My boyfriend just dumped me. I'm literally shaking right now

My boyfriend just dumped me. I'm literally shaking right now.

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Why did he dumped ya?

I used all of his heroin

Get revenge by posting tits

You’re cumming because your bf dumped you?

Underage faggot

Good for you. You probably deserve worse if he dumped you.

have sex incel freak. I'm a 6'6 chad and I'm going to go fuck my GF right now instead of replying to your shitpost, fuck you retard.

wanna talk about it babe?

Tits or GTFO
Don't forget the timestamp
See pic for an example

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wud you use it for?

show tits or fuck off whore


time to cuck him with some monster BBC

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you know the rules, post tits with the date or gtfo

fair enuff then, i would have put your skinny ass on the corner so you can earn back my cash by sucking nigger dicks

Well that’ll do it


>come on now
>don't tell me this is your first merry go round
>lets see em

lets get this over with

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Gf just dumped me lmao

Dumped because of drugs wow you guys must be teens or if you aren't you guys certainly act like it. .... Oh wait you said heroin I shouldn't be surprised then

I’m sorry. The end of the first homosexual relationship is always the hardest.

/b cares even less about your shit than your ex.

I fownd sum 1 better, jk ur tha same lets minaj a trois

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Are you sure you’re not sharing from withdrawal?

Ibogaine is the solution to all your problems.

tits or gtfo

Hahahahaha dammit if OP that's fucking gold.

We have rules here

Tits and timestamp or gtfo

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Looking for some pee pee?

>pic from 2010
women don't do this often, huh?

We have a system here, retard
Tits and timestamp or gtfo

That's a dude? I need proof

Well if this is a joke about heroin making you shake then A+. Otherwise I am sorry that happened and is hurting. If you need to talk feel free

close your eyes and pretend im your boyfriend.
just shorter and far more disappointing.

This is your future

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this is a picture of a dumb druggy e girl, y'all gay idiots.

Only the ones that want to conform or be recognized as more than trap / larpers

do the world a favor and kill yourself

Tits are still tits, mate.


Lawyer up
Hit the gym
Buy a dog

Aww, thats sad, why don't you sit on my lap and cry your heart out?

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Is this Eliza pic or actual new Eliza?

If Eliza, Hi old chum

Get cucked fagcel/femcel

Good to know.

Get rekt fag

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Why would she want a diseased nigger dick?

Post tits and or vag.

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Yeah, exactly, that dick looks absolutely disgusting

Ask your mother, wife and daughter

His loss,
I'm a better guy

hi hanna

The number of newfags in this thread who have no goddamn idea who this chick is is depressing.

Why is this pic 404?

Inb4 op is a dude

You can do better than him he didn’t deserve you

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op is always a dude.