Got a a girlfriend not too long ago. She is sweet and hot, and she seems to be pretty fond of me...

Got a a girlfriend not too long ago. She is sweet and hot, and she seems to be pretty fond of me. At first it seemed to be more casual, but now I know that it is more serious. My problem is as follows: She used to drink, take drugs and party alot when she was younger. Recently the topic of our sexual past came up, and she didnt want to tell me how many she had slept with. At first I was like "Ok its fine", but since then thoughts of resentment and bitterness towards her because of her sexual history have come up more and more, and I really don't want to feel this way towards her. I feel like I cant fully commit to our relationship, as there always are these nagging negative thoughts about her in the back of my head.

I know her past has nothing to do with me, that she is with me now, that I am the one making her happy and that that is all that matters. Whats in the past is in the past and has no relevance.
I know that this is my insecurity and my problem, not hers! I mean what is she supposed to do about it?

Rationally I know all this, but my mongoloid brain still cant get over it. I have googled a bunch, talked with friends about it, and after new years Im now going to a Therapist. Still, has any of you been in the same situation? Someone who maybe has some insight I haven't heard before?

>Inb4 beta cuck, shes better of without you, kys, shes a whore dump her, etc. etc.
Maybe, but I really like her and she really likes me, and I am willing to change. I feel (and hope) that this is something that I am capable of getting over. I just don't know how.

Willing to elaborate on the situation, but think this should hold for now

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Been there done that, it sucks. Problem 100% lies with you and has everything to do with how massively insecure you are. Either grow and change that through therapy and self improvement, or get a new virgin gf.

>virgin gf.
She'd have to be like 12 or from outside of the West. Western women are racking up double digit body counts before they leave high school.

My wife's been with 17 men including me, which sounds like a lot at first, but 3 or 4 a year isn't bad if you think about it. I'm not the biggest she's ever been with, and I'm not the smallest either, but she loves me and I keep her happy.

I agree with this user. Whether or not she tells you her past doesn't change that you're an insecure fuckboy.

>the cope
Enjoy the incoming divorce rape you pathetic beta

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What a whore

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Lol yes people do have sex. Stop being so insecure.

>but 3 or 4 a year isn't bad if you think about it
Kill yourself you pathetic excuse for a man.

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This seems like a genuine thread, so I'll give a genuine response.

If you like this girl. You like her for the entire package. You don't get to pick and choose what makes a person. What makes you like a person either romantically or other, is their entire life experiences. My wife was no angel when we met and neither was I. I am confident enough in our relationship to know that regardless of our pasts, that they are lessons learned and we are better off for it.

But, if you're lucky, maybe she picked up some health head tips that she can use on you. You might just enjoy it. As the resident OldFag, I would rather a woman that knows what TF she's doing than some virgin that just lays there and doesn't do anything.

You've got 2 options:

1) accept you've fallen for a slut and that this bitch has likely ridden as much cock and drank as much spunk as a pornstar (and not in a good 'my gf is like a pornstar' way, in a skanky, std riddled way)


2) get a gf who isn't a whore

Not OP
Thank you user for the genuine response

Can you triforce?

I feel like feminism has fucked men into think there is something wrong with you for feeling like this

Fuck that shit it’s totally normal. If I was with a girl who had a massive body count it would make me question her decision making ability and her level of self respect/control. If she’s a lil slut deep down then how am I to know I won’t come home one day to you fuckin joe from work in my bed?

I’m veering off subject but this is how I see it; if you actually care for her and think you guys can make it work despite her past then sick, handle your business and do your best to keep it out of mind. Just do some self improvement shit to build up your self esteem and it’ll bother you less I promise

I had a girl a year ago she was sweet showed a lot of interest to me but then i asked how many partner she had and it was 11.

I instantly dropped her i am really picky and i don't like putting my junk into someone elses trash

I never did get the hang of that. I always got the derpy one where two of the triangles lined up on one side.

I've been here since the Funnyjunk war of the mid-2000's.

I have nothing new to say but, if you're into this chick like for longevity just go with it. Perhaps over time she'll be more comfortable opening up to you about it when she feels as thought she wouldn't get judged for an honest answer

ITT: cucks. Enjoy not being able to pair bond. Might as well cut the cords now to hopefully not spread your genes.

>Enjoy not being able to pair bond.
Exactly, women can't after they have more than two or three dicks in them.

You're thinking about this the wrong way. You have a girl you like who's sexually experienced. Thats a good thing in my book. I love my wife but I dearly wish she had a slutty streak.

Pseudoscience nonsense.

This is always going to get to you, you either just don’t think about it and hope she’s loyal, which is harder for a woman the more blokes she fucks. Or just end it now on your terms and either find a girl with a lower body count or up yours. I’ve been in the same position, it fucking sucks

Hitting close to home for you? How many miles of dick has gone through yours' before she finally settled for you eh?

