Australia is burning

Australia is burning

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Yep. God is mad. The apocalypse is near.

non asian girls can't handle my dick

Everyone is entitled to holidays you fucktard that's why there was an acting prime minister in place.

ScoMo isn't a fire fighter.

If you think anyone expects him to fight the fires himself. your the fucking idiot.

But people should expect that the PM doesn't bugger off during the worst bushfire season even.
People should be able to expect even the smallest bit of compassion

People should not feel embarrassed by a PM would thinks that all the people driven out of their homes have any interest in the cricket

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No nation is more deserving. bunch of fucking pathetic cucks.

Why did liberals ruin Australia?

why did tism do this?

It's the timing of the holiday dumbass, he's not expected to be a firefighter but it's literally his job to manage the country and make sure they've got the recources they need to deal with the situation. So far he's been indifferent to what's going on.

Bit hypocritical though when he had a go at someone else for having dinner. Also he's a shitter and isn't doing anything to help

Hold my drink

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It's well known Abbott is a fire fighter doesn't mean everyone in parliament has to be.

What's your profession? Why aren't you out helping?

He was useless at being a pm but this fucker wasn’t scared to get his hands dirty

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I’m in QLD, but I certainly have helped fight fires before.

Timing? I would assume that a pm has to give.plenty of notice to take holidays and it's also the holiday season. He isn't a slave to the nation.

This wimpy cunt was a fucking embarrassment during the Brisbane floods. So was Gilllard.

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He’s not doing anything because he believes god is punishing us

Dropping a dollar in a bucket or sharing a photo of jewbook isn't stopping fires

Dude, I grew up in the bush. We burnt off every spring. I’ve fought tons of fires. Most deliberate, but a few that have got away.

It's possible to put off holidays, especially considering the situation but he's oblivious to what's going around him.