First ylyl of 2020 if it aint funny u die

First ylyl of 2020 if it aint funny u die

Attached: zoddaya-20191225-0004.jpg (750x750, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ok fucktard

you think that's funny faggot?

What kind of absolute retard would find that funny?
Holy shit

Sup Forums on the phone


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Only in America. Thank god you at least have a pretty good president.

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What is this? A meme for ants?

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This isn't funny. He burned 6 million Jews and close to 500 billion calories. Would be better if it was about helping Jews burn half a trillion calories Europe wide or some shit.

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But did he tho

Attached: 36885a8ed17fbbf905f2d0bd792af3fb.jpg (630x844, 197K)

just fuck my shit up

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But it's funny tho

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>if it aint funny u die
Oh good

Attached: Screenshot_20191231-010326_Facebook.jpg (712x790, 265K)

oh wow, I didn't know deep frying could get worse

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Have fun getting swampy dick stench blown in your face

Attached: IMG_20191230_105434_535.jpg (720x1036, 38K)

Cant read shit nigger



Why did this get me?

bazinga, try click on the thumbnail snowflake

Attached: adolf_q.jpg (960x646, 145K)

>Phone browsing
>Open full size image in new tab
>Delete 'm' from filename.jpg

You're welcome.

Phoneposters are fucking cancer and should be autobanned the second they click post.

Attached: 1315987620890.jpg (600x800, 100K)

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And there goes the sperg flailing around. Will he tire himself out of will he break something first?

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Fuck. Lost.

Attached: pokee.jpg (1000x5000, 320K)

That shot was out of bounds.shes gonna double dribble for weeks!

Attached: 1570599069745.png (715x833, 1.05M)

And Your mother is a whore. I screwed her for 1,5 kg of onion

Did you know that merkel starred in a movie where the migrants were called the disease?

Attached: merkelmovie_post.png (759x149, 46K)

Did you know that you could post this everywhere every day and it won't change a thing? Did you know people literally CANNOT be woken up in significant numbers? People know Bohemian Grove exists. They know all the wealthiest and most influential people in America gather in secret and wear robes and chant and burn an a big effigy to the Owl God. There is video of it. Nobody cares.

"Go back to sleep, America."



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I kind of noticed the amazing amounts of stupidity/retarded-ness/ignorance/selfishness/degeneracy everywhere, but i can still have a laugh when they cannot understand the sentence said to them/image presented to them.

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Fuck lost hard fsr

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but wolves are a pack animal

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Fuck off and Die Phoneposter

Attached: soldiere_meem.jpg (1000x996, 121K)

that's the meat in a hamburger
>mind actually blown


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Don’t be like that, user

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>first ylyl of 2020
>It's shit
Good to see Sup Forums will stay the same in the new decade

not gonna lie, bambi could jam a finger nail down my peepee slit and i'd still pay her

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except lonely ones who are wise

what the fuck

Holy shit this is real, kek!

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so? hitler was a good painter go figure

what is it throwing up holy shit

Attached: 1541130383834.png (640x1138, 781K)

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story of my life btw

