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Wiped and found blood from my urethra. Decided I should stop wanking. Have no idea what to do with my time.

New Years is going to be rung in while balls deep in my dogs pussy.

Also, I specifically post about fucking my dog in these threads because it pisses off the kiddos who shouldn’t be here.

So sick of you making this thread. Fucking slit your wrist.

Fucked around with hundreds of peers allthoughtout my child/young adulthood

I fell in love with a teenager and I wanna kill myself

Obviously anal play

I want to get pegged by an attractive older woman

dude I feel your pain. I wanna bang my step-daughter's best friend. But they're only 14. Pretty sure it's not consensual so I gotta wait until she's 18

I’m convinced the dude that starts this thread is the same dude with all the pedo larps

My male cousin had been touching my dick since I was 10 and now we are 25, she insist about touching me. Help!!!!!

My spouse is visiting family over the New Year, and I'm considering going out tonight and seeing what happens.
Our sex life has dropped to virtually nothing, and the opportunity is tempting.

I kinda want to suck a dick, but I'm super picky. I don't know what the dude/dick combination is supposed to look like for me to suck, and I'm sure I'll know it when I see it, but everytime I go to an adult video store I always chicken out and just lock my booth door and just solo rub it out.

wtf is wrong with me?

This is fucked up, man. I’m bad off. I’ve never felt attraction to a child. I’m 10 years older than this dude I fell in love with. I only just today recognized what my feelings were. I’m retarded and need to die.

Today is the last day I try to steal pics

I massacred 27 burgers in one sitting at White Castle back in '93.

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Those are rookie numbers
I did back to back 12 hour shifts with 3 hours of sleep between ending one and starting the next, I raided the Chicago Heights White Castle at 1 in the morning and Solo’d a jalapeño cheese crave case and a sack of 20 chicken rings

If you’re in White Castle territory you should know how to binge eat

and you're still on the shitter..

I really regret not being a cuck when I was dating my ex gf now all In think about is how much fun it would have been to let her go around getting her brains fucked out while I watched

And we're tired of you crying about it in every thread

I started off with a best friend drunkenly curious. I found even your straightest closest friends don’t say no. As soon as any cock topics pop up just jokingly suggest it. Always works.
Nowadays I usually blow older guys or fat guys. Something about the shame gets me off. These days I’m just looking for a regular buddy on the dl who doesn’t even need to reciprocate.

So I was once in an adult video store, and left the door unlocked and this dude came in, and he looked and acted retarded.

He was super polite, and when i decided I couldn't do it anymore, he stopped sucking me off and apologized and left.

But now I've been stuck with this fantasy about finding him again, and like making out with him and sucking him off.

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.

Got fisted at 10 by a hobo

Ama !


Long story short
Was attacked, raped and fisted by a hobo on my way home from school.
Ended up having surgeries for 3 years to correct the damage

Hobo was killed by the cops

Sometimes I bump threads


You fucking sicko

I guess not that exciting of a secret but when the power went out at work and the security cameras went out I sent everyone home except for this one co worker I wanted to fuck. I made a move and at her out on my bosses desk and we fucked on the floor. She’s married I’m not

You a male or a female?

Once let me brothers best friend fuck me and let my brother watch

When I was a contractor in Iraq I started collecting morgue photos of female soldiers killed in action. I started doing it because a female soldier I was banging got killed in a roadside IED attack on a convoy and I wanted pics of her specifically.

F or m?

I sucked a cock once. Drunk with friends, girl said if I sucked her bfs cock she would suck mine. Did it. Honestly not that bad. It was kinda fun and worth it for the blowjob I got.

Male. I fell in love with a 14 year old.

Fuck the long story short shit.. story time!

I am Spartacus

Im planning to kill her next year but I don't know where to put the body

I showered with a 9yo girl earlier today

Im planning to kill her next year either way I'll get her

How.. tf

I bet you wont do it


I told it here a couple of days ago.

walking home from school at 10.
I was walking the regular route under an overpass and a homeless guy jumped out and pulled me into some bushes. this was around 3PM.
He started raping me, at first he just had his hand over my mouth but he eventually he pulled off my underwear and his socks and stuffed it in my mouth and wraped his tshirt around my head.
I dont know how many times he raped me but after multiple times he was freaking out and for some reason thought it was a good idea to fist me.
I passed out almost instantly

The rest i know from the police report.
some guy came walking by with his dog and heard something in the bushes, walked over and saw what he reported to the cops as a homelessman mutilating the corpse of a young girl.
i wasnt dead, but apparently the guys whole forarm was caked in blood.

