential than they ever will be.

I agree

Can you show me examples of "anti-science" sjw ?

She hasn't done anything but spout bullshit that everyone knows. Nobody has heard the name Boyan Slat and that's because that kid is actually out trying to clean the Pacific garbage patch and its working. He isn't going in front of world leaders and screaming his anger and frustration, he is just doing all he can. Greta needs a wake up call that just because you have a loud bark, doesn't make you special. Get out there and figure it out!


Whataboutism, also known as whataboutery, is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument.

pls stop this

both are good causes retard, cant we do both ?

This is an angle

I love this chick! She knows exactly what to say to convert people to conservatism. Only AOC can beat her. Think about what a huge trump victory these chicks have put in motion. Now they can’t take all the credit, but I’d guess at least a million independents are voting for trump just because they heard these two open their mouths. From the bottom of my trump loving heart, thank you AOC and green loli. We will not forget the wonderful work you two have done for us!!!

Enviornmental scientist here. There is absolutely no concensus on anthropogenic climate change within the scientific community.

Hey! Queen of England here

climate nasa gov/scientific-consensus/

Are you refuting these organisations ?

>instead of experts in their fields?
The experts have been trying to convince the Fox News crowd for decades.
Pay attention.

Is this the new childlike empress meme? I see stale threads with this little mong every day.

Read some papers, you mong. 97% and 3% should be fairly familiar numbers if youre educated and familiar with Cook. But you arent educated, are you?

Only reason some people think she is cute is because she looks like an 11 year old with tits.

She is a mong, looks like a mong and speaks like a mong. Enjoy fapping to that sperg.

>The entire SJW culture
How does that relate to science?

Are you seriously arguing that 97% of experts that study this topic are wrong ? and that it isn't the very fucking definitiion of a scientific consensus ?

God damn man, the denial runs deep. I fear for the future generations of America. At least Australia is finally waking the fuck up after the recent devastation.

No, he is saying that the 97%-figure is wrong you mongoloid. Now fuck off back to your cockrating thread.

Bc she is obtuse

So definsive, I love it :)

Because her parents made 7 million since this started.

Because its obtuse

stopped reading

When you can plug your ears and screech "fake news" to nullify any facts you don't like...yeah, truth is kinda dead.

Only a certain subset of the public is doing that. Mostly they can be identified by hats.

You could just drop the fucking agenda