Why Conservatives Who Know Climate Science Is Real Won’t Speak Up

Why Conservatives Who Know Climate Science Is Real Won’t Speak Up

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you know the constant "climate science is real" and having to continually remind us that its real does more to hurt the science than help it right?

humans are skeptical by nature, you incessantly tell them something they eventually believe the opposite

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>It has been a fact for LITERALLY 3 DECADES
>conservashits still deny it because big daddy oil wants them to
Being a "climate sceptic" is as ass backwards as antivaxxers

Because it's a waste of time explaining the bias and legitimate opposing theories to people like you. It's like convincing a flat earther to see the world as a sphere. You're just going to keep blindly believing what they tell you and call me a dumb ass for trying to show you otherwise.

nope, its those dumbass hillbillies that go down in those coal mines that actually do the digging

if that's the case why must we be constantly reassured "the science is settled"?

You don't see anyone doing this with gravity, or evolution. Just climate science

the lady doth protest too much.

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>>It has been a fact for LITERALLY 3 DECADES

You obviously haven't been around for three decades or else you would have noticed the contradiction and deceit by now. Yes, many of us "deniers" used to believe the bullshit 3 decades ago. You seriously need to reevaluate your so called facts.

Because people with a dunning-kruger complex think they know more than people who's entire purpose is climate study

The only deceit is by big oil and other corporations that profit off this shit
Follow the money

It's all a scam retards paying more taxes to governments doesn't fix the world they already steal our money and are corrupt they spew some false shit about world ending and you want to pay them more now lol let the world explode and kill us all

Because nobody’s arguing with evolution or gravity and if they were it wouldn’t matter. Continuing to pollute the atmosphere and speciously disputing the science of climate change does matter.

ok, this happens a lot with many fields. especially things like GMO's tonnes of people think they're unsafe, yet humans have done genetic modification of crops and fruit via agriculture for thousands of years.

>Because nobody’s arguing with evolution

err... user, you know about the whole Intelligent Design, "God of the gaps" and creationists exist right?

and a reasonable percentage of these are science PhD's.

> (You)
>The only deceit is by big oil and other corporations that profit off this shit
>Follow the money

There's that blind seething leftist hatred. It wasn't the oil companies who swayed my opinion. Al Gore showed me the light. You need to watch an inconvenient truth and listen carefully to what Al Gore explains about patterns then pay attention to his chart at the end. There is more scientific data (which they conviniently omit) on solar activity and phytoplankton that is missing and it makes legitimate sense out of his chart that contradicts itself at the end. When you have an IQ over 130, you tend to notice these details.

>if that's the case why must we be constantly reassured "the science is settled"?

because like with evolution deniers and antivaxxers, theres lots of people that dont buy it and that slows down the political process thats necessary to happen if we dont want planet-wide catastrophe and conflict

Have you ever heard of Carbon Capture and Storage?


Are you talking about the climate science that told us in the 70's that we were headed toward another ice age or the climate science that told us that the ice caps would totally melt by 2014. I'm confused.

(((climate science)))

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Not sure if troll or really doesn't know the difference between climate and weather.

Because fake news is fake news and fairy tales belong in books.

You have heard science has announced the polarities if the earth are shifting correct? And this in no way has anything to do with climate change. It also spells disaster globally for humanity. So pushing aside the false "meh climate", how does this scientific evidence make you feel?

Yeah but it's just as established a round earth, evolution, and vaccinations you hillbilly goober. Don't you dare point out any contradictions because our hand picked climate scientists are Gods and would never skew data in favor of a biased political opinion.

It is not about the science faggot. It is about the first solution out of Al Gore's mouth was "pay the niggers".

Climate change/AGW is nothing more than the fraudulent and delusional pseudoscientific rantings from the priests of a mind control cult.

because its not real moron

Yeah the billions of shitloads of tons of carbon we pump into the environment is perfectly fine, it's gotta be solar flares or some shit

Trees do it pretty good
Artificial methods aren't economical nor are at the scale required
You do realize we need to be carbon negative to make change right? That means for every ton of co2 that's emitted there needs to be significantly more than a ton sequestered

>Why Liberals Who Know Climate Science Is Fake Won’t Speak Up

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>It has been a fact for LITERALLY 3 DECADES
You forgot to put quotes around "fact"

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Not a proper understanding of psychology or science.

There's that blind rightist trumptard treason.

Enjoy your rubles, Ivan.

You know no facts.

Just petrochemical propaganda.