If SWIM has clean cocaine (not pure but the cocaine is the only psychoactive ingredient) what is the dosage equivalence...

If SWIM has clean cocaine (not pure but the cocaine is the only psychoactive ingredient) what is the dosage equivalence between snorting and taking it orally? For example, does eating three lines make you feel like you snorted one? And how long does oral last?

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That’s a big ass bear.

Bear thread?

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Sure is. Scary


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Can we post any type of “bear” we want?

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I don’t see why not. I’m sure op won’t mind.

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for you


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You’ve seen bigger?

Never tried eating the shit. Seems monumentally retarded. Just snort it pussy

Trying to make it last longer instead of just snorting it all up and coming down 20 mins later
The fire rises
No AIDS please

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back to bluelight faggot!

Bioavailability on insufflation is 30% as is oral ingestion, so oral takes a little longer if ingested in a cap but is otherwise exactly the same

was wondering if any old fags would catch this

if you have clean coke it's fish scale. look for a glittery, fish scale looking powder. when you bust it out and chop it up, it should chop up nice and WIDE. never fucking eat that shit. that's plain retarded and a waste of good coke. best way always is to snort it but don't snort it like a pleb. cut it as FINE and i mean FINE as fuck, then gently snort it into your nose where it will sit and eventually drip down your throat. Enjoy! Wish I had some now!

but would it hit the same way in that case? I know snorting 5mg of say adderall is noticeable while eating 5mg may not even be a threshold dose

that's exactly what I have. How do I handle the stuff caught in my nose already?

do you have any orange juice or hot tea with honey? that shit will mucus your nose up good and give you an awesome drip!

Eat the coke boogers you niglodite

Yes I was literally doing caps of cocaine at a festival 2 days ago in brisbane


>20 mins later
How high a tolerance do you have?

kys IV degenerate

so a line in a cap hits how hard compared to a line in the nose? and how long does it last?
Only do uppers like once every three months so I didn't think that high. But I used to do em ALL the fucking time back in the day so definitely have a psychological tolerance.

Right after I do a line I lean back, pull my nose up like a pig's, and inhale again. Catches some shit the first time missed.