How tf can a 12 year old look like she could be the baby mama to dudes in their 30s, Sup Forums...

How tf can a 12 year old look like she could be the baby mama to dudes in their 30s, Sup Forums? Since when did 12 year old girls look so mature??

> pic related shes only 12yo

Attached: Goddess059.jpg (1080x1297, 670K)

Other urls found in this thread:

she probably will be a baby momma in a year or two.

Bump, for science

I have seen her profile. Shes 19yo not 12 loser click bait faggot OP

There goes my boner.

> not knowing who this popular singer is in 2020

This is her teaching her 14yo sister how to twerk. They're both latinas

Attached: 20200101_020725.gif (640x610, 1.89M)

Lmfao faggot. She turned 12 years old last year. You obviously don't know shit.

> more pics of her with older guys

Attached: 20191117_202950.jpg (1438x1582, 1.16M)

Something something hot 12 year olds? I wouldn't say I'm interested but..

12 year and 14 year old. Every straight guy is thinking the same user dw.

Attached: Goddess069.gif (368x624, 1.82M)

that filename implies multiple things

Everyone thinks it because it's the age most of us start puberty so it sticks with us. But obviously because of society and shit (atleast in modern countries) it's not accepted. I've always believed it both parties are mature enough and make consensual decisions, why the fuck not if no one is getting hurt. But hey ho

They're brazilian.

Are u the brazil fag from last thread? Do u know if she was actually dating or doing stuff woth this guy?

Attached: 12yoMel.jpg (1439x1752, 1.37M)

Anyone have more of her?

Attached: 66786821_368373250500937_328037981353799490_n~2.jpg (518x1322, 159K)

She fucked him

1 - No.
2 - I don't know. But who knows...

She likes hanging with older guys

Attached: 20191122_165412.jpg (1050x1642, 952K)

How do u even know about her? Do u follow her ?

how many wanks have you had to said 12 year old OP?

OP is a pedo.

Time for spiderman to tear down this thread.

Attached: reagan spidey thread.jpg (400x389, 31K)

Attached: spidey thread 1.jpg (600x501, 40K)

Attached: spidey thread 2.jpg (236x177, 11K)

Attached: spidey telescope thread.jpg (720x480, 46K)

almost had a boner
found out it's not a trap

They don't. They might be baby mama to someone in their 20s, but 30s is ridiculous and you're living in a fantasy.

Spiderman when he meets her in six years

Attached: spiderman-vagina-huge.jpg (620x424, 32K)

She deleted a bunch of pics off insta

How tf are we supposed to know who these beaners are?

fuck your bigotry you ageist