I arrived at the hospital at 5:48PM
woke up a few hours later, and had to have 3 years of surgeries to fix the damage


No this is wrong with you. Everybody is entitled to have their own fetishes even if it so happens to be making out and blowing retards in a book store.

F here. So sorry to hear that.

You are the Korean girl who cries during sex right?

I grew up in Honduras. My father racked up a debt gambling that we could never hope to pay. We moved from place to place staying with different friends and family avoiding the gangsters my father owes. We were staying at his cousins when they found us. His cousin warned him he saw the men looking for us so my father ran off and wasn’t with us when they found us. They tied up my mom and my sisters but made me take them through the house looking for money or anything of value. We had nothing so they beat and tortured us. They made me watch while they raped my mom and sisters. They filmed it. Then they made me rape my mom and sisters while they filmed it. I tried to refuse but they told me I could either fuck my family or they would cut my balls off. My mom told me it was ok that I had no choice so I did it. I they stayed with us for 12 hours and made us do terrible things to each other. Before they left they made my youngest sister burn my left tesicle with a lighter. They held me down and made her burn me. We were never the same. I began to rape my sisters at night. I’m not really sure why I guess in simplest terms I just wanted sex and I knew I could take it from them. My mom tried to stop me but wasn’t very successful. When I was 17 I came home and found that they were gone. My mom took my sisters and left and I’ve not seen them since. I don’t blame her but I miss them all. I moved to America when I was 19. I’m supervisor at a warehouse now. No one knows about my past.


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Femanon, I read your posts days ago. Are you sure you shouldn’t speak to anyone about it again professionally? The fact that you’re posting about it again suggests that it obviously something that is still a major issue in your life. So major in fact that you’re telling it to horny retards on Sup Forums.

Wish I could be of help...

Fuck if I know, man. I started tutoring my dad’s coworker’s 8th grader and after tutoring we’d play cod and then for a little while he started calling me just to talk and then he starts telling me me shit tons about his life and now I’ve got that heart beating, body feels light shit going on whenever I see the kid. Gtg gonna find some rope for my neck. Kid comes to me for emotional support on all sorts of stuff and hits me up and tells me about his day and shit a lot gaaaah this is fucked up gonna go find some rope.

I bet you look in this thread everyday of the month

Stop promoting a victim mentality.
It's impossible to move on if you fixate.

thanks and no worries now, have had over 10 years of therapy im good

yeah.. weird what people remember

he does not live in this town baby.. well he probably does, super religious people here.

i have been seeing a therapeist weekly since it happened.
reason im posting here is because im super bored.
no need to offer help

I hope they all end up in hell. They’ve destroyed your life and that of your family. Stay strong user.

For what? Nothing important about me just a person with Mentally health issues

Male or female?

Greentext pls

But if it brings you any sort of relief or comfort to share it here, who am I to judge.

Most probably they are dead now but I don’t care to try and find out.

I wanna fuck my girlfriend's brother

>i have been seeing a therapeist weekly since it happened.
>reason im posting here is because im super bored.
>no need to offer help
Well then, I wish you all the best... financially and emotionally

> "no need to offer help"
In that case.. I am very curious what your vagina looks like now.

I walked into walmart to poop today, but the mens room was being cleaned. I really had to go, so I went into the ladies room.
I called out and got no answers so I hurried into a stall.
Before I was done, a girl came in, then another, and I ended up sitting there for about 10 minutes after I finished because I didnt want to walk out while a girl was in there.
So after the 10 minutes went by, there was a girl in the stall next to me and she was playing on her phone while she sat there and I started getting horny.
So I started jerking, as quiet as I could. I was in the handicap stall, and the toilet is up against the far wall so she couldnt see my feet, but I could see hers. She was wearing blue laptop converse and her Jean's and pale pink lacy panties were at her ankles. It was a very arousing experience. I may do it again.

Fake and gay. Post burnt ball with timestamp.

Do people really play on their phones or read when they shit? How long does it take to push out a turd? Fuck.

Fuck. I was thinking this might be fap material, but damn. I had to zip my pants back up. Sorry about that.

What a pathetic example of the species you are.

If I had to guess, she was just passing time. She sat there for a while.

