Should I buy a dildo, anons? I'm a guy but anal play is mind-blowing...

Should I buy a dildo, anons? I'm a guy but anal play is mind-blowing. The problem is that I've been using a toilet cleaner brush handle with condoms for now. Pic related. It works but having something better suited to be up my ass sounds good. Thoughts?

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not telling you shit just cause ure a faggot niggerlover


Oh yeah degrade me daddy

was thinking of doing the same but not sure yet

Definitely worthwhile, especially if suction cup

Go for it. Being gay is legal

Yeah, those seem fun. Good angles + you can take it in the shower pretty easy

yes. better to get something made for it
i used a wooden plunger with a condom. made my ass bleed a little. dont be stupid. get a dildo.

Sure as long as you admit you're a faggot and don't use the argurement that "traps aren't gay" go for it weirdo,

Lelo Loki FTW

Does using a dildo make you a faggot if you have never done anything with a man?

I'll finally give in and get one if you do too user be brave for the both of us

does fapping to CP make you a pedo if you've never abducted one before?

That's different I would love to be pegged but I don't want to sleep with men. Prostate play doesn't automatically mean faggot

Looks great. Not sure if I want to spend that much starting off though.

just admit you have bi tendencies, chicks with dicks appeals to you

I'm checking some out. Will definitely let you know if/when I buy. We owe this to ourselves user

My girl has pegged me 3 times out of the all these years we’ve been together. Does that make me gay? I mean we use a regular dildo. No veins or balls. Will it make it gay if it had balls and veins?

>just admit you have bi tendencies, chicks with dicks appeals to you

It's as gay as receiving a blowjob from a woman.

Hey, different strokes for have bi tendencies!

Yes, get something made for that purpose that you can clean often.

Your current set up is unhygienic as fuck, even with the condoms.