Getting fucked up on dxm for new years please give me tips for drinking syrup without throwing up

getting fucked up on dxm for new years please give me tips for drinking syrup without throwing up

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Goes well with pancakes

Don't throw up.

I have lemonade, I have thrown up like every time except the very first since the syrup thickness of it makes me feel sick

Kek I did 1,000mg DXM for NYE 2018-2018.

I couldn’t walk for 2 days


It's not the thickness that causes you to throw up, it's the DXM. The good news is that by the time you do throw up, your body has already absorbed it.

but is there any way to help it go down? that's like the worst part probably

Cold water extract. This only works with delsym. If you start now. by the time tonight rolls around you oughta have just the DXM. Google it. heres a fuckin pic. also try K its better

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wow is it yalls first time. the fuk

Buy the liquid gels and take the whole bottle

I can't believe I wrote that so long ago...
It works though, I use silica gel pouches to dry faster now otherwise it's all the same.
I make $600 a month selling this shit to my friends.

.9mm hollow point to your skull, then drink it.

Any time someone says “I did” cough syrup, I say KYS

What does a DXM "trip" feel like?

dying and falling into hell

What do you tell them it is? Or do they know its dxm?

Junkie scum go to hell


That wasn't you faggot


im white man

ok. white nigger then.

Read the label right fucking now and make sure it doesn't have acetaminophen so that you don't destroy your liver

the syrup taste so bad no matter what you do, its not like real lean the taste doesnt go away with soda

dxm is the only active ingredient

Okay, in that case just mind your dosage so that you don't ring in the new year with serotonin syndrome

1. DO NOT USE NYQUIL. It contains acetaminophen, which in large doses will destroy your liver faster than chugging a bottle of vodka a day.
2. Avoid guaifenesin. It is harmless but will make your stomach feel nasty. Also avoid doxylamine unless you want to sleep instead of trip.
3. Softgels are nice if you don't mind swallowing a bunch of pills. Otherwise Robocough seems to be a good choice in terms of being cheap, no extra ingredients, and concentrated.
4. Split your dose into a few smaller doses with about 45 minutes in between. DXM metabolizes into something that potenitates DXM, so doing this will get you higher on the same quantity.
5. Read up on erowid if you haven't already. There are 4 plateaus and you should pick one that you're going for. For instance plateau 1 is pleasant if you want to be high and listen to music, but when you hit plateau 2 you'll find music less pleasant. Plateau 3 is all about dissociation. You can return to your body at will but it feels more natural to be away from it. Plateau 4 is stronger dissociation.

Take triple Cs instead. Specifically cough, cold and high blood pressure. Still dxm but with less added shif.