I just dumped my girlfriend of 2 years. Seemed a sweet caring girl, family orientated and all that...

I just dumped my girlfriend of 2 years. Seemed a sweet caring girl, family orientated and all that. We got drunk and she confessed she did a gangbang like a month before we met and loved it. I immediately packed the stuff I had at her place and got the fuck out.

The whore doesn’t even realize what she did wrong and is now heartbroken and all. Now her whore girlfriends are trying to gaslight me saying I’m an asshole because “it’s all in the past” and “she just had an experience”.

What hellish timeline are we in? Where the fuck do you find a decent woman nowadays? Do they even exist anymore? How the fuck am I supposed to start a family with a whore?

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you’re kinda a pussy sorry

dump her nudes

fuck that noise, any respectable man would do the same. she had a gangbang?? see ya trash

who cares about what she did before she met you. you must not have loved her in the first place to let her go over that stupid shit...

You have no foot to stand on
If you have a miserable future it will be your own fault
If you go crawling back she should reject you

Don't worry OP. You'll definitely find another girl that wants to be with you, and you'll find one real soon. You won't have any regrets dumping your GF because of something that happened years ago because you'll have this new, fantastic girlfriend probably in like the next two or three weeks.

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honestly bro just gotta find the cute nerdy girl thats still a virgin if you want anything thats not a whore. she might turn into one later on though

What the fuck does this mean? Idiots shouldn't allowed to use a keyboard.

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> Where the fuck do you find a decent woman nowadays? Do they even exist anymore? How the fuck am I supposed to start a family with a whore?
Your ex wouldn't thought the same about you if she knew you were browsing Sup Forums

OP, don't get me wrong that is disgusting, but do you have a perfect past? Is there shit you've ever done that you would either never admit or be embarrassed if you did? If you answer yes to one of those, you're a hypocrite.

>Do they even exist anymore?
no you're fucked user



2 years down the drain, apparently, based on a sexual experience. I get it if it was because she never said anything till then, but if it's just because of the act itself, you sound really insecure.

Based OP, fuck these cucks. Never settle. Better to start over than to have that stuff stew in your mind. Social shaming is the best thing men can do to get women's behavior under control. You'll find another one no problem OP I can tell you're a Chad

You never had a girlfriend, though.


trust me fren nothing of value was lost. keep at it and find a woman worthy of you

>Never settle
>Even though you're a degenerate browsing Sup Forums
I mean come on, let's be real here. I doubt OP is a prize himself.

fuck off you dumb roastie. see the thing is it's only women that can rationalize this or completely emasculated incel men who think pandering to women is going to get them laid.

Will this ever stop being funny?

look another whore ass woman trying to cope or a virgin incel loser white knight faggot

Are you saying every Sup Forumstard is a chad? Does your mommy know her autistic son is looking at dicks on Sup Forums?

Did you think she was a virgin or something? Unless you started dating in middle school you had your hopes too high. If she did it while you were together that'd be a problem, but you're really cucking yourself here.

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I was a practicing Christian and a virgin until i was 21. Only ever had sex with women i was in a relationship with. Never casual sex

>having principles and taking control of your life
>cucking yourself

Just stop. You make NO sense

I doubt you're OP though. Otherwise how the hell did you meet a girl that's been in a gang bang? That shit is hardcore whore.

The only difference between you and her is she's able to get 3 dicks at once and you can't get 3 pussies if your life depended on it


OP thinking hes a catch when he can't even respond to arguments without using logical fallacies LMAO

Smart move OP, and timed well.

Most relationships after two years get to a point where its either going to last for a long time, or not much longer.

Good thing you got out before you caught/she tells you she had another gangbang with ja’mal and the rest of the niggers from the block, but she “really does care for you” and was just “bored” and all a big misunderstanding.

Fuck that bitch.

I am not a christian anymore.

Found the wahmen.

Your principles make no sense, unless you're into middle school girls.

Yeah fuck that. Especially because she waited two years to fucking tell you that. Had to waste your time before she admitted she is a degenerate

nigger i'm probably old enough to be your father. keep thinking respecting women is going to be the way you get laid. i mean maybe once or twice in your 75 year pathetic life you'll cop a sympathy fuck but other than that you'll be a virgin loser women don't respect. that or you are a total fucking whore bitch who rationalizes even cheating the way dumb fuck whore women do. either way become an hero son

I get that its unsettling but if she was faithful and things were going good before she told you then you might just be insecure. times are changing and pretty girls who were never promiscuous at one time or another will soon be rarer than unicorns. you should hope you can find the same or better without that specific problem as it might start to seem trivial if you cant. also, would you turn down the opportunity to enjoyably bang multiple girls at a time? and how would you feel if someone later deemed you unfit for a serious relationship because of this?

stay toastie roastie i'm just an oldfag whose sharing his life experience with these young bucks so they avoid manipulative whore women like you

look more whore cope, kys

Lmaoo your a faggot its a month before you guys met your just a beta in a sea of alpha's

Fake and gay.

