A thread for who is spending their time alone on new year's eve. Get in lads. Share your world view or anything

A thread for who is spending their time alone on new year's eve. Get in lads. Share your world view or anything.

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might kill mself tonight. birth is a curse. id rather not go through another year of pain


naw, share fun memes faggots

i might go to work instead of sitting and drinking alone. or i might just go to sleep. not really in the mood to do anything today.

I like trains

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I'm waiting for my future wife to get off the real kangz n shi

idiot going to hell is infinitely more painful, don't be a pathetic suicide fag

Anyone got any tips for staying awake? I don't have access to anything ridiculous like meth and I only have a TV licence.

I fell sorry for you and then i stop thinking about you.

Do you know why god abandoned Jesus on the cross?
Not only did the world believe he was the son of a whore, he believed it himself!!!

He wasn't the Messiah idiots

Pyccкиe ecть? Зaeбaл фeйepвepк нa yлицe хyяpить цeлый чac. Mнe и тaк хyeвa нa дyшe чтo oдин в дoмe cижy. Teпepь eщё и плaкaть хoчeтcя oт cвoeй бecпoмoщнocти

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not in the mood for party. society dictates I should get drunk tonight with other people, but society is awful and can go fuck itself. invited like minded friend over to watch anime, but he rather spends his new year eves alone playing vidya. can't blame him.

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>Do you know why god abandoned Jesus on the cross?
He did not.
>Not only did the world believe he was the son of a whore, he believed it himself!!!
Bull shit, that only what the Jew tell them self too calm their screaming consciens'.
>He wasn't the Messiah idiots
He was and is and will return in glory.

He's a fake prophet and so is donkey fucker Muhammad. Donkey fucking is for the survival in the cold desert and the one of the purest waters.
If a camel spits in your mouth it is a blessing

It's about eating and drinking you spoiled westerners!!!

>He's a fake prophet
He is the true and living God, sitting at the right side of the father. Born of the virgin Marry. He will return in glory and judge the living and the dead.
I'm out.

I know Jesus is God cause it says so in this book I've barely read. The book is always right though cause it says so right in the book.

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Mary was the whore that they didn't want to stone!
It was Jesus who supressed history with wine!


Have fun in the Wood of the Suicides

Proverbs 26:11 King James Version (KJV)
11 As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.