My nieces are all really cute, would love to fuck them, one in particular

I disagree. I'm married, I have kids, a good job, i contribute to my local community. I've never done any weird fucked up shit to anyone. I just masturbate a lot. Never in public before.
You think you are better than me because of this?

have you ever checked him out physically? or peeped on him in the bathroom? whats he look like?

When I was 14 I got into an argument with my boyfriend. Im Pakistani and he called me an Arab slut so I slammed my knee between his legs. He threw up and started crying and I went home. About a week later police show up at my house to interview me telling me his parents want to press charges. I guess when I knee’d him i popped a blood vessel (not his actual testicle) and it bled internally and he didn’t tell anyone about it for a few days and got infected or died or something and they were going to have to remove one of his testicles. So I told the cops he tired to force himself on me and that’s why I did it and that I wanted to file charges against him. The cops side with me and he got charged with attempted sexual assault and got probation for 3 years and sex registry for 8 years. I get that I was in the wrong but they didn’t have to call the cops. His parent could have talked to my parents and we could have worked it out without law enforcement I mean I was only 14 and I didn’t purposefully try to permanently injure him and he did deserve to be knee’d but he didn’t deserve everything else.

thanks for your well wishes, financially im pretty well off and emotionally i think im good.

Just google petite 22year old korean pussy and picture a faint scar running from the pussy to the anus.

have some scartissue on the inside too but thats not visable.

Did you really think a 10 year old could be fisted without a lot a damage?

A few years ago I jerked off in the women's bathroom here at work. I was going to leave my semen in the toilet but then five minutes later I freaked out and flushed it down so no one would try to take my DNA test to find me

Just kill yourself

Shut Up Coomer

I jack off in portable toilets in public parks, standing on the toilet area so I can peek through the slats/holes at the top at women nearby.

>checked him out physically
Kid’s never wearing a shirt when I tutor him and I’ve had to ask him to put on pants several times.
>peeped on him in the bathroom
Jesus Christ, no
>what’s he look like
Very short blond kid

So your a raping piece of shit that moved to my country. Trump has it right.send all you fucking lowlife back to your dhithole country

So you’ve got a record you fucking degenerate scumbag

Coomer is even more sad an insult than boomer. You "coomer" spewing virgins are disappointing.

> petite 22yo Korean pussy
For the love of whatever you believe in.. please. I have a mad fetish for previously abused girls. Don't know why.

> the big CoomBoomer has spoken
I ain't the one jerking off in a Wal-Mart women's bathroom to a girl's sneakers.

Fuck u pedo

i will never ever! post any nudes..

having said that just go to r/AsiansGoneWild on reddit and you will see hundreds of girls with my body, im pretty damn flat, and a soul patch.

Faggots natural prey is young boys.
Look up the statistics if you want proof.
Better get on that rope option before you ruin a childs life.

Don’t worry, I’m telling myself that on a daily basis

My friend that we’ve known since 4 years old kept teasing me that he lost his virginity when he was 17 years old but absolutely harshly refused to tell me whom he lost it with. All of his other friends who I absolutely fucking despise because they are brain dead morons and have constantly teased me and are very rude and disrespectful and that left me with a bitter and resentful mark. So flash forward in our 30s and this one time when he forgot to log out of his Snapchat account on my phone when we hung out I did some immoral thing out of curiosity. I looked through his Snapchat DMs that he had with his other friends and eventually found out. Judge me Sup Forums and tell me what you think of this.

How old r u bruh. You can’t be hanging around with a kid half ur age

The attraction isn't the body, it's whom the body belongs to. Generic pics are everywhere, but yours has a backstory I'm interested in. Same reason collectables with matching numbers or history are vastly more sought after.
You're my rare desire young Miss.

I want to fuck her now, too

Your mother..
..not a joke.

Thank you for seconding my position.
If you've ever had an abused girl in your bed, then you know how unique it is too.

23 and I don’t hang out with the kid. This started out as a tutoring job and his mom told him to give me his number in case he needed help with homework and I was out of town or something.

What about the mother?

do his parents know about you being a close friend to him?

Really? Statistics of what? Child sex abuse? Over 80% of victims are female. Perpetrators are heterosexual male almost 99.9% of the time

Ok.. and the point of telling us this on Sup Forums is?

honestly kinda refreshing to hear as (presumably) white boy lusting after me for a reason other then im a petite asian who cries during sex..

granted its really fucked up you want me because a hobo ripped a hole between my asshole and my pussy.

that goes for you two

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