Letterkenny is a liberal shillfest disguised as a comedy...

Letterkenny is a liberal shillfest disguised as a comedy. The creators are clearly trying to imply that the following should be culturally accepted:
>religious cults
>group sex
>female promiscuity
>feminization of the working class male
Honestly I can't sit through this shit when people put it on, it's fucking Canadian liberal trash.

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did you expect something else from canada?

the emo homo that has cum stained on his pants all the time is cute though

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Nah dude, I really like low brow comedy. This show just goes so hard at being PC and open minded, it just feels like social programming honestly.

Are you surprised ?

If you remember your high school years, what political stance the kids who expressed their desire to do drama, art and shit were ?

Litterally every commie, every attention whore who wanted to stand from the crowd did.

How many lesbians have you seen in liberal arts vs theoretical physics ?

get off the cross, we need the wood.

How many time did you tug your horn today bud?

You're spare parts, aren't you?

You're a cup of baby carrots

What's wrong with any of those things? Tone'r down there bud.

honestly think this show is pretty good, only seen a few subtle political jokes here and there but otherwise it's pretty funny to watch sometimes

>you're smoking the electric lettuce if you think this is bad

You're 10 ply, bud,

Canadian nigger. Very rare.

never seen it, most tv is social programming
good and right aren't relatable concepts

Why don’t you give your balls a tug tit fucker

Someones triggered. It's a TV show if you like it watch it, if you don't then... you know don't watch it.

The only reason why you’re talking shit about the show is because you’re butt hurt they put down nazis. Quit sucking the ghost of hitlers dick and grow a pair faggot.

>triggered over fucken letterkenny
Fuck you rightie snowflakes are getting more delicate by the day
You’re just made of spare parts aren’t ya bud

All of those things are culturally accepted. Get over it, I guess.

Your a fucking pheasant. Give your balls a tug, maybe check to make sure they’re still attached right quick

Your life’s so fuckin pathetic I ran a charity 15k to raise awareness for it

how to tell someone is brainwashed and probably legally retarded

Good job OP you flushed the bots and the Goldsteins. They're rallying hard in this thread so this must be a leaf equivalent of Modern Family, This is us or similar on the SJW scale

Religious cults aren’t good.

The rest is based!

it's not very good, but y'all seem genuinely paranoid and borderline insane to watch this and think it has anything to do with communism.

It's not for Karen's though, it's definitely targeted at millenials that already have some liberal bias. They are trying to prove that "tough looking country folk can be liberal and PC too! Look she has 2 boyfriends! Oh oh sometimes we hangout with mennonites because all religions are AWESOME! Drug addicts are just eccentric and funny! Look how open minded these Canadian rednecks are!!!!"

Fuck religious cults, especially the death cults like christianity.