Why did liberals ruin the impeachment ?

Why did liberals ruin the impeachment ?

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it's not ruined yet. and it might not be the only one this year.

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They forgot to give it to the guy... The turtle guy, what's his name, with the neck?

Will they ever impeach him?

already did

They handed it over to the senate? CNN didn't tell me that yet.

that's not how it works, he's been impeached, it has yet to be decided if he'll be removed from office. Bill was impeached too and they chose not to remove him from office.

Impeachment should never be partisan, it should be agreed upon by both parties in the house.

They're scared because they know the acquittal will allow 2 more terms and he will be reelected in November. I put OP's mom's life on it

that has nothing to do with what I was saying I was clarifying to user that technically he has been impeached, being removed from office is the next step after impeachment

They are working on it, user.

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K but we all know he isn't going to be anything except acquitted

>yet to be decided if he'll be removed from office
>yet to be decided

TV much?

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couldn't care less, if Bernie doesn't run as the democratic front runner we're all doomed anyway, climate change, corporate fascist dystopia, etc etc, he's our last chance to get money out of politics and defeat the corporate oligarchy and he won't run again next term.

>yet to be decided if he'll be removed from office

Can I help you out on this one?
There is no scenario in any star system or parallel universe past, present or future where that has even the remotest likelihood of occurring.
Though yes, you can watch CNN and it will sound like it's just DAYS away!

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TRUMP 2020

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i like bernie, i think he means well, but anyone telling you they can fix the climate is lying to you

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they could at least start trying

>if Bernie doesn't run as the democratic front runner we're all doomed
OMG you poor soul

>ruin the impeachment
Because nobody really wants Trump gone.
He's too good for America.
Every member of Congress has made a shit-ton of coin in the stock market.
They need to pretend and go through the motions so their liberal base votes for them.

lemme guess, you think your voice has any say in the laws in this country and are ignorant or you think we've already lost and had no chance since the 2000s,90s,80s, yet for some reason feel the need to spend time and energy dismissing other's political views

ohy wow haha...such payback!

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>should be agreed upon by both parties in the house
Your opinion is irrelevant. The Constitution gives the House of Representatives the sole power to impeach a president. It has always been this way and will remain this way long after you're dead and buried.

>you think we've already lost
Since the Democrats seem so utterly determined to lose by any means necessary, indeed I do.

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Russia is getting lazy.

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>Why do Republicans want to ruin our lives?

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Meet your new God!

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Time for autism right here

>gives the House of Representatives the sole power to impeach a president
...and in this case, not worth the half-assed "articles of impeachment" it's written on. Democrats have with this little tantrum embarrassed themselves at a level unseen in history.

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then an hero already, it'd be a net benefit for the world than just spending your time and energy trying to bring everyone else down faggot

You are in control of your life. If your life is ruined, you have only yourself to blame. Do something about it. Or jump. Your choice.

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reps impeached bill for a blowie so I'd say this isn't something reps can cry petty of dems for doing

>Why do Republicans want to ruin our lives?
they have the ridiculous notion that Democrats don't get to nullify an election simply because they want to.

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your choice
in your case you choose to fellate the Republican Party despite their undermining of this country's principles. In the old days, you'd get a good tarring and feathering.

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Yeah, by trying to talk china out of growing. I'm not sure if they'll listen, however.

>Impeachment=nullifying an election

time to stop posting faggot

>Why do Republicans want to ruin our lives?

they have the ridiculous notion that Democrats don't get to nullify an election simply because it didn't work out for them.

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did you make that yourself Autismo?

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billion and one other things we could do too, but go ahead and cherry pick dissuading another country from prospering as the only thing that could help

LOOOL, "country's principles". Elaborate, moron.

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>durr im gonna post this stupid faggot shit instead durr
stop posting faggot

you heard me

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>you heard me cringe
you were told to stop posting trumpfag

hardly. Most of the country feels that way, as you will this year discover.

That's what the meme was suggesting.

