Daily reminder: conservatives think this whale is an alpha male

daily reminder: conservatives think this whale is an alpha male

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Pathetic and disgusting.

Cite your sources

Don't body shame him! He only looks that bad because of the bulletproof body suit.

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samefag, calling it

More alpha than you'll ever be in ten lifetimes!

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And....fundamentalist Christians tell us Trump is their Savior - the man who never goes to church, recognizes no God other than himself, has told 15k verifiable lies in public since becoming POTUS, is a racist and bigot, and is a life-long criminal (since becoming POTUS, Trump has been court-ordered to pay two multi-million fines for fraud).

Tell us Christians...what do you believe in?

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Trump is a cuck

faggot, calling it


post boipucci

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Nothing says "cuck" like using your vote to change your democratic government to fascism.

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kek, modern conservatives succinctly summed up

He makes more money than you, has fucked more hoes than you, is more valued than you. Oof


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I'm right leaning but Trump has been very disappointing
The only good thing about him is the court picks

spoken like a true right wing cuck

why try harder

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>court picks
"Not Qualified" says the ABA of most.

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I guarantee you I've fucked more hookers than Trump, and have—on the whole—paid less for their services.

he's more of an alpha than you are. He's the leader of the most powerful nation in the world and you're posting on Sup Forums

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he has woman hips.
illuminati ftm tranny.

>the most powerful nation in the world
muriKKKans are soooo benighted

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"he's more of an alpha than you are."

Imagine writing something like this as an adult

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he is the President of USA, meanwhile you're not

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My sides!

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Not quite

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hes a billionaire, fucked some of the hottest chicks in the world and became the president of the USA is his spare time.... not alpha? Lol. please describe yourself.

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Here's why I don't like him very much, from a right wing perspective
>sucks Israel dick
>sucks Saudi dick
>banned bump stocks
>shifted the Overton window way to the left
>lost control of the House
>wastes time tweeting and golfing
>hinted at supporting red flag laws
>gave the Dems the tobacco legislation they wanted
>illegal immigration has not stopped and he's arguably making it worse long run by handling the situation autistically
>still hasn't pulled out of the middle East

Losing a billion dollars doesn't make anyone a billionaire.

Attached: trump lusa.jpg (1242x1213, 382K)

Nobody thinks Trump is alpha son. Everybody knows he's a boy in his dad's suit. Doesn't matter. Still a great president.
-Best economy in 20 years, record jobs.
-Massive Tarif profits from China, huge trade deals in both agriculture and manufacturing.
- maintaining the constitution in the face of the deep state trying to abolish freedoms and bring tyranny.
-oh, and outperforming dem candidates in the polls by an order of magnitude
Cope and seethe, demfag shill

who doesnt see a billionaire as wealthy lol? are you bill gates? i have never heard anyone call trump strong, maybe strong willed. and yeah dudes smart. dumb people usually think they are the smarter than everyone else, been seeing alot of that from the left in the past few lol.

-Best economy in 20 years, record jobs.

Have you ever heard the phrase "correlation does not imply causation"?

Google it.

You tell 'em, Shlomo!
Donny Dickhead is a mensch! Best mensch!

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Well he is your boss so yeah.

>maintaining the Constitution
No way. He has violated the 2nd and 10th amendments already. And he would probably violate the 2nd some more if there are 2 or 3 more mass shootings.

>dummy thicc

"maintaining the constitution in the face of the deep state"

Jesus fucking christ, Americans actually believe this shit.

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haha, he had false rape claims made against him


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Just more bulltrump there. KYS

People should really be frightened by this nonsense in particular. Half of the US is employed at minimum wage. The economy is filled with hot air and the value of the dollar is about to plummet because it's only propped up by warfare and oil.

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Oh yes, you tell those Gentiles goy.

When he was a high school student in Indonesia. That's how Indonesians dress.

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so he was broke lol? he has never been hurting for cash. if you can lose a $B and still be rich as fuck id count that as wealthy lol.

Anyone with any sense understands that this isn't going to end well for the American economy.

But of course the dumb cunts on the right are going to blame the "libtards" for this as well. As usual it relieves them of the burden of actually having to use their brains for a change.

it amazes me that repubs support a man who wears adult diapers

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dude, so do they.

