Im going to kill myself Sup Forums

Im going to kill myself Sup Forums.
Her asshole isnt the same after her surgery and I dont want to continue to live with such agony

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Good. Do it outside to spare the poor fuck that would have to clean up your pathetic faggot body if you did it inside. Have some respect.

What surgery? Asshole surgery?

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she got tranny titties

Bruh. Why you sad about that. She must have not liked her tits that much. After all, she's the one that has to carry them shits on her chest every day. She was unhappy about them and changed them to what she wanted. Good for her. She's probably more confident and feels better about herself


Good, absolutely nobody gives a shit that a girl who might as well be fictional to you got a surgery. End your pathetic life and stop talking about it already

show before and after assole so we know wtf youer talkin about?

All orbiters need to kill themselves. Think how much better the world would be.


I wanna laugh at those stupid tiddies. post implants

You sound like a faggot

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oh god she got those light bulb gravity defying implants, the worst kind

bolt on tits if i ever saw em

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underwhelming. They look fine. An upstanding member of the thot collective.

Fake tits never improved anything that wasn't already destroyed.

Name/sauce of this slut?


She's gotta squeeze em together because one has it's eye on you and the other has it's eye on the street.

please just fucking die already faggot.

Youre a faggot