Are you sure you want a race war pussyass white bitch?

Are you sure you want a race war pussyass white bitch?

Attached: White bitch chocked.webm (720x720, 1.95M)

Other urls found in this thread:

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White people would probably still win blacks are too stupid to organize

Attached: 1479522291869.gif (389x259, 992K)

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These sums up the race war well

Attached: 1562207495006.webm (640x640, 558K)

niggers are apes

Attached: niggers btfo.jpg (500x300, 19K)

Niggers are too busy waging war on themselves


Attached: 8129472343.jpg (600x678, 139K)

Fukka webm. Head to NY and watch the kikes getting rekt'd. Real talk.

Yeah. I mean how hard would it be? Half of them live in concentrated ghetto population centers. They have no food either. And they're outnumbered. What the shit OP, do you even strategy?
Oh wait, you're probably black. Nevermind.

I never wanted the Race War.
Or the Boogaloo.
I wanted Black People to get their shit together and be something better.
Jews are not Whites.
Watching "Blacks" attack "Jews" is just, wow. And that the ADL not only won't call it out, but instead says We Wuz Kangz is hate speech?
They want your dick.
So how about instead of a Race War?
The "Blacks" breed as the "Jews"

Top kek

I watched this for about 5 mins. Where do I even begin.... Let's start with a good heart KEK.....

Attached: Hmmm.png (796x139, 20K)


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Yea thats what happens when you grow up without a dad

is it weird i can fap to this

Literally don’t need one. Niggers kill more niggers than anyone else.