No one pays attention to me. Not even my own family. No guys even hit on me in school or at work...

No one pays attention to me. Not even my own family. No guys even hit on me in school or at work. Why do i always have to be alone.
Am i ugly ? rate me Sup Forums.

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You're a tiktok whore now. You get plenty of attention.

Nudes first, then rate.


Idk if this is real or not, but u look hella pretty imo

You look like a gay dude with autism, dont even bother with tits just gtfo

When I was your age, I also found it difficult to relate to the opposite sex and not for lack of trying. It's not a matter of appearance so much as one of maturity.

Now show us your tits.

you aren't sending any signals that you want to be approached. gray hoodie no foundation says "not today". also if I may hazard a guess, you probably aren't puttinf yourself out there socially, approaching people and talking to them ans such.

also I paid it forward, so let's see your tits (don't forget a timestamp)£

look cute - need better pic

sauce me

7/10 could be 9/10 with effort

sheeeit almost 4k followers

Cute Hamster :3

he looks like he is dying

Sure, from pedos and virgins.
Ofc she would like it better from normal people.

5/10 so you can get 8/10 guys for one night stands and 6/10s for longer term

You could improve up to 6-7 but pay attention to not turning to become someone else's personality/looks, you want to be loved for yourself not someone else
Wearing a mask is a source for depression (watch Andrew Feldmar)

Pay attention to hygenie and basic stuff like that, you can wear more colorful clothes or anything you don't need tits showing for that

You're lucky because you're a female and you can be socially weird and you'll find a soulmate who's just as weird at around 19-20 years of age

Source: my gf is awkward like this too, altough a bit better looking, other girl I know is 2 timey uglier and shes one of my friend's gf, extremely kinky in bed from what I heard
And now, show belly button with timestamp, then go to sleep .

Fake & exceptionally Gay


if ciara: kill yourself
if not ciara:kill yourself


man I only wish I could hit on you at work

Hi Ciara

First off, Sup Forums is an 18 year old and up website. No children. So please don't come on here bro, there's some pretty raunchy shit you'll see.

>No one pays attention to me.
Often times people that aren't payed any attention are either just really boring, a regular person,or extremely shy. Looking at your face you just give off vibes that include all of those prequesites.

>Not even my own family.
Your family lives with you and likely has to deal with your teen drama all the time, the reason they don't pay attention to you is because they've had enough of your shit. Once you grow up and move out they'll be desperate to have you visit.

>No guys even hit on me in school or at work.
Depending on where you live it might be hard to find a gay guy that will publicly date another guy. If you live in the North of the Far West then you might not being flirted with because they don't know you're gay.

>Why do i always have to be alone.
You're not alone. There's likely thousands of strangers you see a day all of which you have the capability of talking to, befriending, and possibly falling in love with. The problem is not that the world made it so you're alone, it's that you made yourself alone. Basically, just try to be more social and you'll stop feeling so lonely.

>Am i ugly ?
Nah, you're quite handsome for a standard white guy. Though, your hair is a bit long and unkempt and your jacket looks a bit hobo-ish.

>rate me Sup Forums.
8/10, if I was gay I'd smash. (When you turn 18 of course.)

You do realise guys don’t go around flirting 24/7?

Shut the fuck up dumb nigger

na ur pretty, nudes would b ncie doe

I think it's your fucking ears.

Better that than being bullied, OP.

We got a newfag here, boys.

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Is this one better user?

Attached: 1467405578944.jpg (1005x670, 53K)


I love ladies that don't use makeup. You are pretty.

Eh, you're pretty cute.
Look, life gets better and it gets worse. But you won't really notice it much, cause y'all will be working all the damn time.

i thought you where a dude

Ciara doesn't come here anymore. Go fuck yourself, neckbeard

Thought you were a dude. Maybe let your hair down and stop it with your bitch face?

how is your personality? you get less attention if you are just hanging back being a fly on the wall and not sharing much of yourself and being a listener instead of a talker

You're a fucking idiot.

Are you a guy or girl?

Rub your asshole on my dick

Go back to your containment board /soc/

Fuck off you ugly shit

Timestamp or fake

Would hit on.

6.5/10, potentially a 9. Would definitely date.

You were born alone, you will die alone.
The sooner you come to grips with that, the easier things will be.

fuck off Cira, nobody likes you cuz you're a piece of shit whore.

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do u have any info abt the tinychat rooms she used to make?

Her name is Ciara Eliza Horan, shes like the female version of chrischan. You can google for youself if you care.