Building a new deck for casual play. My main focus is obelisk, ra, ra immortal phoenix, and ra sphere mode...

Building a new deck for casual play. My main focus is obelisk, ra, ra immortal phoenix, and ra sphere mode. What are some good support cards to run in the deck? Ive thought about the true name, but seems too hard to successfully use.

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>Using 2 god cards
Kys you are not yugi

Wouldn’t use more than one god card dude
Might wanna stick to one or the either
I recommend Ra

But obelisk is better then ra. Not counting immortal phoenix or sphere mode.

I should have specified
I just think Ra is cooler off of personal preference.
If you like obelisk cause he’s a better card than that’s ok too

What does pot of greed do?

Dark magician girl x15

Would focus on ra. Even for casual play tho, after buying 3 sphere modes, immortal pheonix etc...I dont really know if the archetype is there. Nice to see a yugi post tho.

Use slifer with infinite cards and stop being a pussy

Im glad they have ra's disciple, makes summoning far easier. Also gonna run cards like monarch stormfourth, probably 2 copies of brain control, and stuff to flood the field like scapeghost and scapegoat.

Make you high

Yugi boi~

3x Phantom Of Chaos > 3x Sphere Mode > 3x Winged Dragon Of Ra > 2x Immortal Phoenix

3x Jinzo - Jector > 3x Jinzo

Jinzo jector? Odd choice. My friend doesn't really run traps often.

Reinforcement Of The Army > Armageddon Knight OR Dark Grepher > GRAVE: Destiny Hero Malicious
Jinzo + Malicious > Beatrice Lady Of The Eternal > GRAVE: Sphere Mode

Hieratic Dragon of Su + Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit + Hieratic Dragon of Nebthet + Hieratic Dragon Of Eset + 2x Blue Eyes + 2x Labradorite Dragon

> Ultimaya Tzolkin/Hieratic Dragon of Atum

Hieratic Seal Of Banishment + Hieratic Seal Of Reflection (Hieratic traps)

>seems too hard to successfully use.
Someone clearly doesn't believe in the heart of the cards

That seems overly complicated

Just build burning abyss and wait for april

Lol, why april?

Could maybe make a pendulum oriented deck in order to have an easier time summoning Obelisk. Also stick to one god card is smarter.


lmao, using god cards. And 2 in the same deck lmfao

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Nothing wrong with god cards for casual play. My friends don't even use extra decks