Got a good feeling today boys that people will encourage good threads. CRINGE THREAD

Got a good feeling today boys that people will encourage good threads. CRINGE THREAD

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imagine your identity being "sexual pervert and anti a bunch of stuff"

also, I find it amusing how people who have no actual thoughts of their own always end up listing a bunch of things that they're *against* instead of listing what things they're *for*

Haven't seen a good old cringe thread in time

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Holy shit hahahaha

The worst offenders are always the beta fags who think women love them

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Keep it going guys this is good shit

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Furries post shit like that on their walls all the time. It's ridiculous.

Marry middle
Fuck right
Kill left

and surprisingly only furries make that situation look even more gay

>Spaghetti is slowly leaking out of his pockets

How can you be gay and trans? That makes no sense.

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The one girl. Poor thing. Can only imagine the crap she has to put up with from them.

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That guy really hit the label lottery. He's literally every single pathetic subgroup that whines for attention.

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you can be anything you want, if you're making it up

You are describing the typical Sup Forums user.


I identify as a lizard now so fuck you, bigot, for not accepting my bullshit reality as your own.

As if they have the balls to say anything sexual. She has 1 less orbiter than our sun.

sorry to have triggered you Mr. Lizard.
all 'identities' are essentially make believe, all of them.

And I'll be warning my kids about you, freakshow.

Charged with stalking. An heroed.

Get out

The average user in one pic

As Amy is riding her boyfriends cock later...

“So work was ok. I was stuck in traffic because of some shooting. It sucked. Oh yeah, some creeper was bothering me on Facebook about it. Not sure how he got my name. I blocked his ass. Mike, Mick or something. Whatever.”

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lonelyness and virginity are the only things those two assholes look

Idk man. Never underestimate how creepy people like that can be. I'd she's had fair share of awkwardly laughing at unnerving things said to her as they breathed down her neck.

Really? Source? Tbh wouldn't be surprised if true.

I've known a lot of people like that in my life and they are never overtly sexual. I guarantee they treat her like a princess and the only thing creepy about it is how obsessive they are in doing it. These aren't misguided people who think they're chads we're talking about here.

>tfw this really happens

TFW getting bullied into believing in god

Sounds pretty baste to me
>still projecting your own sexuality insecurities on trans people
Now THAT'S cringe

The real life mrs garrison.

Still though you said yourself there's still a creep factor.
Idk man I wouldn't want to be the only girl in that scenario. Even I was treated like a princess.
I agree with you though, you're right. Tbh I'm certain they wouldn't be weird at the risk of losing the only female in their group of friends.

Respectful person who stands up for himself
>'Omg hats are so cringe !!!!1!'
>'hats haha lul'
>'hats top kek they suck'
>has gf
Do you?
Imagine not giving a fuck to that extent and having virgins on 4chins label that as cringe
Can confirm that losing your father is brutal. If this is his way of mourning, who the fuck are u to judge
Literally a trailblazer, and it will happen eventually. They already have hot trannies walking high fashion runways
>'hahaha h omg hats and swords!!!11!!'

Only thing cringe on these threads are the posters

Cringed hard

Why the fuck would your mom want to know that? That's like telling your mom "Mom, I have to tell you something. I love S&M!!!" tf nigga

People that unironically wear a trilby need the crease mashed down with a baseball bat.

*tips fedora*

nice try, buddy.

>Your parents warned you about
I would hope so there is a very good chance this person is a sexual predator.

>I find it amusing how people who have no actual thoughts of their own always end up listing a bunch of things that they're *against* instead of listing what things they're *for*
Always get me they can never be positive about anything. My brother has a friend he knew since high school and everytime I see him post shit on facebook it's just him spewing hate or negativity at everything.

also he couldn't manage to come out while his father still walked the earth LOL

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newfag leave

Nigga prolly woulda died even sooner if he had did that

Fuck you

>'cringed hard'
You're useless

he probably cried when /r/atheist was removed from Reddit’s front page

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me on the left

>citation needed
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Also, why are all of the middle eastern people black? Just because its Africa doesnt mean they were niggers, stop cultural appropriation today.

It's a cringe thread m8, I posted cringe

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it shouldnt wear cross stripes

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let's destroy civilization cause I'm fat.

At least they have friends

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I know right? It's almost as absurd as white people claiming Egyptians were white or that jesus and the biblical jews were white

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>Would cry the moment you called him a he
Yeah.. warned me all right...

Let's not start any of that here fren, I just posted some simple cringe content. Bless you and happy new year

ooma loompas never been the same since the factory shut down

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Oompa Loompa Lives Matter

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Now this is top cringe.

I wonder what will happen if Americans are invaded in the future? Soldiers will come marching in to the US and people will complain about 'muh rights/anxiety/pronouns/mental disorder/etc'. Like, I'd say if certain countries waited long enough they could take over America within a fortnight.

This is just sad.
I wanted to cringe but just got sadder as I read.

dont be a faggot and laugh at him

God bless these threads.

Found the Redditard

I want to hurt this abomination

Never heard anyone claim this, unless you're referring to religious people.
White people =/= religious people.

Same, I really felt terrible for this dude, he is actually so lonely it hurts to watch him.

The three most fuckable boys I have ever seen


Dude you wanna buy another trilby before replying next time? Your cringe energy was still low.

I will forever be depressed over not knowing what shes said next

>White people =/= religious people.
all people are religious you fucking cumbrain retard

Nope. Patently false.
Not even going to entertain that idea.

I’d like to kill the person that showed these freaks neoprene

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not going to entertain the FACT that every single group of people ever have had a religion and that modern science is a religion?


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top waw


Found the sheep
Dont know what a trillby is but im good thanks