Femanon: my fiancé jerks off to porn and it makes me loathe him and not want to have sexual relations with him

Femanon: my fiancé jerks off to porn and it makes me loathe him and not want to have sexual relations with him.

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tits or gtfo

this mans got it

Fake and gay bait

Show your fat boy bitch tits anyway, homo.

OP is shittily quoting a woman. Jesus you people are stupid.

your ass is down here with us, user.

did i fucking stutter

Attached: TimeStamp_.jpg (720x960, 68K)

Lol that is not a time stamp
That’s like waaaaayyyy off

top lel mate

You seem like a nice girl and you have provided credentials so here's what I think: you need to deplete him of his seed incessantly until he no longer has the energy to wank.

checks out if you live in the past

where do you live maybe we can make a video for him to jerk off to

This is Op, I didn’t post that time stamp lol. But I’m really upset.

Like, and he has epilepsy, and right this very minute he’s real upset obviously because we aren’t having sex but “he’s not gonna say why because he doesn’t want to argue with me” so he’s getting real twitchy like he does sometimes and sometimes he has seizures and sometimes he doesn’t. But like, we’re both clean from heroin like two months and I haven’t gotten my period in like 3 months and I don’t have a sex drive and it’s like he doesn’t understand how shitty I feel about MYSELF and the fact that I don’t want to have sex, it has nothing to do with him..

You should get back at him by posting pictures of a sharpie in your butt

Your life sounds horrible
Your a crazy bitch

Don’t go to Sup Forums for advice lol
That’s literally a worse idea than getting addicted to heroin.

Sounds like your great at making bad choice though, maybe stay and read anons advice

So you don't want to have sex but he's not allowed to wank.
You think you get to control him sexually but in reality he's just going to cheat or do the sneaky wank.
You're not very intelligent even for a junkie.

I am a great woman, and I took care of him for months.. he introduced me to the dope in May. We were sharing an apartment with him dad, I was working, I paid a 1/3 of the rent but the lease was in dads name, until his dads heart valves split in August and the. He went to the hospital and we lost the apartment sep 30th, and I used all my saving to pay for an air bnb for two months so he could stay local to his area (an hour and a half from where I’m from) and I busted my ASS at work every single day, 7 days a week to support his habit (MUCH worse than mine, $150-200 a day plus cigarettes and food) and then he just got out of control and I forced him to go to detox when my money ran out and he sold his phone twice and I bought it back twice from drug dealers for hundreds of dollars. So I went to my mothers and detoxed at home (no my mom never knew I used) and then he came to stay here with me because his dad is still in physical rehabilitation and doesn’t have an apartment, and I myself am not functioning right and I’m depressed too... it’s not just him.. why can’t he understand what IM going through?

do the world a favor and kill yourself

Definitely an idiot. You're ok with enabling him to be a heroin addict but he's not allowed to touch his peen.
Why do fat girls get so desperate? If you have a snatch then someone will fuck you.

But I’m not fat OR ugly. I’m actually in great shape, I used to be a dancer (ballet). And I’ve been compared to Avril Lavigne a few times in my life.

Why do you live and enable such a shitty life? Like you can’t be happy like this. Are you dumb? Why he white trash?

But yea no time stamp means fake

I wasn’t happy most of the time. If you’ve never used heroin or other drugs, I wouldn’t expect you to understand the way it feels when you’re on them, but the second it wore off and he stopped being able to function I just didn’t understand so I drained myself to keep him happy and give him what he wanted, and we had sex all the time. Until he didn’t have any and would cry and throw fits and scream and and beg and do anything he could, tell people I’d pay them back without even telling me (which I always ended up doing) and he just got so suicidal it was scary, so the day before my birthday and our last day paid for in the Airbnb I told him: S, you’re fucking SCARING me with how your acting, and I can’t aftord to get you drugs and you can’t even handle yourself. You NEED to get help before you hurt yourself.. so that day he packed up and went to detox for a week. We’ve had sex four times since December 2nd. And I still do everything for him. I work, so I bought him a new phone, after he sold it for a third time, I still buy cigarettes, I cook for him two or three times a day, I make him coffee in the morning, I clean.. I’m just sad guys. And maybe if he didn’t make me feel like dog shit about the fact that I feel like dog shit, I’d be a little better. But every day I’m reminded that he cares more about himself than the fact that I am hating myself more and more and feeling less and less than good enough. If he didn’t have me, he’d be in a shelter right now.

porn is for weak losers....tell your boyfriend to drop that shit or else you will find a real man.

Lol leave him, and leave this life. You sound like really stupid to not have done that already.
Also you type like your on drugs

show tits

Lol your on b
You are literally consuming porn as we speak


send me a DM if you want to make some extra money on the side ;)

shut up fag this is a yellow board now....

Attached: yellow shirts.jpg (1015x809, 141K)

then fuck him and suck his cock whenever he wants. If you aren't going to do that, then shut the fuck up.

you probably think about someone else during sex. fair’s fair.

Every guy jacks off

If you can't deal with dating a human... don't

You gotta change yourself, not him