ITT we judge each other by their top 3 favorite movies

ITT we judge each other by their top 3 favorite movies


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Complete fag

No. What are yours?

Triumph of the Will
The Birth of a Nation
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?



Shawshank Redemption
No country for old men
Raiders of the lost ark


That better be Bladerunner 2049

No the original. Preferably the final cut

True Romance
Reservoir Dogs
The 10 Commandments

Dr strange love is definetly one of my top 3.

I don't think about movies much.

Apocalypse Now
Princess Mononoke
Blade Runner

in no particular order
>the road warrior
i have so many “favorites” that its hard to choose. these are the ones i could think of the quickest

Die Hard
Groundhog Day
Blazing Saddles

Hi, Dad!

Apocalypse Now
Buffalo 66
Rumble Fish

1. Sling Blade
2. Trainspotting 1 and 2
3. True Romance
Judge me

2001 A Space Odyssey
The Thin Red Line
Back to the Future

That’s 4 movies you retard

Pineapple Express

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Have you ever watched those... on weeeed??

Good list. Not a huge fan of Clerks but the other two more than make up for it.

2001: A Space Odyssey
The Godfather part II
The Exorcist

I can't think of another but every mindfuck /sci/ movie is top for me

Early to mid 20s
Likes videogames more then people

Yeah, well I lumped trainspotting 1 and 2 together

>big lebowski
>the exorcist
>the shining

unironically i like you

Early 40s
Works in a warehouse or union job
More depressed then you let on but refuse to fo to therapy

Good Will Hunting
Shawshank Redemption
Rocky 4

I know Rocky wasn't that good but everytime I see it it gives me goosebumps

Close I’m 26 and only sometimes smoke weed especially since it became legal in my state today. And yeah I’m too good with people

But it’s still 2 movies

The good the bad the OP
Terminator 2: judgement day

Mid 30s
Works in an office
Your idea if going out is to sushi but the rest of the time you spend at home watching tv

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You are a man who respects a good film, but can enjoy a bad one, also you take it in the ass.

Requiem for a Dream
Lord of The Rings, The Fellowship

You like overrated movies and you probably drive a Toyota Camry.

Silent Hill
Land Of The Dead

Little Children (2006)
When Harry Met Sally (1989)
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007)

love you too sweetie ;)

A better question is which have dialogue you enjoy so much that parts of it play back in the head, when the situation fits.
The Lion In Winter

Star Wars: Episode V
Letters From Iwo Jima
South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut

Oh fuck, forgot about masturbater and commandant. Take out T2

You have great taste and will have a great 2020

Run Lola Run
The Day the earth stood still (50's)

Last Samurai
Alita battle angel

Thanks for the info. I was unaware of that.

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American psycho
Silence of the lambs
The wolf of Wall Street

>the deerhunter
>my neighbor totoro
>annie hall

Naw they aren’t over rated. Have you seen them? And I drive a Mitsubishi

I'm like Requiem, and fellowship, but don't know snowtown

The wailing
Harry potter, not good but nostalgic
Honorable mention is Joker

Withnail and I
The Thing

Your a fucking moron who mostly posts in trap threads

thanks mate, hope you have a good one too

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all good tier at least

You cry yourself to sleep most nights, but you like good movies.

Are you fucking retarded? OP had one rule in this thread and you’re the only one who couldn’t follow his directions. Learn how to listen queer

Fucking zoomer

>A Boy and his Dog
>Friday the Thirteenth
>Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse

Based off the snowtown murders in Adelaide, Aus. Good watch.

This is the same guy who actually believes he has a high IQ because he unironically likes Rick and Morty

That's fucking hilarious! Never posted in a trap thread though. This is like my third post ever. I usually like to watch the retardation rather than join in. Otherwise it is like playing with your poop because you saw someone else playing with theirs. If you can't tell it is a bad idea on your own, you deserve this place.

Secondhand Lions
The Illusionist
Robin Hood, the Disney Animated one

Jurassic Park
The Thing

>The Worlds End
>Pulp Fiction

Attack of The Killer Tomatoes
Debbie Does Dallas
The Great Outdoors

The Death of Stalin
Smoke Signals
Gran Torino
As others have said, no real favorites, but these 3 are up there

2001: A Space Odyssey
Eyes Wide Shut
Blue Velvet

Each of these films are the purest form of art a motion picture has ever achieved


Goodfellas was fucking amazing, thanks I was bored imma go watch it again

>Withnail and I
"If I see that piece of silage heap hanging about I'll take the bastard ax to him. BASTARDS! YOU'LL ALL SUFFER! I'LL SHOW THE LOT OF YOU! I'M GONNA BE A STAAAAAAAAAR!!!"

Emoji movie, Grown Ups 2, Ghostbusters (2016)

natural born killers, a knights tale, and Bill & Teds bogus journey.

1. Walk Hard
2. Shin Godzilla
3. Mr Nobody.

Fuck you faggot, emoji move was oscar bait, if you want real content watch angry birds movie 2

this is probably a joke, but if you're not fucking with us take it upfront buddy you have horrible taste

They live
The believers
The Prophecy

I love those movies

>Shin Godzilla
One of my very favorites too.
I wonder if it'll get a sequel someday? That being said, not sure if that'd be a good or bad thing.

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Office Space
Dumb n Dumber

Never seen a single one of them.
You are stuck in the post ww2 era and wish you'd lived then. Who Framed Roger Rabbit is pretty good though.
Average Tier. You are what a white suburban dad in the 2000s aspired to be.
born in the early 90's, huh?
A man who likes christmas movies AND comedies? nice.
A retard who can't count.
Kubrick is a hack and back to the future is tacky.
Go away Seth, we aren't giving you any more movie ideas.
Yep, you work construction.
You think you like horror, but you just like flashy hollywood horror.
Honesty is good though, you like what ya like.
an adult who wishes they'd never had to grow up. the 20's are tough, lad, but we're in it together.

just watched joker last night and was by far the worst movie i ever saw i'm completely serious

Apocalypse Now
A Fistful of Dollars
The Thing 1982

You like the word "the"
You browse /x/
Your parents are religious but you're not

This sounds like the last three things a mysterious man would say after handing you a code scribbled on a crumpled peace of paper before succumbing to his wounds on your doorstep.

not wrong

idiocracy is one of my favorites for sure, so underrated

You just didn’t get it and you’re probably a normie

you are completely wrong nigger

You're a wizard.

>American Psycho
>Terminator 2
>The Karate Kid

>City of God
>Amelie from Montmartre
>Spirited Away

Sup Forums only retard

1) Pirates
2) Pirates II: Stagnetti’s Revenge
3) Big Wet Asses 12

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A sequel was confirmed but I believe it's being scrapped for the american godzilla monsterverse which is honestly really sad because I was really looking forward to the sequel.
What a fucking ending.

it is shit. Scorcese drama with a capeshit paintjob. Everyone in it is a fucking jew btw.