Is there a “no tattoos” fetish yet?

is there a “no tattoos” fetish yet?

I think 90% of tattoos look like shit. It’s a shame that so many girls are ruining what is otherwise a gorgeous physique with these damn tattoos.

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count me in

finally some people that talk sense.

I'm all the way fucking in

And they all get the same shit

that's my fetish

I'm curious as to how you faggots all look?

finally a cause I can get behind. I'm in

That skinny fat physique is far from gorgeous you non lifting faggot

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who gives a fuck how I look as I just find chicks with tattoos disgusting

tattoos make women look masculine and gross. it's cuck men that enabled them by not telling women they look like shit with now we have to settle with most women having shitty ink.

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At this stage, having a tattoo is just a sign of a weak mind that gives in too easy to trends. You can simply buy a tattoo, it carries a social value, it's a token of participation in the modern consumerist world. In conclusion, tattoos have become stupid.

Into it, I like fair skin, but realistically can't expect a partner without them. I go with the alternative crowd and it's not the hill I want to die on. I'll voice my opinion if asked and would never go for a heavily tatted girl but it's their life in the end.

Plus all my myriad of siblings have them so I learned to reserve judgement too much.

I’m with you OP

>stopping at tattoos
>not fetishizing good-girls
>not fetishizing pristine, god-fearing virgin girls(prudish young women) with a good upbringing, morals and class
>not jerking off for months until she learns to trust you, fantasizing about how to corrupt her just enough to make her fun and teach her to have fun
>not becoming her ‘bad boy’ with minimal effort and badness
>not even mentioning taking advantage of her traditional views that women should be subservient

You must go deeper

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checked and based all tattoos are degenerate


My sluttiest, nastiest, most submissive gf used to go to church every sunday. I had a married woman take a piss on her, lol she would do whatever I told her.

Never understood tats on anyone. I refuse to meet jesus looking like a 5 year old's coloring book. Guess I don't give a shit what the general public is in to. Never wanted to express my individuality by doing the same thing as everyone else.

I don't have any tattoos, never wanted any, but my husband wants me to get one.
Kinda torn

Finally, some damn men of culture

Tattoo are cool. Fuck y'all.

your husband is a faggot leave your skin alone if you don't want one

Fair enough, thanks user!

Fuck off and dilate you tranny nigger, posting "y'all" like some fucking niggerfaggot reddit poster drinking your precious soylent and hoping your wife's boyfriend lets you play his Nintendo Switch™, just kys and do the entire world a favor you cuck.

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Don't agree. Tattoos are, mostly, very stupid.

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ok boomer

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Does that coathanger symbolize her multiple abortions?

Hey Sparky, I agree with Boomer here. No tats is the new cool and sexy, IMO.

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Who the fuck knows. She can explain it to her grandkids if and when she gets that old. Tattoos look really good when you become elderly.

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I'm in And it's more like 99.999% of tattoos look fucking horrible. Once a girl has more than 4 tattoos you can be sure she's keeping count of how many times her Dad raped her.

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That's fucking brilliant man.

I just fucking hate people who type "y'all" like that so much, you just know they're cucked soyboys trying to sound like niggers because they want their disgusting tattooed pierced hamplanet "girlfriends" with short dyed hair and problem glasses to give them the time of day so they can have a turn at their nasty cunts after Tyrone's done cucking them.

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>Fat incel neckbeard talking shit about other fat incel neckbeards

U fokn wat m8?

tattoos are pretty subjective, it depends on where it is and what the design is. if its like a little subtle thing it can look good but full sleeves kinda lose me

Tattoo free isn't a fetish, it's just one of the preliminary items on the pre-relationship checklist

>Does she have a good sense of future outcomes being affected by current choices
(Sees tattoo)
Fucking dropped

i hate tattoos, i like to see and feel nice smooth skin in a girl not some crappy inked doodles

Absolutely based, but considering how rampant the tattoo/piercing epidemic is these days, it's no wonder girls without them are such a small minority he calls it a fetish.

Ya'll niggas a bunch of prudes. lol

Read and then kys

because no ones ever used ya'll ironically. Grow up

I don’t think it’s being prude. I think it’s waking up to the fact that tattoos aren’t attractive and for the most park hokey and corny like a bitch getting a ‘you’re lucky’ tatted above her cunt.

If anything, when I see a tatt on a lady, I think to myself - I’m going to rub my penis all over that. I dunno, after a while, it’s time to stop doing something when everyone else is doing it. I know a lawyer who got a giant autobots tatt on his chest. I couldn’t believe it.

I've heard so many girls say "just warning you, I have tattoos". They KNOW tattoos look like shit. It's just a flex to see how much men are willing to put up with.

I wouldn't call it a fetish, but tattoos are so common now (especially in porn) that women without them are more special and sought after than women with them. Put another way, a fair number of guys think women with tattoos are gross, but hardly anybody thinks women are gross because they don't have any tattoos.

Went from shy Jew to degenerate with just a few tats.

or you could not give a fuck. its ink, get over it.

cope harder roastie trash

seethe harder graffiti fag

Dubs of truth ma niggaa

im not the one getting butthurt over pictures.

Most ppl in general have shitty ink.. 2nd rate jack off artists just copying other ppls ideas
Tattoos are social cancer.. the majority of ppl get them to be unique original individual types who proclaim to edgy or enlightened but the fact is most of these ppl are very uninteresting bores that make even trailer trash look average

ITT: roasties seething over their shitty $50 drunk tats

fucking kek


stunning and brave

Would you feel differently if your girl bore your name? Like a brand?

depends on what kinda drill she uses


My absence of tattoos is my memorial of faith to God.

Scars are tattoos with better stories. I've got some better stories than bullshit hearts for "love" and infinity symbols that just look pretty.
My little sister has a little tattoo on her ankle but she also broke my nose when we fought as kids so sometimes a generic decision doesn't make you a bitch.
Before anyone talks about my sister breaking my nose. I nearly killed her for that and she tried to convince me it wasn't broken haha. I throw men around like bags of gain when I fight.
I might get at tattoo with my sister because she saw me clinically dead and even though I can't choose my family if I was Vaas she could easily be Citra. (For those of you familiar with Far Cry 3).

Kill yourself and you'll see your god never existed you worthless bitch.

That's a cute story! I don't think there are hard rules for anything, just generalizations. I hope you get a tattoo with her, what a nice memory you'd have!
I'm only getting tattooed if my little sister dies of her illness before she's 30, and then it's the tattoo I dared her to get

sure shit, Eugene. Sure shit.

Sit down, boy. My name's Gunnery Sergeant Highway and I've drunk more beer and banged more quiff and pissed more blood and stomped more ass that all of you numbnuts put together.

yah they call it "roblox n00b", brcvsase they have the default skin
its a category on pornhub, check it out

Y-you guys do.. like.. realise that tattoos have been around for literally thousands of years? Lmfao

Some primiyive peoples have a long history with tattoos. They are not just personal adornment. They are clan and family markers. Attainment markers.
They have specific and widely-accepted meanings.
Not one looks like they slept on wet newspaper or were gang-tagged by graffiti vandals.