Cheap whiskey Sup Forums stream

Cheap whiskey Sup Forums stream

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lose weight.

mix it with cream and sugar=Baileys
pretend your a lady

you friend look like the tall scooby doo friend w/e his name was

Happy New Year fellas enjoy that cheap whiskey

kill yourself you fucking zilch

before you know it You are going to end up 48 y/o, a!one, and sleeping on a futon on your mother's sun porch. Am a your fingers and blink,.. it will seem that quick. It's later than you think

*Snap your fingers


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At least you wankers drink whiskey. Even better if it was whisky.

that is one sad looking room

how even

pic related its OP and his boyfriend

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OP after bleeding on himself, sweating at least a gallon of water, and still cuddling his girlfriend without showering

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youre joking right?

just filled 3/4 a solo cup up with jim beam.didnt even measure it,im bout to get fucked up


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sober up for a second and take a look at your surroundings and your life

who the hell is sober on new years eve?

i dont understand your jadedness

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you didnt get that puffy ass face from drinking one night
youre a straight up alcoholic
your body, your room, and your life all reflect this reality.

At least op aint alone like a loser on new years eve. Which is probably more than can be said for most you other fags.

fat fuck

costco hotdog

try is bumpin

hips and nips

OP's girlfriend/OP's friend standing around while chat yells at them to get water for OP last night

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imagine being so lonely you go online to white knight for a fat drunkard loser

the amount you drink is very concerning

Play MHW

OP and friends

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Its like im watching cirrhosis and liver cancer develop in real time

your black

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OP here, fuck off. dont come to my twitch.

Imagine being such a loser you have a opinion of some asshole on the net you dont even know.

So this is what generations of inbreeding looks like?

OP's bum

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two manatees kissing

youre a disappointment to your race

why cant you grow facial hair?

and your black

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because T levels are low

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Don't forget to ask me anything

probably from being a fat piece of shit

if you're not blowing your brains out I'm not coming

checked fag


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quads of truth
OP go neck yourself

2/10 picture


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bump mf''rs

u and brother havent kissed yet