My gf likes to be naked In public, I told her I hate it but she does it coz it makes her feel "liberated"...

my gf likes to be naked In public, I told her I hate it but she does it coz it makes her feel "liberated". I say hey can you not, and she says "if you don't like it leave. What should I so?
pic related

Attached: Screenshot_2020-01-01-20-26-31-74.png (667x750, 725K)

pic of her on the beach

Attached: Screenshot_2020-01-01-20-26-02-64.png (567x562, 522K)


Leave, I guess.



>my gf likes to fuck random niggers, I told her I hate it but she does it coz it makes her feel "liberated". I say hey can you not, and she says "if you don't like it leave. What should I so?
>pic related

the next step

she's a nudist, deal with it or leave

Get naked with her. She looks hot and you probably enjoy her company, life is too short to be a little bitch. Take it from me, I was a little bitch and missed out on great opportunities. Fuck standards do what makes you happy with those you make you happy.

but I feel so insecure and people always look at her

but shouldn't my feelings matter?

Either you're fine with it or you arent. If you aren't shes communicated clearly how she expects you to deal with it. Be a man and make a decision. She's offered you more than most women would.

I'm not fine with it

>Drive to a beach a few hours away
>Wait for girlfriend to get naked
>Complain you don't like it, wait for her to tell you to leave
>Return to car and drive off into the sunset
The fuck is so hard about that?

Your feelings matter to you. Why does she have to change so you feel comfortable?

Then what is the question? Either you change or she does. Nobody owes it to anyone to change for anyone else. Either you're willing to or not. She has clearly told you she won't.

here's a pic of her in a PUBLIC park earlier in the year before she cut her hair

Attached: Screenshot_2020-01-01-20-37-44-33.png (616x615, 625K)

OP is Cuck. Third person took the pic. Probably the nigger who fuck her ass while he is watching and paying for everything.

quit being a fucking pussy. backhand that shit, and let her do what she wants.

Have you ever fingered her in public and have her squirt cum and blood all over your hand?


Crazy. Get her help, or jump ship before she brings home an STD.

Faggot troll thread

more, she's a sexy girl

How old is she?

You should post frontal pics of her


stop being an insecure faggot and let her enjoy it or join in. or she'll leave your ass

Noice edit Sup Forumsro, is her skin naturally pink on the right hand side?

She obviously doesn't care about you and your feelings. Make of that what you will.


Accept her or leave

Fake ass thread.
OP has zero confidence. If the girl you post was your gf you wouldnt feel insecure, you wouldnt give a fuck because you would be chad

Yeah. Youve never fingered your girl until she told you to stop but you didnt and she ejaculated blood ?

either this is fake or youre a panzy. whats the problem with her being nude? are you so insecure that you cant bear the fact that some one might think she looks hot? like if she wanted some one elses cock id get it, but she just wants to be naked who fucking cares


Attached: 234.jpg (400x400, 25K)

I knew knew it!

You can't control other people's behavior.
Either accept her as she is or move on now because it will always cause problems.

Look closely. OP is fake too.

Shes a hoe. Just leave her unappreciative selfish ass

Being a nudist doesn't make her a hoe, dumbass. There is a difference between seeing the goods and eating them.