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>most of the country
lel no trumplet

Trump won because dipshits like you elected him. Or in your case, one of your parents because you're underage.

Making America Great!

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abused gfs wearing construction worker bfs hats

Keep whining, commiefag.

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>polls are shit
>most of the country feels that way
lol no trumpshit pick one

No bruises.
They're probably college students

haha...remember how polls served you last time?

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that year is over nigger

has nothing to do with this discussion.
Trump won because you were duped by a con man with zero experience in government into voting for him.

most off the country didn't want hillary either (48%)


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So how does Republican bootlicking for a criminal President constitute "liberals ruining impeachment" again, user? Set me straight.

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>durr hillery durr
every time
you trump humpers literally can't admit the utter failure you elected

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>there was drinking
>bad sex that resembled rape
>showtime with his dad's flag

>zero experience in government
and yet, four years have shown us he single-handedly makes the entire bug-house of those "with experience" look like a total fucking amateurs. As they WELL KNOW.

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The republican impeachment of Clinton was just as stupid. It had merit, lying to congress under oath, but it was an obvious case of entrapment over personal matters. We are being led by a bunch of people with middle school mentality. 2A time, when?

Oh, boy. We got a live one. Top kek.

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>and yet,
documented incompetence user
is what you're supporting

incompetence, corruption, a revolving door of corrupt associates.
I'd beat your fucking ass.

he's doing quite fine in my book

oh boy we've got a bootlicker who can't admit I'm right

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>in my book

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invincible denial makes a poor argument. But by all means continue, it won't really matter this year will it?

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Can you ruin something that never really happened?

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wrong book faggot.

>documented incompetence user
No one who is a first-time president has ever been president before. What makes him so incompetent as a president? Most of you fuckers can't even describe what the job of the president is.
>incompetence, corruption, a revolving door of corrupt associates
Soooo... he's a politician. BTW, you do know he bought and paid Democrat politicians while he was not a president. It's all part of doing business under a corrupt political system, especially in placed like NY. They all fucking loved him until he ran against them.

tl;dr can't hear you through all that cock in your mouth

He does great in that book. idiots like you still listen to him.

we aren't upset over that

Yall like socialism because you believe everyone in the world should be equal. The world doesn’t work like that and it never will so get over it. These are the same submissive genetically lacking cucks who go on social media and wish they could fit in with society begging to be a cookie cutter copy. There will always be people better looking, smarter, stronger, and most of all richer. People who believe in socialism are stuck in a primitive mindset that hyper focuses and fixates on comparison. Comparing jobs, comparing relationships, and comparing lives. Learn to discriminate. Build something, take risk, believe in a reason to work for something greater instead of having it handed to you faggots

>Soooo... I can't really criticize Trump
>they're all bad

I'd literally put a boot in your fucking crotch you buttmuching apologist

i don't care for him, i just care for the other side of the coin less.

Liberals ruin literally everything they touch.

Youd have to get up and pull your shorts up and put your mountain down, and lift your legs, incel. Yeah, I didnt think so.


You get triggered enough trumpshit. It isn't a badge of honor being you, it's an embarrassment having to explain you.

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Socialism isn't Welcome to the Monkey House style lunacy, it's the provision of basic needs for everyone regardless of economic utility. Open a fucking book for once in your life.

I hope they do remove him. I’m in favor of President “Electric Fence” Pence.

>corruption, a revolving door of corrupt associates
Classic. Total proof of all four in crony Ukraine kickbacks up to their neck, while armies of investigators come up with shit on Trump in three entire years but sure, let's talk about Trump's "corruption"

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>durr i nose wut socialismzs is it duzzent werk
>kick me
>kick me kick me kick me kick me

Is pretty sad that Pelosi & Schumer pushed for impeachment hard for 3 years - and now the Democrats refuse to turn the articles of impeachment over to the Senate. So much for it being a "pressing matter...of critical national importance" as Pelosi called it earlier this month. Guess the Democrats are just gonna have to deal with Trump for the next 5 years & whine about it.