>wanting a reasonable woman makes no sense

Was your mother a prostitute or something?

I dont want a girl thats a virgin. Just not a whore.

seriously what does that mean? you think i can take you seriously if you dont even try to make a real argument?

Lying sluts. All of them. I wasn't cynical like this before, quite the opposite. I offered some thot the wholesome family with a white picket fence and she fucking ruined everything we had because she was a slut with daddy issues. Nuclear families with good dads need to return so we can get some nice clean puss again.

Was yours 14?

>gets called out for using Ad hominems
>continues to use it
like poetry lmao

roasties don't know what logical fallacies are, dumbass. You aren't sharing anything, you are just calling anyone who disagrees with you a woman lmao. You aren't providing any strategies to anyone about navigating manipulative partners.

>every girl is a whore because my feefees were hurt because of a fake moral compass i learned on Sup Forums

ahahahaha, imagine getting upset over a girl ahahahahaha nigga just jerk off lmaoooooo

>dumped gf for having sex before they dated


you're a retard

>Idiots shouldn't allowed to use a keyboard.
I agree, you shouldn't

it means you are a female and a dumb whore oh look another one
this isn't Sup Forums or reddit you fucking moron reddit spacing retard cuck faggot

Oldfags don't talk like zoomers nor do they refer to themselves as oldfags

Fuck off faggot you're wrong and you know it

Trash belongs in the trash can.
Good job OP.

Every single guy wants a virgin that will act like a whore but only for him. When that guy finds out his virgin was a whore for someone else, he grows up and looks at life realistically or he acts like a little punk and cries about how his woman did him wrong.

OP needs to grow a set. Meantime, send me her number and I’ll treat her like a grown woman which she will love me for.

its only going to get worse. there are no decent woman nowadays. just whores & pictures of whores.

Whats yo girls number? Me and the boys want to roll up on her. We'll send you some pics too of the group fun ;^)

do the world a favor and kill yall selfs

>how the hell did you meet a girl that's been in a gang bang? That shit is hardcore whore

Christian here. I've dated a pornstar. Just happened to be a coworker lol.

You’re a faggot op. Plain and simple. You wanna call people degenerates but you browse Sup Forums. Pot meet kettle. “All women are whores”. You guys sound like fucking incels

>gets gang banged
>loves it
>OP ain't into that shit

You cucks deserve to be cheated on if you can't see the fucking light right away. Never settle for less than you want OP or you'll end up like these cucks.

you're retarded

why would I want to be with someone who needs so much attention that she needs multiple guys to fuck her at the same time just so she feels fulfilled? also why would anyone want their children to be born from a whore?

nice reddit spacing bro. tell me again what people like me do
my girl is now an old fat pig if you seriously think you could stomach fucking her be my guest she's upstairs asleep in your moms room

lmao im not a chick, im just not an angry misogynist or incel either. please, focus as hard as you can and make a valid argument that doesnt consist of name calling and ill wipe the shit eating grin off of my chiseled, moustached face

Eh, you can usually tell based on personality. Just be sure to act completely open and understanding to what they've done before. Otherwise they'll lie.

There's legit no problem with what she did, and you will regret your decision deep down in about a year when you're drunk and alone.

Everyone stfu it’s anons choice if he wants to stay with his cum receptacle girlfriend or not

sure you aren't a dumb whore justifying. again you are literally a virgin incel who thinks women owe sex to nice guys who defend them or you are a literal whore trying to defend whoredom because only women can rationalize it

what the fuck is wrong with you. I bet you're the type of faggot to think that if you had a threesome, it's A-OK, but the moment some girl you're with did before you met, it's a problem.

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yeah no, as long as you stay with her every time in your life you get drunk you will remember and rage the fuck out. only literal loser beta men would accept a blown out gang banged whore for a woman

mmm can you imagine what it must have been like for her? having multiple dicks sliding in and out of her, sucking and fucking each one? Her before this getting all dressed up and excited to service all these men? Each one of them treating her as a total whore, degrading her, and cumming all over her face/tits/pussy/ass, and her just putting on a huge smile afterwards?

How about knowing that she played with her self to the thought of this happening afterwards?

