I miss being happy, why has everything changed...

I miss being happy, why has everything changed? I miss when computer UI elements had a 3D glass look and popped out at you. I miss the days when shovelware on Steam was just a rare occurrence. I miss the day when mainstream franchises were actually good, like Fallout New Vegas or Battlefield 3. I miss the days when I had hope we'd get a Half Life 3. I miss the days when you were actually allowed to be funny and someone wasn't getting offended constantly. I miss the days when comedians and movies were actually funny. I miss the days when our President wasn't a total idiot. I miss the days when mainstream media wasn't constantly criticizing the few things pur retard president does do right, or egg on the bad. I miss the days when you were allowed to have an actual political discussion without name calling or butt hurt faggottry. I miss the days when men could have standards over their preference of women and it wouldn't be sexist. I miss the days when pedophiles and ass licking poly whore couples were considered weird and at the butt end of jokes. Ultimately though what I think I miss the most are the friends I've lost to this mess. I graduated high school around the time it all started, and It just seamed like a cruel awakening.

How do you think it got like this? Are normalfags at fault? banker jews and niggers? Boomers? Or is it us for dropping our expectations so low?

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Boohoo faggot tl;dr

no one is going to read your shitty essay faggot

That's not nice. I'll have you know I always wanted to die. On a serious note tho, OP just fucking take a breather. I recently just finished infantryman training and life sucked ass more than you'd imagine. Life was shitty as fuck. Suck it up.

I miss the days when people posted decent content on Sup Forums. Hardships and turmoil have always existed in the world. It just didn't always directly affect you. You miss being blissfully ignorant of the world around you. Get your shit together. If you don't like something then fight to change it.

You have a point about Sup Forums content and hardship, but how the fuck do you actually change anything? We've been telling SJWs to fuck them selves for the last 5 years and they just keep coming back.

it's because you're aging. how isn't that the most obvious thing on earth

I’m glad people are finally realizing what a shit-show our political system is. I find it very entertaining when dumbass normies get upset for such petty reasons. I love that I can make people even more angry this year by calling them a buck-toothed nigger tranny than I could last year.

You seem like a beta zoomer soyboy who takes everything way too seriously. To me, you hardly sound any different from the SJW’s complaining about a rape culture that im unironically in full support of.

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too long didn't read. stop thinking, that's my only advice.

SJW's are annoying, but at least they are pursuing a course of action for what they believe is right. There are a lot of way to make a change. You can start a campaign with like minded individuals. You can start a business. You can invent something that can revolutionize the world. You can change the world in a tangible way or in a more abstract and conceptual way. I'm not worried about SJW's. Truly idiotic concepts deserve ridicule while brilliant ideas deserve praise.

to be able to "think about nothing" is a blessing I do not possess, fuck you,

You've lost sight of what is good in the world due to constant exposure to change and negativity.

Dig around and find those old good things and discover new good things, user. There's reasons to keep going, even if things are getting worse and worse, and the world isn't completely filled with the new bad shit.

The biggest lie about the blackpill is that you only have to take it once; it's a prescription. Stop renewing it and start taking whitepills. You can reach that Bloomer mentality.

If that's the case would you be willing to make a business venture with me? No idea what we'll sell but at least it will be interesting.
You think so, I have been looking more into indie games and Linux.

I watched it change as an adult, and it's all from propaganda and conspiracy theory bullshit.
The internet has been weaponized by nazi larping idiots and SJWs against normal everyday people who are vulnerable to believing whatever.
It ruined everything. The cheeky humor of this place has been replaced by edgy teenagers forever sharpening other edgy teenagers as they share their political/race fantasies.

You're not a doomer, they are.
You just yearn for a time before kids started struggling with other faceless kids to be right at any cost.

Welcome in the reality

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i'm on half a gallon of liquor a day and i still think of albino black sheep

Buck up, pussy

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You think FilthyFrankTV2 aka White Frank will return in 2020?

I get triggered by all the paid political spammers on Sup Forums that started with weird anti Obama / Hillary shit a few years back and support for / pseudo attacks against Trump ... there are no more fun threads ever since Sup Forums changed dramatically

Daily 150 postings / 50 pictures / 5 posters threads...

it's the jews user, kill them all
but mostly it's just you being a faggot

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ok boomer

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>We've been telling SJWs to fuck them selves for the last 5 years and they just keep coming back.
as jokes yes
by this point only zombies still enable SJeWs

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as if greta doesn't deserve it. funny how people seeth over such a small thing, person of the year isn't that big of a deal. she promotes green energy and a cleaner world, are you really that retarded that you root against preserving the environment? I thought so.

worse: he's getting drier in his heart
you used to love life and others, user
you used to have faith, trust and courage
guess what you are the master of your heart
you choose to open up of shut down
i advise to take a trip in the third world where they cant afford hiding in one's shell

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what a fucking badass can I suck your dick ?

the amount of retardation a minute you guys spew is fucking insane

Has anyone else grown up on console on to ditch them for PC with the introduction of the PS4 and XBone?

