It's the last day of the year, the last day of the decade

It's the last day of the year, the last day of the decade...
So, let's start post artworks of anthropomorphic animals and discussing with strangers

What could be more ideal?

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Hello, good evening everyone :3

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hello user
I've gotta leave for work soon

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>What could be more ideal?

having an actual furry lover

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I would settle for a furry robot

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That would be difficult to explain when your friends came over.

>opens closet to hang up coat
>spies robot lying dormant at the bottom of the closet

"Oh, that's just my anthro sex bot. Paid a forture for her."

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That didn't sound too difficult

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I wouldn't keep her in the closet, she'd be serving drinks and tidying up the house
all my friends would be jealous

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I wouldn't mind *this* type of sex bot.

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A little unhappy to work today...
But I'd rather be at work as well

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I'm through with work for the rest of the year

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I had a very nice dream with aboutthat recently...

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What was it like? I’ve been trying to lucid dream a furry girl for weeks now.

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Almost the same as I have with firearms and sextoys :3

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>sexual relationship with firearms

sounds painful and potentially dangerous

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I don't get to take holidays off, worked through christmas as well
hopefully I'll be able to fit in some time off soon

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The dream wasn't about sex

I wandered through the winter landscape , aimlessly almost as in The Long Dark. I was just carrying things for survival and a rifle. I was walking through the frozen forest and the the blizzard began slowly.

A figure appeared in the blowing snow... we almost collided. After first finding that we have no hostile intentions the person led me to his makeshift shelter. It was shed of branches and tarpaulins with fireplace in front of it. She introduced herself, she was a fox a little reserved but kind-hearted. I shared my food with her... she was incredibly happy with a can of condensed milk in her hands. We survived the storm together in her shelter we talked about everything and our fates a bit... I dried my stuff around the fire and help her heal a minor wound. She was just as lost as I was and wandered the icy landscape in an attempt to survive. We agreed that we would travel together...

The hardest part was waking up and finding out I'm alone in bed...

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It's not dangerous you can trust me I'm an instructor (civilian and only occasionally) ;3

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Rule 1 of gun safety: make sure it's unloaded before using gun as a dildo

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Awww, that’s so wholesome and sweet. Better than a sex dream imo

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Fortunately, we are bound to one big car factory so there is a guaranteed downtime over the holidays. But I still had to be at work until the last moment. They transferred a few days of vacation to next year...

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Rule 2. Be sure your dildo is still aimed in a safe direction (through you)

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Do you have this without the "is it porn"-stamp?

It's nice to spend time here :3

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Gotta run to the post office, be back shortly

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I'll hold your place ;3

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I doos not

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This character is really nice

yo could we get some reptiles?

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