Non porn webms

Non porn webms

Attached: 75 cents in the dollar .webm (500x500, 873K)

Attached: amish.webm (852x480, 1.84M)

Attached: fuck you murphy.webm (720x494, 1.83M)

Attached: vrxtx9s6i0841.jpg (600x600, 42K)

love that girl's befuddled look of indignation

Attached: nogskills.webm (252x460, 292K)

Never take shortcuts in life.

Attached: whiteprivilege.webm (720x1280, 1.83M)

Attached: thegreatestgeneration.webm (364x320, 684K)

This one always cuts off too soon and makes it look like she's figured out her problem. She does stop, puts a coat on and then continues the same direction...

Attached: masculineclitoris.webm (320x180, 1.68M)

Attached: 1567457571777.webm (718x1280, 911K)

epic if true

Being amish is something I wouldnt mind, also checked

Attached: valueofblacklabor.webm (480x480, 1.81M)

what about the whole no technology deal? would you really want to give up these ebbin maymays for a wholesome, happy, meaningful life?


The new Static-X album has such a shit cover.

Attached: atm robbery.webm (854x480, 1.9M)

Attached: 1576439272918.webm (460x574, 1.47M)

Attached: cats.webm (426x264, 1.05M)

never tease a fat girl

Attached: 1543297191446.webm (962x826, 1.93M)

Attached: moon changer.webm (720x720, 1.75M)

what a bitch!

Attached: 1575178323186.webm (720x900, 391K)

Attached: up.webm (626x360, 315K)

Attached: brave cat.webm (406x720, 1.92M)

Attached: self defense.webm (600x450, 1.69M)

That pussy fire yo. Also, checked.

Attached: working your ass out.webm (720x404, 1.96M)

Attached: 1513896471263.webm (406x720, 1.17M)

Women btfo!

Attached: i prefer dad.webm (460x574, 676K)

HAH get fucked you old poon

fake as all hell

Attached: 1554598038571.webm (360x640, 966K)

Seems legit.

I had this idea a while back that we could promote gun ownership as a way for women to defend themselves from rape. That way when anyone talks shit about guns we could call them misogynists.

Attached: cat_balloons.webm (468x260, 1.1M)

You can hug the fucking dog ya nag.

Attached: cat-ice_fishing.webm (426x240, 1.98M)

It's completely real.

Fake as fuck

Attached: 1559519604725.webm (600x1069, 1.86M)

Off duty military police woman in Brazil. Guy trys to rob her and gets shot. Google it.

Attached: 1570925071501.webm (272x480, 1.36M)

Not a retards, just need an exercise.

Fucking kek that expression as he holds the door closed as she struggles against it

it's obviously socioeconomic conditions, stop being racist

Single-handedly the he most disgusting thing I've ever seen

damn, that girl needs to work on her draw. if the fat old man would have been any faster or had any weapon, she wouldnt have been able to do jack shit.

>old poon
That's his mom, not his grandma. Stupid incel.

Dude did it with one arm. Bitches have no excuse.

Why are they fucking mad at him?

she should've already had her hands on her gun when she saw him hit his brake lights. her awareness of surroundings is shit.

Fuck fortnite faggots.

It's a prefab. Big deal.

Attached: cat-photobomb.webm (480x480, 358K)

look closer not only does this dude have one arm, he also has a prostetic fucking leg, and he still jumps high enough to grab the edge with ease.

That's the expression of chinks living under a communist regime.

I love her. She looks healthy and breedable.

What did I just watch?

Attached: amazing golf shot.webm (720x720, 815K)

He taunted them when he got on top of the wall. No loss for him, he's never going to get laid anyway.

A faggot.

Look at him, he takes no pleasure in doing what he does, he just knows it must be done. Lesser men would call it fate or destiny. But he knows it is simply the order of things, there is no intelligent guiding force behind it, but it is as immutable as the law of gravity, and just as futile to struggle against it. If a thing is dropped, it will fall. If a cute girl is singing karaoke, she must be hot boxed. There is no other way, it simply will be done.

Gril in blue a cute.

He's a fucking chink with no life. He's not Plato.

this. It was pretty fucking disgusting

Are you retarded?

What life do any of us have? Our little scratches on this ball of rock and water, what are they compared to the cosmic wonders that exist? So terrible, that if you were to even glimpse them, your mind would not be able to comprehend what you were seeing and you would simply discard it as a falsehood.


ok out of all the posts in this fucking thread that made me lose my shit.
The look on that mans face is the face of determination.

Attached: 9384238475093.webm (400x220, 266K)

What is going on in this video

How is he retarded?

theres like 300 of them

Server with no rules do whatever

the girls gave me a half chubby

A transgender female masturbated to orgasm. It's disgusting. Most will commit suicide.

im not sure if you know but niggers make those funny videos/pics on purpose , just like that filling a wicker basked with water

>A transgender female
So... it was a guy?

Why would somebody do this?

the fuck am I looking at

Attached: shitting bulldog.webm (720x720, 548K)


I can already imagine the fight.
>Look at what your dog did
>Look at what you let the dog do

did you not see the epic vid?

girl wanna be guy

or microdick

either way, he's fucked

this is the most white person thing I've seen all day

This ones hilarious

Attached: 1560962838493.webm (854x480, 1.77M)


it's been a common thing to know about the amish; that they will throw an entire barn/house together in one day. i heard that from a guy in like 2003. this is just their style. they go at it like an army of builders.

ever though of committing suicide? I'd strongly recommend it for you

Attached: 1564932041094.webm (460x460, 1.92M)

Fucking knew it!

It's pretty obvious. And yet they won't listen to you.

Attached: 1564932467151.webm (394x700, 1018K)


Also, who the fuck is afraid of a frog.... This bums me out

Attached: 1575541116827.gif (468x246, 1.97M)

totally fake

holy shit why the fuck were the nogs using hydrogen for?