Why do the democrats want open borders?

Why do the democrats want open borders?

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user please.

Please just find a rope and a chair so we don't have to see this every day. Thx.

Because they hate us and want illegals to come and kill us :P

So hopefully OP gets himself beheaded

>user please
>Stop making my team look bad
>I'm going to kms

Cope harder retard

This actually. I hate Republicans more any other group on planet. Whatever you don't want is what I want. I ran out of good faith ten years ago. Now I just want to see you all suffer even if it means going down with you.

seems like you have reading comp. issues

stay mad kid

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It's a power play. As they import in people and destroy the country they can get even more power and even more control. Politicians are power addicts, that's their drug.

Cheap labor and votes. Plus pearl clutching.

They need Jose's vote

Yeah, being in high school is hard these days, ain't it?

No I read it perfectly. You're upset because this thread makes your team look bad. But all the other dozens of threads that are literal spam, you're fine with.

I don't want giant nigger cock in my ass

I hope you enjoy it

Because orange man is bad.

Cause all the answers are obviously not from democrats, here's an honest answer: they go under the assumption that every person has the right to live a decent life and America promises exactly that.
They therefore want to give these people that opportunity. This is further fanned by the idea that white America fucked up these countries bad time (operation condor to name one) and the reason these people are fleeing poverty is the US. Therefore, this debate has an atonement aspect to it as well.
This goes to the other end of the extreme that republicans paint. While for an extreme Republican, all immigrants are lazy, rapy drug dealers who brought their misery upon themselves, for democrats, they're all hard-working, nice people who are just down on their luck because of America's wrongdoing.
It's a mixture or humanism, pitty and condescending self-guilt.

ah wrong kid

you like to waste words to feel important

Why are Republicans so fucking stupid?

Because they would not be Republicans if they had any intelligence.

ah right kid

Meanwhile you make the dumbest post here by far. Bet money you're some retarded foreigner living in a country nobody cares about.

Because everyone living in a state legal or otherwise are still counted in the census.

Illigals tend overwhelmenly move to leaf leaning shi... states/districts this gives them more congressional representation (Votes) in the districts they are likely to win in.

Put simply they gain power even if its not directly by illegal voting.,

Human trafficking is big business

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fuck off libcuck

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I don't want to kill myself. I know you won't because you're a fucking hypocrite, that's why you're a joke.

still has reading comp issues
now he's fighting with someone on the internet

I'm not trying to cope, user. Seeing this same economically illiterate donkey every day just gets old.

Why are liberals so obsessed with sex? They fuck anything that isn't normal and then call us incels for not fucking traps? What's wrong with them?

It's the fucking juice retard

Why do retards think a wall is going to keep anyone out

>I hate Republicans more any other group on planet. Whatever you don't want is what I want.
So you let them control what you stand for?

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It does everywhere else that has one. Why do you have walls on your home?