Happy new year anons, I hope this year to be great for everyone

Happy new year anons, I hope this year to be great for everyone.

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i don't. i hope you die. i hope i die. i hope there is a nuclear war and everyone dies. fuck off op.

Literally going to kill myself. Thanks though, hope shit works out for you though, I really do.

Another year of stupid memes sanitized through corporate media, more stupid nerd culture fanboy shit on youtube, more crap movies nerd culture never shuts up about.

Just lots of meaningly shit to waste time until we die....no thank you. Now fuck off, you delusional fuck.

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>meaninglessly useless shit to waste time until we die

You should get off the internet then.

I hope for small girl with fiirm tits

agree with absolutely everything you say. i hope your death in the coming apocalypse is quick and painless.

Who wants to place bets on the first shooting of the decade? I say within the first 3 days

And do what? My fuck days are over.

Happy New Year anonymous faggot!

Get a hobby or something. Stop bitching about your problems on Sup Forums.

I wanna talk to someone from the future. Anyone here in 2020 already?

worst thread of 2019 right here. kys operator.

That was NOT bitching, but an actual question which you responded to. However if I want to bitch, I will.
Life, entertainment fanboy nerd culture is shit, and not seeing how bad it is makes you apart of that stupid shit to waste time until we die, so fuck you.

This is the year I say fuck it and act out on my pedophilic desires.

you say what i think everyday dude, you tell this faggot!

based and redpilled

stream it faggot

fuck you op. thanks, but youre still a faggot.

if he's a faggot then do not thank him.

Fuck you homophobe and transphobe

happy new years, you faggots.

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merry everyone

shut up faggot. i will thank whoever i see fit to thank.

happy new year user
hopefully this is the decade where we finally vote to deport the jew. who's with me?

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so hostile. you have my permission to die.

I hope your 2020s will be prosperous and full of wonder.
Happy new year, and I love you, random user reading this out there

we should deport retards, like yourself, while we're at it.

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welcome to the rolling twenties

We made it to another year without nuking ourselves. Congrats!

i dont need your permission, cunt. please revoke your statement so when i kill myself i can at least die knowing i didnt follow an order from a retard.

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you fags still in 2019?
I'm from the future, and let me tell you.
yang won.
collect you're neetbux nao.

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happy new year tho.

thank you, this guy gets it

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2020 now time to do a heist

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East coast too?
Happy new year...

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Die edgy faggot cracker

can't do that. I'll be accused of being a pussy if i back down now. as a man my reputation is all i have in this world.

you also have your unused 1.5 inch cock.

I have the strangest feeling that 2020 won't be a good year. It might be because of the fact that someone was tasked with picking a theme, and decided on the roaring 20s. As in, the 1920s.

Yes, christen the new decade with the shadow of economic catastrophe, plagued with careless spending and lines upon lines of factory workers. What a bright future. I too look forwards to the motor vehicle!

What a goddamn awful idea. Who the fuck.

i can pull it out to 2 inches. it is my shame.

Stream it

> christen

happy new year, user. may your bloodline die with you.

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Hear ya. But, things can be changed. Focus on the “string pullers”. Actually, block everything and everyone out and focus on you.

Kek no doubt, I'm surprised with the frequency no one tried anything in New York a NY minute ago

Prepare for doomie day

happy new year niggers
Heil Hitler.

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it's gonna be the same shit as always.

civil war in 2020. i will be out killing trumpsters left and right. can't wait.

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Have lots of babies

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But much worse


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This is the year of Alex Jones

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he was just ordered to pay $100,000 to cover attorney fees to the plaintiffs in one of the many lawsuits against him. there are more lawsuits pending. he will be bankrupt by the end of the year.


Spending my new year alone. how about everyone else?

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that's normal. new year is just another day. only lame normies try to make it something it isn't

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He basically prints money, retard
Confused plebes follow his every move, like Fox News, but for actual retards

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Happy New Year everyone!

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i'll see here dec 31 2020 for your apology.

