It is accepted fact that liberals ruined The Witcher. Why did the liberals ruin The Witcher?

It is accepted fact that liberals ruined The Witcher. Why did the liberals ruin The Witcher?

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To trigger poltards like you

What the fuck is a Witcher?

a rip off of skyrim.

A thing ruined by liberals

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What the fuck is a Skyrim?

I legit can't tell if you're trolling or serious. If serious, please commit suicide.

They ruin everything

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No I’m not trolling. Never heard of those things. What are they?

Seriously, everything..

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How did liberals ruin witcher?

how did they ruin the witcher? i mean i know they made some characters not white and shit but otherwise i thought the show was pretty accurate to the games.

All libtards must die!!!

Same way they have ruined all media in the last 10 years, punitive diversity and letting lefitst women write stories for a straight male audience.


>It is accepted fact that republicans ruined the country. Why did the republican ruin the country?

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>i know they made some characters not white and shit
>but otherwise i thought the show was pretty accurate to the games.
Pick one

The Witcher show is good as hell

What the actual fuck

>Boo hoo muh games

A generation of stunted manchildren

Source? Cnn doesn't count

Tell me where the liberals touched you on this doll.

you think all media of the last 10 years as been ruined? How old are you?

The science is settled, Denier.

do you know what the word "otherwise"means?

I thought Henry Cavill looks a lot like Geralt from the games. That's all that was really needed, and the episodes were watchable because of him. For the rest of the casting, it was fine. The story itself left a little to be desired.

How come you're not complaining about the white girl?

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Gamers RISE UP!!!!!

They didn't

Underrated post

Same crap you posted on /tv

It's you again. The triggered, sensitive racist cuck! Any character being not white must be punishment, waaaah! How dare they make any character not white in this fantasy TV. I feel like my representation is being stored away! It's not like the protagonist is a straight, white male!


It’s not wrong but it’s a shit meme.

The show was good, who gives a shit if they cast a black person.
Imagine being this thin skinned.


The Witcher is a good show. I’m a hardcore fan of the series in general and the show is actually really enjoyable. Henry Cavill is fucking perfect, and I enjoy the serial nature and the timelines.

Some of you are just so pathetic that it’s sad. Seriously, in 5-10 years you’re gonna look back on yourselves and be deeply embarrassed. Hopefully.

They don't like red heads.

It hits the nail on the head and uses SpongeBob. I'm sorry you have no taste.

Media has been completely ruined for the last four years. Can't trust any of them, they're all political propaganda. Nobody does the news anymore.

Well thank you for this insightful analysis on the most intellectual of websites. Your condemnation of this most atrocious behaviour will echo through the universe for eons. Truly, without your words of infinite wisdom, we would be lost as a people.

It's called Jews not liberals. All this stuff is run by old Jews who have no idea how the world works beyond their little closed in gated communities. So when 5they hear that people want diversity they legit throw dice and whatever pays well they keep.

>hits the nail on the head
It tells racists not to be racist.
Not even a funny meme.

Literally use this meme to people like Real effective right there...

This cuck is right! We should all head over to one of the 10 nigger dick threads and ask for 'sauce' in repentance!

Before the show came out, I thought it was going to be a garbage fire. None of the early press was inspiring confidence at all. Weird casting, an overly political show runner and armor that looked like shrunken testies - it looked awful.

After watching the first season, I have to say I thought it was pretty good - I still think the casting was shit, the cg a joke and that armor making the bad guys look like an old folks home in the Bronx during laundry day - but despite all that, I still thoroughly enjoyed the first season, so just get your head out of your taint and just accept that you can like something without having to agree with everything surrounding it

Libertas Summum Bonum

Reagan's tax cuts are common knowledge you twit

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Man you guys will blame Obama for everything won't you.

Just go make a better show then.

Seethe. Most popular show in the world. 6 more seasons of seeeeeethe

As a republican, I speak on behalf of all republicans when I say OP is a faggot. Go back to Sup Forums you fat fuck.

this is assuming the witcher was any good to begin with

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Its called "black washing". And its better than white washing nazi.

Yeah hahaha those libtards always helping them poor uneducated cucks.

I'd watch that. Terry Crews is the man.

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you're be 100% correct if you weren't completely wrong.

Go away

he wouldn't be lying

You're the only one who's mentioned it in the thread.

Your a Hardcore faggot and what you say is true

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I bet you're one of the same faggots who brag about "triggering libtards".
Who's triggered now, you fucking snowflake?

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