Waifu on a roll

Waifu on a roll.

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Hirasawa Yui
super cute picture, anone

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Good girl.

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Tell me to go work out.

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How relaxing

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Share the beer

Nay, is all mine

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A drunk team manga grunt? Don't mind if I do.

>manga grunt
I like that, have a drink.

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My bad. And thank you ^^

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Ouh, so it was you this whole time. PLOT TWIST! ya sneaky cunt

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Well she Is a Ninja And I do love beer so..

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Ninja Beer! I'd drink that.

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Hell yeah! Are you drinking right now?

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Sure am, buddy. Gotta refill real quick.
Mornin Agent Hitler. The usual?

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A good morning is technically correct, considering it is past midnight here, however some recognise morning as starting at sunrise and ending at noon. I however believe that the twelve hour period starting at 12:00:01am to 12:00pm is the morning period. Therefore, a good morning to you. Not today, I am enjoying Andrey Rublev, with some rum. How are you?

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Sheesh hitler, nice 200word essay.
Drinking glühwein and doing some runs in Tarkov. Shit's fun drunk.

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P90 is love. P90 is life. SOPMOD is a slut for noobs.

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Nice glad you're having a good one.
Hi bro we had some funny chats last night
P-90 Is one of my favourites aswell good choice.

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Every day is a good day when alcohol is involved.

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It's only 60 words.
Nice, drinking it warm or cold? Have you played Rising Storm Vietnam? Now that's fun, mowing down gooks with your M60.
Hello, glad that you did. I haven't really looked into yesterday's threads really.
How are you feeling?

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Squirrel mode for the win. Cute and spunky.

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True I would drink more if I didn't suffer with massive hangovers.
Feeling better now I literally slept all day my body clock is completely done for now. How was you're day?
I'll give her some good nuts if you know what I mean.

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I definitely do. I've heard there's an anime, but can't bring myself to watch it. I really hate anime, and I really enjoy the game. Don't want to ruin one with the other.

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I slept till 2pm yesterday. Damn it feels good to never have experienced a hangover.
Quiet. I watched some Metokur stream archives. Did my usual thing really.

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Nay, don't think so. Dem games never rly got goin so I skipped.
That's why I drink after waking up. Not like I have a choice. The cumulative hangover might actually kill me.

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There're always three or four full servers, I got it on sale so it was worth it really.
How are you?

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I already asked how are you, I think that's enough rum for today...

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Can I add you on Discord? I've changed a lot since last year :)

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Should I?

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Can I add you on Discord? I wanna get fkn smashed!
YES.. and never shave again. C'MON HITLER, don't lemme down!

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Did you un-kill the dog?

dude alcohlmao

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Maybe it's good. Give it a 20 minute watch and see what game is she from?
I wish I didn't get them. I don't get the headache just the whole body feels shit and weak vodka gives it to me the worst.
Based. What are you drinking now?

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>the hitler poster watches edgy reactionaries

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Still Glühwein. That bottle ain't that small ya know. Afterwards gonna make Havana cola.
Leave Hitler be mayne, he's awesome

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Drinking responsibly, that's what I'm all about. Getting absolutely shit-faced is not on my to-do list.
I cannot not shave, otherwise I'll grow one of these soy-beards these skinny jean wearing pooftas sport nowadays.
The worst hangover I had was a minor headache, nothing a coffee wouldn't fix.

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What is this shit supposed to be? You have horrible taste.

Not getting shitfaced is like uber boring.

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Girls Frontline. It's a squad based tactical game. All the girls are types of guns. I've played it for over a year, which is impressive for a mobile game.

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(: no
keep drinking you don't have to add anyone

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>Doesn't post his own waifu

Opinion disregarded

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Coffee won't cure a hangover or a headache.
Smells like bovine faeces to me.

Not like I actually use discord, lole
Bottoms up!
lole blondie

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Helo jill

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Drinking for the taste and to a certain point of drunkedness where you feel good is alright. But I see no point in drinking to just get hammered.
Coffee makes me feel better, no matter what. It has a placebo effect I suppose.

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Cute picture man I wish I had your tolerance.
Fucking lucky my fuhrer. What rum you drinking?
Oh I think I've vaguely heard of it. I don't play many mobile games. Is it worth me having a go? Is there lots of paywalls?

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love u too blondie
hammered is the only way to forget how trash life can be
Just drink. Nothing bad is gonna happen .

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got em

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u a tard but u also a sweetheart blondie

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Cute and lewd

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and drunk

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Captain Morgan, spiced rum. It's alright.
One thought always keeps me afloat: it can always get much worse.

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I've enjoyed it immensely. I would recommend giving it a try. There aren't many, no. It's mostly RNG based, so paying doesn't guarentee a win. I will admit to paying for the monthly membership. I feel like I owe it to them for keeping me entertained this long. Only 3.99 a month. Cheaper than WoW and ESO, and you can put it down and pick it back up when you want.

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Why are you all autistic alchys?

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Don't spill that wine drunkie
That is nice I was drinking that last night :)

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how much are you getting paid for this post?
cute waifu, also
dude drugs lmao

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I'm going try it also nice and great picture digits checked!

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gonna spill it onto u!

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I wish I was autistic...
Wholesome pic btw
Cool, I still don't feel like a pirate though.

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no u

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What a boring answer

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>Wow user you sure know a lot of worthless trivia about this one highly specific niche topic! The girls must be all over you. You seeing anyone?
>uhhhhhhhhh kind of uh you see my soulmate is um this (bad) drawing of an ugly woman with broken arms holding two beers

what's even in the monthly membership

Nooo so wasteful and messy enough wine for you.
Biggest con going tbh

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do you still talk with your bf?

u are nooo fun
Uhm.. why wouldn't I?

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At least I'm not a fag, faggot

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Bruh, this game is my dark shame. Easily the nerdiest thing I do. I wouldn't say shit if I weren't anonymous. Thanks. She's a killer unit and acts cute.
It's fun if you like turn based tactics. It's got a story line, but they let you skip all that. So I do.
Just in game currency to upgrade your shit faster. There's one dealing with the auto battle system too, but I don't use it.

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At least it tastes good. Though a bit too sweet for my liking.

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where's that from

the absolute state

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Owwww don't look so down ^^
Based picture.

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milk truck

How the tables have turned

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Only a handful of the pics I have show her boobs, FYI

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But I just met a random player in this one game and I died protecting him and I don't know if he's alright
I don't like ya very much

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I don't think there's a way to un kill something like that lol


Maybe later then~

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