>to be able to "think about nothing" is a blessing I do not possess, fuck you,
then you're not human
more likely you're just an addict
it's a basic exercise of spiritual/magical training user
check franz bardon's "initiation into hermetics"

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>t. npc

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as for "clean, green" energy it doesnt exist
even that is a scam
but the biggest most blatant scam is global warming/climate change
you fucking mouthbreathing retard

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there are better ways to handle trauma user

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this place died when joot sold out
we moved to pol because that's where free speech is now
they can ban raiding, they cant ban the reich

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In reality ecoshills are fanatic idiots who only want to grab money from Western countries , not save enviroment.

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Though your nostalgia's very specifically special to you, your view of a general decline in quality across the board is seemingly true; especially at the governmental level. Corruption's abound, op. But only the lawful people know this. But to the lawless, this is a paradise for them. That's why they splurge our tax dollars on their private jets, luxury cars, security detail, etc., and find the most remote places to live far away from the people they scam and up their arms and surveillance while simultaneously threaten to disarm everyone else.

The wealthy elitists of this world are in fact the most anti-social people on the face of the earth, and it takes knowing and how to counteract them to change things. The key thing about defeating these corrupt tyrants is that the majority of people need to rally up, unify, and effect the changes we need. We need to be able to send all of the world's corrupt elites to prison. Then we need to "Robin Hood" their money, and give it all back to the people. We need to destroy all forms of monopolies and other unfair market practices, and we need to reconfigure the economy back to the fair market it needs to be.

We need to restore and sustain human rights, equality, equal opportunity, etc., and we also need to find ways to improve upon our own people first before getting involved with the rest of the world. We should heal ourselves back up, and become the shining example this world's in dire need of.

Only problem is that we're so divided at the moment that I don't foresee any of this ever happening. It's everybody's fault [myself included]. All I do is barely scrape by and let my own anxiety, depression, TMI from the internet/media/etc., and poverty steal any and all inspiration I'd otherwise have. Just my two cents.

Overpopulation is a lie though. It's a red herring to distract from poor land management.

it's a red herring to convince whites it's wrong for them to reproduce or celebrate life.

Speaking of politics who is likely to be best candidate this year? I kind of want Jessie Ventura.

There are about 200 million or so better candidates in the US than the 2 dozen or so that are running for president. Anyone that wants to be in public office should probably never be allowed to enter them.

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OP is a faggot, kys

I bet you're just offended cause OP implied he doesn't like traps, fag.

It’ll be ok user

it's not doomer description. It's just an addicted loser person. Good job.

Overpopulation in Africa is real. Many lands in Africa are deserts or jungles which cant contain such great population .Africa's share of global population is projected to grow from 16% in 2015 to 25% in 2050 and 39% by 2100, while the share of Asia will fall from 60% in 2015 to 54% in 2050 and 44% in 2100.

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Good god dude, you have it so much better than most. The fact that you have all this shit to complain about. Why don't YOU BE A FUCKING MAN. And create a purpose for yourself. Nobody is going to just say some magic words and it's going to click for you. It's you against you. Control your own mind and don't let it wander off into stupid shit like this. You got a mind of your own don't you? Start using it FFS.

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embrace the dystopia; i just hope it rains more

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I'm just on the other end of sadness, still not great but doing way better and only going to get better once I get back in the gym tomorrow.
3 days no alcohol and left my toxic relationship today after having my car interior and seats scratched and holes poked in it then the key turned onto me and being stabbed multiple times.
I was real sad and drinking heavily for weeks and started doing meth and getting into reckless behaviour and had a wake up call when half of my online friends had been contacted by drunk and high me.
I'm done with that shit now and on the straight and narrow. Forgot how good it feels being sober.

I can't recommend enough just putting the bottle down and attempting to be healthy.

>our President wasn't a total idiot
this '' idiot '' is like what ? At the least 2020 times better than you.
Look at you, crying you're an uneducated ignorant who cries because videogames aren't as good as they were... You're simply a nigger. A fucking nigger.

I bet you want to clamp between his ass cheeks

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Hi OP, I guess you could say I'm recovering from that stage of my life. I have suffered terribly over the past 8 years, but I eventually hit rock bottom. I spent a from October 2017- October 2018 homeless. It was some of the worst pain I ever felt but it ironed out my resolve and greatly lowered my expectations in life. I started dabbling with psychedelics last year and the meditation is what saved me. I like to take 5 grams of shrooms and I meditate for a good 2-3 hours of the trip. Your problems become less severe when you're able to creatively create a solution. I also started ordering seroquel for my insomnia and to keep my bipolar disorder away from manic episodes. I still feel hopeless at times but I take those times to thank God for what I've foughten for and how much I've progressed in my mission to be a better person.

Good luck user. I hope you find your way.

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nope, op should definitely consider suicide. Its his only way to happiness.

Just fucking start taking GABA already
Thank me later