I was her second, and its been ten years. Nice try. Like I said, I kind if wish she had more of a slutty streak. You're pathetic.

I know how you feel. When I met my wife she had just gone through a wild phase and fucked half of the men at her work, even ones who were married and had kids. I don't believe in slut-shaming or really give a shit about who anyone decides to fuck, but I always feel like I'm getting a bunch of guys' leftovers. Also, she always acts like she is morally superior, but I never fucked a married woman or my best friends girlfriend.

I've fucked 20 different women in my life, some absolute whores and some virgins. Currently dating a cute blonde who maybe had 1-2 partners before me. The sex is terrible. She can't take more than a quarter of me in her mouth and she's just not that willing to explore or take sexual direction.

Sure, an absolute whore kind of isn't the best person to settle for, but the sex is always incredible.

Find a middle ground?

gay cock*

Fun to see the hivemind's insecurities. Oh god she's slept with more than 2 men, how could I compete?

Pick a partner with the same body count as you, or +/- 1-2. Golden rule, you retards.

What the fuck?

Oh yeah, her being a whore is totally just his mental thing. It basically doesn't even exist, and what consequences exist today are just male insecurity.

Man you have really internalized the propaganda. Do they pay you in pussy for this?

project those insecurities more

My wife was raped when she was 17 (she was a virgin). 2 months after that happened to her, I had sex with her, so between us I’m her first.

..That sweet tight pussy...


It is quite sad, isn't it?

She changed her lifestyle and is now with you. Stop thinking about her past. In fact, if you wanna think about, think of it more as “she used to do all that but now is satisfied with me”. Don't be a cuck and let this put you down

>I would rather a woman that knows what TF she's doing than some virgin that just lays there and doesn't do anything.
>I kind if wish she had more of a slutty streak.
The sex is terrible. She can't take more than a quarter of me in her mouth and she's just not that willing to explore or take sexual direction.
>think of it more as “she used to do all that but now is satisfied with me”.
all of you cucks have whore-madonna complexes

>>chastity culture is the new rebellious thing you should all feel proud of me for bandwagoning.

Virtue signal somewhere else. Nobody cares here.

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Fag, nothing is worse than a girl who doesn't know what they're doing. I said find a middle ground.

>Western women are racking up double digit body counts before they leave high school.
lmao we found the real virgin

You won't be the first person to marry a hooker OP. Doesn't make you any less of a cuck though.

>Problem 100% lies with you and has everything to do with how massively insecure you are.
>standards for women mean you're insecure
Do you just wear the shitty retro glasses or did you dye your hair, too?

sounds like you need a better wife

OP here. Thanks for the few helpful responses. Might as well elaborate as people seem to genuinely have useful shit to say.

The thing is. I am 22 now, had my first time with 17 with what would then become my GF of 3,5 years. I was her first. After we broke up i had a hard time getting over her for a year or so. I haven't really had this casual-tinder like sex life like others might have.

Then I met this girl. Im from a more rural area, she is a big city girl, and in her circle of friends sex seems to be seen as something pretty casual. The way I see it sex for me is something like the most intimate you can get with another person. Its like the ultimate way of appreciation from one person to another. I cannot reconcile with the fact that some people simply see it as an urge, like idk being hungry for instance. "Oh Im horny, hm gotta go stuff those holes amiright. Done? k, bye". Dunno, maybe Im just old-fashioned, or i havn't fucked enough people. But she is a genuinely nice, attentive, pretty and kind person. How could I simply discard that fact, over something stupid like this idiot thought?

Her mother died when she was 16, and from what little she told me, she says that she felt emotionally empty and tried to fill that hole with partying (and am paraphrasing, but from what I can interpret with fucking).

Dunno, I have all these thoughts an its getting on my nerves. I mean everywhere you see incelfucks complaining of not having a GF or not getting laid, here I am with a beautiful girl who is willing to put up with me, and I am incapable of being happy. Instead I fuck it up for myself. Wtf is wrong with me...

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No fucking shit, oof

been there, girlfriend is also 8 years older and not the best education, i knew where i was getting into, also she already had 2 kids (same father though). i did need time but eventually we are happy now together, she is expecting her third child(mine) now

OP, you really remind me of myself with your background and your views on sex. I was in a relationship like yours, from the way you describe it. I got out because I realized that I wasn't doing right by myself and my values by running with a girl like that. I know it's sad and the modern world is hellish. I was you, and I left her. That's the closest I can get to giving advice. Good luck, faggot.

its called retroactive jealousy. look it up

>its called gender archaeology. look it up



Antichrist confirmed

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