So what is Sup Forums?

So what is Sup Forums?

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Just be a fag

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hate release

Shouldnt r*ddit be "Don't think for yourself" since the layout of the website is literally designed to only encourage a hive mind and hide any dissenting opinions?



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don't disagree
>Sup Forums
don't blog

dont be faggot


don't be OP

someone shot themselves

*Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls...*

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You misspelled "Don't be right wing" for Plebbit

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Reddit: Don't be republican or a centrist democrat.

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hAhA sTrAnGeR hErE iS a SiLvEr

Op wanted funny story for reddit and I tell them to go back to where they came from

Just be your best self

Don't be young? And why is that?

>don't be a faggot

>dood jus b urself lmao

OP is a faggot


That sounds about right

>So what is Sup Forums?
Pretend you're a tough guy by saying nigger.

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Just be yourself.

dont be torturing animals or get doxxed and shitted on.
alt. dont be shia lebaouf or however his name is spelled

Actually true.

People just hide their inner nigger on other websites

kys newfag

i would happily do this.

Be a hero

Posting the same shit over and over again on Sup Forums while pretending we're better than other sites rather than addicted to this one

This is Sup Forums

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What story?
He kill himself. End.
Go be a pussy somewhere else.

*D-don't be lewd U w U

>Be a faggot.

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>just be you
>unless others downvote you

nice wasted trips

jokes on you, i was only pretending to be retarded

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Be ugly, young, racist. Yep, this is you Sup Forums.

Don't be a nigger

Sup Forums?

Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

Sup Forums
*Don't be*

*just be cancer with lots of edges*

>JUST Sup Forums

Kids today have no idea how good things used to be.

This thread gave me cancer


Did he yell "Hakuna Matata"?

What a wonderful phrase

Spread Cancer. Be Cancer. It gave me cancer.

a JIDF psyop to convert incels to faggots

Reddit is basically just tumblr lol

Dont be a fking normie

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Don't be

You forgot to sign as "Big Fag"

"rape the cunt"

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Wow! This is the most upvotes I’ve ever gotten! I haven’t felt this good since my wife’s boyfriend helped pay for my vasectomy!

Don't be a faggot

From reddit itself

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"just be you" How can I be me if those faggots censor my opinions

fucking kek, this

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Sup Forums is basically just another porn site The new fags are lazy and worthless they can’t do anything else but postop porn

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Don't be nonwhite

Don't be a faggot nigger

Sup Forums

>postop porn
Better than pre-op porn

30 and 31 delete themselves?
Also give me 12

Keanu Reeves good!!!!1!!!1!1@1!1!!

PETA bad

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Everybody's own edits are more cancerous than the original

>Don't be here

what a reddit moment
just leave Sup Forums nigger

Sup Forums is: "Enjoy The Smell Of Your Own Farts"

Don't go hatin' TOO much on icanhazcheezburger, it's basically the one nice thing about /b distilled and packaged ready for consument.. Ok, go hating on it

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Reddit should say “don’t be right wing”

Sup Forums should say “just be you”

This. So much this.

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