Being white

>Being white
>Not making your new year resolution to support White Pride
Explain yourself

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lol no, I'm not a low-class loser.

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My parents aren't related and I'm not poor.

I'm not a NEET that lacks purpose in life. I have accomplished things that I'm proud of and that's all that matters.

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i'm not a fag

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quit holding horsecock

Recruit somewhere else stormfag

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Not a fucking loser. That's the purview of trumptards and low IQ morons such as yourself.

OP Here

God I wish that were inside me right now

Not gay OP sorry

i whole hardheartedly support white pride but any skinhead shit makes me cringe

will this be the year I take the iron pill?

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OP here

Disregard for I have submit to the almighty BBC

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Why take pride in something I made no contribution to? Don't you have any real achievements to halt the incessant shame in your life?


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I also ready do, and new year resolutions are bullshit. just do what you need to do

Sloppy Job Mossad, we had this thread yesterday.

>white pride thread


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i am not a virgin

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Pride should be reserved for something you achieve or obtain on your own, not something that happens by accident of birth. Being white isn't a skill... it's a fucking genetic accident. You wouldn't say I'm proud to be 5'11"; I'm proud to have a pre-disposition for colon cancer.

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White pride is literally the white race's equivalent to the black race's niggers.

Well, OP, how do I support white pride? All major platforms like twitter, reddit, facebook etc. are literally left-wing indoctrination political groups. I don't know even where to talk to normal white people.

>for something you achieve or obtain on your own, not something that happens by accident of birth
Now go to any social media site and try to say that about gay or nigger pride. See what happens next.

What is there to be proud for? White isn't a race. Be proud to be Norwegian or whatever specific country you identify with. Then take part in their cultural activities and traditions.

White pride is just a thinly veiled attempt to hide the fact that you're scared of people who look different from you.

Gay pride and black pride doesn't have the end goal of genocide. They just want to no longer be marginalized. White pride wants to kill everyone who doesn't meet however they define whiteness.

>doesn't have the end goal of genocide
Actually, they are the ones who do have that goal. The goal to eliminate every straight white male
> They just want to no longer be marginalized
They are not. They have not been for a long time. They even have privilages right now thanks to affimative action, niggers getting +points for university application just for their shitskin. The one single group that gets constantly marginalized and attacked from every single media is white straight males. This is why we need white pride. To defend ourselves.
> White pride wants to kill everyone
No, we don't. We just want to live in peace without feral degenerates roaming around and attacking us.

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imagine being such a colossal failure of a human being the only thing you can be proud of is race

because i have better things to do insteat of Sup Forums shitposting

OP here. I'm really into BBC now I'm going to fap to this pic BRB

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>Actually, they are the ones who do have that goal. The goal to eliminate every straight white male
Ackshually no they don't. The only people with the stated goal of removal of other people by any means necessary is the white pride followers. Changing demographics is not genocide.

>They are not. They have not been for a long time.
Your extreme hatred is getting in the way of being objective. Frothing at the mouth about the niggers doesn't change how institutional racism works.

>No, we don't.
Yes, you want a world without people who make you uncomfortable and you're willing to kill to get it. Those people who make you uncomfortable fall into specific groups. You want to kill large groups of American citizens.

Or sexuality! Right?

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