Does the absolutely immense size of the universe ever boggle your mind? I mean...

Does the absolutely immense size of the universe ever boggle your mind? I mean, one cannot truly conceptualize just how huge it really is. Consider that there are approximately a hundred billions stars within our own galaxy, and there are approximately a hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe, each with roughly the same amount of stars as our own galaxy.

What's even more insane than the number of celestial objects is the vast distances between them. The utter amount of time it would take to travel even a fraction of our own galaxy if you were going at the speed of light is crazy.

Just think of what could be out there - all the potential that we'll never get to see. It saddens me. I wish I could explore even a fraction of what the universe has to offer.

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Why is everything on this board 404ing?

Another mystery of this crazy universe of ours.

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You already have that fraction of the universe and you're already living and exploring it

Maybe the universe isn't really that big, and we're just really really really small?

how buddah

I suppose so, but it's such a tiny, tiny fraction.

Don't you ever feel unhappy, confined to the Earth? We inhabit such an unimaginably small portion of the universe. I just wish I could explore the stars. I'd give anything to see what might be out there. Think of the planets that could be teeming with life. Think about the biodiversity just on our own planet, and consider the crazy lifeforms that could then exist somewhere else out there?

Its finally over.
Sup Forums has gotten the common cold.
Soon it will die.

Or maybe it's both?

are you trying to fuck with my mind?

The universe is quite a lot smaller than you've had hammered into your brain all your life.

i was scared of it when i wanted to see the stars as a young boy, now i feel indifferent due to the realization that it shouldn't concern me as we'll never get there as long as im alive. im concerned by the sea and its expanses not yet explored.

What makes you say the universe is so small? How can you say that with certainty

No, it really isn't.

Historically speaking, the universe has been BELIEVED to be a lot smaller for most of human existence than what it actually is.

It's only been through modern astronomy in the 20th century that we've uncovered just how mindbogglingly huge the universe actually is.

Compared to the entire observable universe, humans are not even a fraction of a fraction - we're so utterly insignificant that our minds have trouble even comprehending just how small we are.

If you think the universe is small, you're quite ignorant.

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John and Ellie are laying in the grass, looking up at the stars.

John: "You ever wonder what's up there?"

Ellie: "Like what?"

John: "Maybe someone up there is wondering what it's like here."

Ellie: "I guess. Do you think we'll ever meet them?"

John: "I hope so. Don't you?" (He turns to look at her, but instead sees a MJOLNIR Mark VI helmet.)

A Wraith mortar detonates nearby. The lighting changes and John, now the Master Chief, wakes up. Myriad voices are heard, some in his head, others from his radio.

Ellie: "Do you think we'll ever meet them?"

there's literally trillions of pussy out there and im still a virgin

On one hand, you're right. On the other hand, look at your hand. Can you see the cells? How about the atoms? We're caught in some kind of scale limbo. Never stop exploring.

He's right, and we all know the best way to explore your hand is a screwdriver, and timestamps.

Now get to work Columbus.

You're definitely right. We are living at both a mindbogglingly small and large scale.

Still, we're far more capable of exploring the vastly tiny aspects of our reality than the vastly huge ones.

I just long for the stars sometimes, is all. I wonder what could be out there. It's just crazy to consider that we will live and die here on Earth, confined to a tiny space of the universe relatively speaking, never seeing all that is out there.

It's actually more likely that it's infinite and eternal

Have a nice insignificant life then mate lol

Been established fact for centuries til modern "scholars" decided they know better

>Does the absolutely immense size of the universe ever boggle your mind?
Yes, it does!

It doesn't bother me that my life is cosmically insignificant - I'm fascinated by the vastness of this universe and all the potential it has to offer.

Furthermore, the historical view of the universe being tiny and centered around humans stems from ignorance and a vein desire to feel inherently meaningful. We didn't decide we knew better, we merely improved our technological capabilities and peered into the void, discovering that the universe is not only much larger than we mistakenly believed it to be, but that it's indifferent to our existence.

Nonetheless, I will live my life in a way that is personally significant to myself, and I will explore this universe as much as possible before I die.

>established fact for centuries til modern "scholars" decided they know better
You mean until we had the technology to prove that it was larger than previously thought?

Communism! Atheism! Epstein didn't kill himself!

>mindbogglingly small and large scale
10^9. Its no coincidence.
Your body is 10^9 larger than atom
The earth is 10^9 larger than your body.
The solar system is 10^9 larger than earth
The galaxy is 10^9 larger than sun
The universe is 10^9 larger than galaxy

Some scaling constant is definitely at play

The imperceptible expanse above is understandable enough for me, and it’s not really a missed experience, it’s just not our time yet. What tickles my pickle is there is so much on our world you and I will never and could never experience or even dream of that’s mundane to daily users. Our species knows more about what’s impossibly far away than what’s in the ocean or how to tap into the earth’s crust or how to comfortably survive natural climate change much less accelerated.