She's at The Strokes concert and all I wanted was to be with her on new years and see the ball drop together but I couldn't and I've been alone all night. This night has been absolute trash, especially after looking at other peoples stories on snap/insta. I feel so alone and she's the only one I truly have

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this, except I'm looking forward to it. just because there isn't a point, doesn't mean we can't enjoy ourselves in the meantime.
happy new year Sup Forums. hopefully you guys will remember that while being a nagging moralfag is bad, having a conscious and trying to make a better world is pretty okay.
you fags have a good one.

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It's everywhere. Anyone advertising their venue has cashed in on it. Why did anyone think this was a good idea?
>they both have 20 in them
I'm starting this year mad. This is lazy. This gives me the impression that there isn't a goddamn soul out there that's steering the ship. Some of it is beyond corporate. It reminds me that people are still stuck in a 2008 mindset, while literal science fiction magic is being developed in plain sight. The general populace hasn't adapted to the reality. Facial recognition software is being put through its paces and is no longer a gimmick, but it's time to party like it's 1927.


The 1920s had Art Deco going for it, and for what it's worth, that encapsulated the faith in social and technological progress. Why the hell, then, are we just lazily cashing in on what happened 100 years ago? Where's that social and technological progress? So much for burgeoning culture. Way to innovate.


We deserve to be blindsided by another massive cyber ransom. Drones, lasers, augmented reality, goddamned "holographic" projections of dead celebrities being generated by machines that can learn. No, let's go back to the last 100 years, to a decade that culminated in it all going wrong for twice as long.

Edgy McEdgerson strikes again!

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not edge. just pure honesty because i keep it real. i hope you can remove that filter in life that holds you back as i have done my bro

>especially after looking at other peoples stories on snap/insta
don't. people post a fictionalized version of their life. all highlight reels, and never drinking in the bathroom at 2am because shits bad and they're not sure if they can take it any more.
you're not alone, man. don't let those that feel like they have to broadcast make you feel like you're not just here with the rest of us, doing what you can, and suffering sometimes.

the 1920's famously had the anti-advancement luddite protests, breaking the machines of progress that threatened their place as cogs. we're gonna be alright if we can keep the world from burning down too much, man

>My last day of the decade felt like the apocalypse. Been covering the Australian bushfires for the last 6 weeks, but haven’t seen anything like yesterdays fire that decimated the town of Conjola, NSW.

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You're right, and I always tell myself this because it's true. But for some reason it still always makes me sad. I guess because I wish I could be more social in my life and have experiences other people do. Probably doesn't help that I'm not able to spend time with the one person I can truly talk to and laugh with tonight

wtf? did that roo die?

I hate it. So much. I'm calling the inevitable data breach here and now.

My New Years was amazing bought a bunch a fireworks with buy 1 get 2 free fucking amazing

I took my first shit of 2020 woo was it a doozy

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Either it’s early January, or March.
>or they hold off for a long time like august and then the number of shooting is at least 3 a day

Fuck 2020. Fuck everyone. Except Sup Forums. Sup Forums is good. Happy fucking year change Sup Forumsros. And lady's tits or gtfo

Happy new year lads. Hope you get closer to what you're looking for.

striving to learn and become part of the ancient conversation of advancing knowledge is real
being kind and working to help people in a church group is real.
being driven and trying to build the future real.
and yeah, doing nothing and being mad because nothing good happens is real.
sure, treating people poorly so that only others that share your vicious philosophy will deal with you is real
but so is all the good shit. people making art, science, beauty and fucking love are real
it's all real, man. you're just seeing shit because you won't look up from your asshole and see the stars.

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>making art, science, beauty and fucking love are real
>it's all real, man. you're just seeing shit because you won't look up from your asshole and see the stars.
this is ironic because i am a scientist, i am an astrophysicist.

Good. Everybody else wastes their time while I hone my skills and grow stronger

Dude snap/insta is not real life in any way. I've fallen prey to those feelings of depression before. Have a good 2020








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