Conservatives think that is a big-government statist.

I can't stop me legs from shaking and screaming "YES DADDY! YES DADDY!"

Real conservatives, yes.

I actually had an interesting conversation about that with a minister at a holy-roller church in town here. He was active for Trump, which made no sense to me, given the points you mention. And he was all-in for Trump early in the primaries, when there were still legitimate movement conservative, religious-right candidates in the race.

His explanation was, "Trump is NOT one of us, but I think he will stand up for us, and I don't think anybody else in Washington or in this race has been or will."

Look forward to talking to him again as this coming election heats up, wondering if he still feels that way.

That's a damn fin photo 'right' there. Mmhmm.

I don;t think you know what "fascism" means.

Protip: It does not mean just any politician or political movement that you don't like.

The world turned upside-down.

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Ted Cruz would have unironically been a better president from a conservative standpoint

Yeah, in this case, Trump is a fascist though

Point proven. Imagine being this fucking dumb

You may not like it, but thats what peak performance looks like.

It doesnt get any more alpha than leader of the free world, and commander in chief of the most powerful military to ever exists.

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I agree.

ABA is a judicially left organization dominated by attorneys that despise judges who rule according to what the law actually says as opposed to what they wish it said. So yeah, they are not going to like Trump's picks.

Real conservatives like to think they have a spine.

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look up the definition of fascism you fucking retard

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he 6'1 and rich

What country are you from, friendo?

Back to ESL class with you, Raizel.

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He will never say because he know his country is irrelevant

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>political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual

Yep that's Trump


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Muh religion

lol where did you get that definition?


Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy[3] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[4] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries.[4] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5][6]

Attached: trump laughing.jpg (696x413, 26K)

So by that definition Obama was a fascist as well. He put one race above others. neat.

Yeah, that's the ones I mean. And a lot of them voted for Trump last time, given the alternative. And they will support him in the face of a Bernie, Princess shitting Bull, or that ilk.

But they do not think he is a conservative.

ya totally Trump

Monopoly Socialism Thread Here:
Daily Reminder, we got a lgbt flag piece, and a trump tower piece.
A game piece for everyone! Come play

Cognitive blindspots and gerrymandering information to suit your narrative....

I suppose Trump making trade deals with China has no correlation to the record profits we are seeing from agricultural exports either?

Fucking idiot

I like how you posted the wikipedia definition, as if that gives you some credibility.

suk my dik u fkn fgts we use to have real HNIC in cherge now we got fgt white cuk

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I don't see where any of that definition is different than Trump? He believes in authoritarian ultranationalism. And wants to be a dictator

I love these rage you lose threads that are full of raging liberals who have already lost and Trump supporters who get triggered and lose all over bad trolling attempts and idiots who Blaine this bullshit posted in this thread and actually live it like it is the truth and the world will end tomorrow if orange man is not stopped.

Yeah. And given how much movement conservative shad insisted on ideological purity in past primaries, I was surprised so many jumped to Trump so early.

But I think what the Rev had to say makes sense, from his point of view. They'd tried backing insider conservatives, or just conservatives who understood how the game is traditionally played, and had gotenlittle for it. Supporitng a bull in the china shop who might stand with them seemed a worthwhile gamble.

Starting to ramp up the political shit here, will see him some time in January -- very curious as to whether he feels his gamble paid off, or if he feels let down by Trump.

Is that how you feel?
Even though anyone the left puts up will be worse, I still don't want to support Trump. I'll probably vote for a lolbert or constitubert instead.

That may even be true -- but when you post it using OccupyDemocrats as your source, it is not compelling.

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I personally find him to lack principle. The far right likes him because he's brash, but what's so great about him from a true conservative perspective?

>Literally fucked a porn star while married to a super model
Leftist virgins are unironically jealous.

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I like how you posted a definition which was incorrect.

"I suppose Trump making trade deals with China has no correlation to the record profits we are seeing from agricultural exports either?"

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post a more credible definition then

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If Trump was a fascist dictator all you soyboy faggots would be in a fucking gulag.

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Shoulda been Jeb!