What's Sup Forums listening to?

What's Sup Forums listening to?

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Didn't click the link but if pic is related: good choice.

Oh man, I haven't listened to this in forever. Good stuff. I used to be all about Edguy and Avantasia.

I wonder what they're doing these days.

Thank you user, Yes pic is related

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Starting New Year with


Never heard of Edguy Just looked them up it's good thank you user.

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Synth is okay Used to be into it a lot years back it's a good song though I'll listen to it fully thank you user

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Based synthbro. Usually, fags appear and start shitting on music, so I guess this is new to me.


Synth is great, but I slightly prefer chillwave, oDDling is probably my fav at the moment. If you anons have any suggestion, I'll gladly listen to it.


Not SynthWave or nothin bro but if what you're looking for is something sad then this is it
SynthWave always came across sad to me not saying it was bad I enjoyed it. I just felt that it was Sad music for it's tone. It was underlying those sad emotions but it's there.

According to your taste, you must be
ugly and fat.

I'm ugly but not fat not yet anyways probably soon to be sadly.

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I’ve always wondered why ugly white kids (I'm white too btw) bond together and develop a taste for metal music or that type of music quest/dungeon and dragon '' ... it's so predictable. Don't you feel tired of being predetermined by your appearance ? Change, dude.... you can at least make yourself be something particular.

I'm just a loner man I've got no one to be particular to ya know I do really enjoy that music the Ballads. Never been one for changing anyways but I know what you mean some men are just destined to be bottom feeders i'm one of them i guess


Will look into this later, thanks.

I really need to go to sleep, it's 4am here. Happy New Year, everyone!


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Cool Goodnight and Good year to you too!

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sound chimera, i love songs with high bpm

I'm not saying that at all.
Look at this picture... closely.
Aren't you able to recognize that they were brought up to this community only because they were predetermined by their appearance ?

If you can't afford to develop some different music taste, can you change drastically your will to be something other than a pure an archetype of what you look like? I mean, come on.

Would be nice to say '' hey, I'm an apprentice gymnast or a tennis player '' ... Idk dude. Kick off your roots. I think that's the only thing I'll suggest to any Magic card game players. Fuck Spinoza.

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Not listening to the positive stuff but who cares.

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3 great tracks - thanks