You have 10 SECONDS to name something dumber than an American

You have 10 SECONDS to name something dumber than an American.

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2 americans


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a Canadian

Anyone living in any European country that supports letting "refugees" in.


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Creators of "Name something XXer than YY" threads.

nop nope nope you dont dont have that 10 secounds no you dont this count down is mine not yours mister internet i gonna ask that question yes yes yes stooopiiid hmmmm fuck mistake im smmm.... ah you seee be g fuck fy fuck fuck fuck fuck ufck fuck that wwas fuck mistakes am i right or mam am am im aim am am i ajm am iajm mamamamam aijm jes queeesttiooooon yes majn jes plis type recor d yes yes yes yes yesfuck fduck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuk this is show many question this sport yes plis someone everyone ask me ask ask aks aks aks ska ask ask ask ask ask ask as kas kas kas kas ksak sak ksa kas kas ak ask ask ask toby eyes plis yes loop lop lop lopl loop looooop loooop poooool poooool poool looop pooop plip plop pul;p fuck mistake yes plis yes loop question plan yes countdown plis yes yes universe end i have question i need top fuck mistake yes plis someone shes coming polis lpisp plis fuck no non yes plis sooo guiuuuddd jes yes yes joke jes fonric fonetiik fonetik langlydzjes just try to focus reakllly really hard thisnk tyhibks thinls thinks think sthiknk thuink think think think think think think think think think thinkm thinkm thinkm thinmk think think think think think think plis aj have this gamme i have it so funny yes yes yet soclose thisgame is so fun plis answer milp plis answer this qestion how to yo to toooooo

i wofuck mistake yes mistake how work game plis yes thats sooooffunyyyyy yeeeessss hoooooowwww hoooowwwwwthiiisssssgggaaammmmeeeeeeejkjjjjeeessssppplliisassssjjjessyes yes plis please please plweas please please please please yes ia m do i n g t h i w i t h o n e f v f ft vf v r vf vf v vf vf vfrf vfrfv vfrfv vffrrrrrr6666rrffv vfrt66trfv bjkofunnny gamme i have question plis plis yes yes yes this so fun just look at your keyboard while youtype and use only finger to type jest fuck mistakerfuckmistakerfuckmistake fuck m istake fuvk fuck fuck fuck mistake question yesss gooodd question oh yes sooo gpoooo goooddd gooood
im srlysly typing this thing with onetingeroh guys have i a game yes use your finger as ak cursor fuck justusem but aswhole body ujijhawetheqestion yes yrs yes plis do it ask me oplis plis plis plis plis plis it hurts to write evertyyyyevveerryyytthing yes plis cmon

You do realize "america" is different fro. The Untied States of America right?
You arnt some eurocuck or asiafag who is just retarded on what constitutes an "american"

But to answer your question

Anyone outside the United States of America is pretty much a doorknob


no nono n o england you anglan do nonononon this is killingg meee thee presssuurreee guys plis help send heslp healp help help help help help help help help help help fuck
i need to barke
brake habbit \
habbbiiittt brraaaakkkeeeeeee
yes yes yes y i neeeddd d
i neeeeedddd thhattt thhhhaaaaat iiii neeeedddddd yeeessss splliiisssss yeeeesssssspppplllliiiisssssssss comon cmon cmon comon cmonc ncom cnon mpon
there was that game with phonetic keaybord plis i need to play it someone plis send me game ys kqwestuopn

Oh shit sooo deeep plis hsend fuck fuck i did it i fucking did it i seeee now i have yes plis send help yes plis yes yes yes yes fuck im so deep plis just send me this link to game yes plis i REALLLY dont
IAAAAAAI and i dont want to google it right now just someone please google this for me plis i have this qwuestion and i ahev to record plis

Are you fucking retarded

its called keynbord fuck keyboard key key keyboard keyboards musikjc miusic music ceaybar keayboard keybolard yes plis


trans people

>Inb4 the european gene pool they all spawn from

Yep that about

who retarded who bne plis im trying to do so somerthinf plis help this keyboard sound thing i need the name and i REEEEAAALLLLYYYY DONT WANT TOOOOOO DOOOO That
A language yes loop lpils pils pils i seen send help im trapped plis cmon yes plis i piooonly only am concius in some moments plis i send help plis i really think im dying looool
have you ever nopticed fuck error fuvk fuvk ugh have you ever notic

2 Americans

yo dude or dudded tplis goodle that for me fuck mistake again again yes plis send help yes ok ok i had this quwestion i had this question i had it plis hend selp jest wrong plis god im plis send eyeyeyeyey guys i neet that keyboard sounfd thingo mistake srrry mistake yes keyboard yes keyboard thingtyping sound i am yes keyboard to mistake i need to leatrn learn lren learn learn lern learn learn learn laern laern learn learnm learn llaern lern eys yes yes yes yes help plis hard back help send plis lonk mistake fuck shit yes fuck just try to type exacly are thinking machine plis cmon somone know stah dont google it just answer plis yes plis cm,onm jes


imma do it just for fun.
and i wont sleep until it does
and yhats fuck mistake fuck fuck yes plis mistake i willl do that righ now yes pplis

FIDESZ voters in Hungary.

A brazilian


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Someone who posts on Sup Forums.

autism the post



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anyone from africa

OP you mean Trump supporters. The rest of us are trying to get rid of that fat fuck.

Attached: drumpf2.jpg (550x310, 43K)

The entire UK, most African countries(this isn't racially charged, it's because every African country is coming genocide on each other),
North Korea,
China, and any other country currently committing genocide, discriminating against people for race, actual sexualities(no made up shit), or gender, pulling a Sweden and letting their rape and domestic abuse statistics go way up because they are letting in refugees from Saudi Arabia and countries with mostly muslim populations, or countries pulling another Sweden where men are being raised to be "gender neutral" which is just raising all kids as girls.