Oh, lets not forget her giving you a sweet first kiss on your lips just a few months after. This same mouth that serviced so many cocks before you.



chiseled triple chin with a mustachio look is shit

Just block her friends (gaslighting is the modern female’s go-to when a man finally realizes how fucked things are), always get your gf drunk as soon as possible to find out shit like that, they typically will just talk about it once they’ve had enough to drink

yes but a girl getting dominated by 3 dicks at once vs a man just fucking 3 women at once is a completely different power dynamic

dude no! i get that im severely outnumbered on this site but i just respect women even if they did the same kinda shit i got up to back in the day because thats fair and neither party is incapable of a meaningful relationship at a later point

Dude, don't listen to any of these fuckers. If you are going to pay attention to one comment, make it this one.

You did the right. Do not god back. Do NOT go back to her, especially now that you dumped her. A girl who gets gangbanged is simply not going to be wife material, think of your future children... stay away from her FOR THEM.

Nah he's right, you're a pussy. That or you're literally a teenager. Grow up and work on that insecurity.

i mean i'd rather shave but i keep it because my girlie likes it ;)

Spoken like a true s0ycuck

You’re kind of a pussy man. Had she had never confessed you probably would have never known. You’re an idiot congrats.

different power dynamics? come on man, try discussing this with the girl youre trying to marry and see where it gets you

Niggers spotted

You wouldn't say the same about a house, a car, someone applying for a job, someone dating your daughter, etc. Why would you say this about someone trying to spend their life with you? Do you also not have respect for yourself?

It sounds like you're insecure and need to be more introspective about your hatred of sex when you're not included in the act. We all grow and learn from our decisions. There are conversations to have about these scenarios when you're an adult, but to just cut her off for doing the right thing and not keeping it a secret anymore says more than any grouping of drooling words you can conjure calling her a whore.

thank you, well said.

Only a month before deciding to settle down with a good guy?
Yeah, good call OP. She isn't meant to be the mother of your kids, so why kid yourself and her? She doesn't know what she wants yet either, but take solace knowing someone wanted you for awhile. The fact her friends are in on it means they know all your shit and she values them more than you anyway. Don't play their games.

Honest question, if a group of attractive women wanted to have group sex with you, would you? If the answer is no, you place a rare, high emotional value on sex. If the answer is yes, don't judge people for taking opportunities you would take if you were offered.

That all being said, I always finding myself wondering how much tradition society requires to continue. Children raised without fathers have the highest rate of incarceration, accounting for race as well as income. If sex is detached from love, what will happen in 1 generation? How about 5?

How many of you Sup Forumstards came from parents in a happy marriage? How many of you think you can create a child who will end up in a happy marriage?

Sure times are changing, but if happiness and procreation don't feed into each other, what happens to society?


didnt ask retard. keep it moving

learn what gaslighting means first you dumb fuck
>did a gangbang and loved it
no fucking shit, why else would you do a gangbang? cause you hate it?
What the fuck are you even trying to say?

Probably bait, but if thats true you are a retard

You did the right thing op. Good job my friend.

that sometimes people think they are going to enjoy something but when they do it they dont actually enjoy it, not OP

What's your girlfriend's address? I want to come over and fuck her with a few of my friends.

Who am I kidding, you're an incel faggot.

>we all grow and learn from our decisions
And she learned she likes multiple dick at the same time. And your encouraging OP to stay with that?
How desperate are you to get laid that you'd marry that? She's good for another quick fuck and nothing else. She's a vapid whore and should be treated as such.

Nvm, there's clearly someone for everyone. Enjoy your extra used goods. I'm sure you're really gonna convince her to change.

I'm pretty sure you're just LARPing, but I'll take the bait.

You're a dick, plain and simple. Firstly, men are never held to the same standard - a dude can fuck multiple women and he is never shamed for it.

Secondly, it shouldn't even matter - people should be able to have sex freely (yes, even with multiple people) if they please to without having to be shamed for it.

The problem is that you have this idealized conception of sex in your head, and mistakenly believe it to be a more meaningful thing than it really is.

All that said, in the current relationship you were in, it was clear that she was abiding by the preferred standards you each wanted, which was monogamy. What she engaged in before she ever met you should be irrelevant. It was on her own terms, her own body.

You're not obligated to stay with her - you can leave her for whatever reason you want, but you're still an asshole for caring so much about it.

A lot of Goldsteins in this thread. Used goods are used goods. You're in the right OP. But I don't get why you didn't hash this shit out in the first week I like how the thots all act like they can be thots but deep down they still realize they're whores and aren't up front with this shit

Your mother loved gang bangs as well...now hurry up and make that phone call to her to tell her she’s a whore incel.