How hard was it getting your girl pregnant? Also: was it on purpose or by accident...

How hard was it getting your girl pregnant? Also: was it on purpose or by accident? How was fucking her knowing you both want to reproduce?

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>she wanted a child
>because 22 and felt the need to reproduce
>She stopped her birth control
>she said nothing
>Accustomed to creampie her several times in a row
>After some time...
>A piece of plastic soaked i piss

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Sad story, got tricked pretty bad. Was she afraid you‘ld drop her if she told you she‘s not on bc any longer?

Way too easy, it was by accident. Bitch was a born breeder and knew it.
Luckily it didn't last long enough to tie me down for life.

Honeymoon. I came in her twice near ovulation, that's it. Pregnant.

Sounds like fun but way too fast

My girlfriend is sadly two old to get pregnant....I'm 29 she's 54...still I hope she does Everytime lol she also has two wombs which would make it even more fun if she wasn't so old

I was at university at that time
And she didn't have to be afraid about bc from my side

Not too hard. We had been together for 7 years and decided it felt right. I was 25 she 24. Sex was amazing took a couple of months and she woke me up one morning with the test. That was one of the best moments of my life.

That's the best way to do it...know you knocked her up but then have it die in her belly before you have to deal with it

3 kids all within a single month of trying, each
Idk its almost like we find the most sexual pleasure in the act of breeding.
And not that gay shit faggots push
Best nuts of my life.
Pic related, putting another one in the oven soon.

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nice. when you do it on purpose I guess you can enjoy it much more. fucking can be pretty intense knowing it‘s about knocking her up.

good luck, user. really hot if both feel that way

The girl I knocked up had polycystic ovaries and endometriosis. Despite that she was on the pill to make her periods more regular and all that.

We had sex ONCE without a condom and she got pregnant. The odds were well under 1%.

She couldn’t carry the kid to term and miscarried before the second trimester.

The situation messed me up though. Aside from losing the kid, which sucked, I could fuck without a condom after that. No way I wanted to go through that again unless I was absolutely ready for a kid.

first try on purpose
it was exciting

I got married and she was pregnant with twins 5 months later

I have been with my GF now wife since the age of 12.
I never wanted kid's because of my horrible and disturbing childhood and I was scared to become the same person as my parents.
Sadly our relationship was becoming empty and she always wanted to become a mother.
So now we have 1 girl and I am a fucking faggot for not becoming a father sooner

fucking her protected for years and then suddenly going unprotected really gives a complete different feeling when busting your loads in her

Pregnant 4 times, 2 abortions.
We're real fertile and and it's super easy for me to get her pregnant. I'm looking to get a vasectomy.
Fucking to get pregnant sucked. It made sex seem like work instead of fun. I couldn't get hard the day she was ovulating, but we fucked the day before and she still got preggers.

Multiple kids and each time she got pregnant from 1st or second time of unprotected sex. Secretly I was highly disappointed. In every sitcom, couple can't get pregnant and wife becomes crazed sex fiend wanting to fuck constantly. Dammit, I wanted my crazed sex fiend do it anywhere time and I never got it

hearing first shot wins quite often

latina's are fertile as hell, young ones especially.

my 18yr old niece got knocked up early by her dumbass bf pretty quick just like her whore mother, although it's a 50% change its mine.

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Have two kids. We were trying for about a year for each time, were looking at a third till the marriage wend downhill and any thought of more kids went out the window.

Fairly easy, she went off birth control and we were of the attitude it'll happen when it happens.

Ended up pregnant about a month later after a kinky weekend away for our wedding anniversary

Got pics of her gash?