Do most Latinas in Texas, California, and Arizona act black?

Do most Latinas in Texas, California, and Arizona act black?

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what do you mean?

Do they act like black people?
As in accent, slang, attire, mannerisms, etc.?

Confirmed. most wet back females do act like niggers

Some are better women than whites. Really clean pussy always clean and shaved and grew up in patriarchy

fuck no they are latinas user
but tbh some of the guys do though

Why is that? What's so appealing about copying black folk?


Nah a lot of the women do too

Their pussies do look amazing

Depends on the area in white suburbs Latinas are usually white washed but in places like the Bay Area they all act black

My dentist is latino and will sometimes end the consultation with, "see you, Big Dawg"

The younger highschool and middle school kids do

Do you mean that they grow out of it or that the younger generation is worse?

That's not exactly acting black


>act black
You mean cultured?

Acting black is the simple way. It’s the simplest path to assimilating with American culture.

Not really, black fashion is expensive and changes a lot


American culture is fragmented, and everybody can choose what segment the culture they want to be part of, no matter what their ethnic background is. If somebody wants other people to see them as being hardworking and intelligent, they act and dress "white." If somebody wants other people to see them as being lazy and cool, they act and dress "black." Plenty of low-class white people are culturally black and plenty of high-class black people are culturally white.

Younger is worse some grow out of it though and usually buy theirs 30s or 40s their fine

lol, no, it's more that niggers are the only group of people who require imitation to assimilate with. also relative safety from niggers is the only reason to do it.

because it has no central figures, it just wildly vacillates between white european designers based on song lyrics.

lol there's a christian dior one even! chanel gets a mention, visible louie belt. god, what a mess.

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I think it has been the same starting with people who are about 30 now
Many grow out of that, many don't

Even the staples of black fashion (the sneakers) are expensive
Wannabe black Hispanics (both male and female) spend hella money on Jordans

ignorant nigger lover

I grew up on southern CA

the answer is no.. just like whites they have their wiggers.

most of the time the cholos were cool with my (white) brother and I, we were the only white family on the street.

they would openly talk shit on blacks whenever race came up.

Most of the americanized ones act white but at the same time buy the whole fuck white people narrative whilst craving white cock

Why did you make this thread again you fucking spic?

I'm not a fan of that fashion but it is expensive. That's why black people stay poor

Woahvicky Billie eilish. Stupid trash

Why would a Hispanic make this thread? They're probably in denial about this


Denial about what, their women being ghetto fucking trash?

Like AOC
I hear that most Mexicans in California act black

Pics Discord gg u9SYDP

Denial about being wannabe blacks

the suburban mexicans do.. the cholos that grew up with other mexicans act like the gangsters in Mexico would but they (back in mid 90s early 2000s) got along with whites more than blacks.

in my situation of living with Mexicans and blacks

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I mean the young ones, not the dudes who grew up in the 90s
Of course not all of them act black, just the "underclass" ones. That Cholo shit was replaced with black culture 5 to 10 years ago.

The only ones who are wanna be black is you all scotty p's

Attached: fe02e6d88ae6dad0a95c4d9a9c32fa78--sayings-black-costume.jpg (736x554, 47K)

Stop shit posting this shit pinche joto