I love that we aren’t on other planets littering McDonald’s wrappers and hope that when we get there we’re better people

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Be careful of modern technology and confirmation bias. Its funny how modern science is constantly used to confirm what we thought was right... unless it bucks the trend in which case it gets ignored lest the whole house of cards come crashing down

The concept of "emergence" is an interesting property of our reality. The way in which there is a constant chain of structures each with qualitatively different properties than the components that make them up.

I wonder what role these uniquely scaled structures each made up of smaller substructures plays in the grand scheme of reality.

I'm aware of the dangers of confirmation bias. So are those involved with testing, which is why there are so many validity checks. You have yet to explain why you're sure the universe is so small and why modern estimates on the size of the universe are bloated.

Dumb fuck flat earther detected

Take more LSD faggot, until you’ve existed as a single atom you don’t know shit

>I'll believe literally anything a professional Smart Man says

We are taking cosmology here. There is very little testing going on, it's all theoretical analysis.

For example - black holes. There are hundreds of papers legitimately questioning their composition and even their existence and providing rigorous mathematical reasons why they can't work as described, yet none of these peer reviewed papers alter the underlying thinking or cause a redirection in the bigger picture. Black holes just get put in the unexplainable basket and these claims ignored..

And black holes remain critical to the models of mainstream science.

This is paradoxical and highlights something fundamental has gone wrong along the way... yet it's ignored.

Yeah nice straw man ya built there faggot. Try learning physics and come on back

I'd like to think once we reach the stars, we'll have better sense than to just litter and pollute the places we visit.

The universe is already dead. All we are seeing is the residual light reaching earth billions of years later.

While an appeal to authority is a fallacy, we HAVE to rely on authorities to some extent.

No one person can ever learn all body of knowledge and personally verify every fact themselves. That's why we build institutions which keep track of the consistency and validity of research and researchers and build a consensus over matters.

Is it a perfect system? No, but we can rely on it within reason to provide us with accurate information.

Thats what cross references and peer reviewing is for

Dumbass, this is because some of these things aren’t physically testable. But we can deduce that they exist based on other phenomena that occur...

Does anybody ever think about the speed of light and how crazy it is that every time you look at the stars, you are looking into the past?

You mean you make an untestable assumption and build exotic math to back your position up?

If it's not falsifiable it's literally not science.

There are creatures out there right now with physically compatible orifices having and giving orgasms that you cannot imagine.

Its mostly the same shit everywhere. Like a shitty open world game

Guess it boggels your mind so much that you cant comprehend it. The univers is expanding so its size will always be increasing.

Granted we can't know this with certainty without exploring the universe, I think you're right, statistically speaking.

That said, statistically speaking there are also bound to be extremely insane and mindboggling things out there given just how big the universe is. It may be relatively rare, but it should be out there.

no i never cared just thought its infinite still dont care

Of course, wouldn't want the ol narrative to get out of whack. Loose lips sink ships and all ;)

>If it's not falsifiable it's literally not science.

The problem occurs when one of these theories which seems to explain things is used as a basis for the next and the theories build up and up like a layer cake. Then everyone wants to be the person to find the cherry to put on the top... and no one dare suggest that the bottom layer was a problematic assumption. And the whole thing is a nice looking... but plainly wrong mess.

Dark matter. Black holes. Big Bang. Gravity. These are all absolutely critical to modern cosmology, yet every one is baseless assumption that makes the universe look more like Swiss cheese than a nice rainbow cake.

Something has gone wrong with cosmology.

Not OP but exploring 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the universe sounds very underwhelming compared to everything that could possibly exist.

considering that people can't visualize anything above 10.000 units of anything this exercise is pointless


Well I mean yeah I’m sure all laws of physics we currently have in place get thrown out when we get to black holes. Understanding the mechanism by which they exist isn’t feasible and is probably impossible. But again we can still acknowledge something like these things exist based on the way we see celestial bodies and light behave in the universe. Any literature suggest that they’re portals to other universes n shit....I’ll agree with you there it’s just simply conjecture

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you can say this about any theoretical physics field... the deeper you get the less credible it gets

Earth is probably the most insane and mindboggling thing within a million light years of here.

It IS falsifiable and it IS testable.

We can measure the effects of the phenomenon we're studying, and the tools we are perfecting enable us to more effectively test these phenomenon. That said, since we can't directly interact with these things, it is difficult and errors arise, but the tools and methods we've developed are the most reliable we've ever had in history, and our understanding of the universe is most certainly more accurate than previous generations.

even if he links a published paper on this, it still wont prove someone didn't just pull it out of their ass

And yet, in this massive universe,throughout billions of years and evolution, there are right now at this moment some people fapping to the most degenerate stuff ever created.
That boggles my mind.

Wow. How is dark matter falsifiable? We cant even hypothesise what it is... except the gravitational models of the universe crash without 80% more matter so it's got to be there somewhere.

That isn't science, it's one flawed model leading another. Science should be led by observation of reality.

Well if you’re speaking shit...that’s not even getting to Mars lmao

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Wait...just saw you said light years...killing myself now

Like what size then. I guess if it is small wont take long to expore.

What? Alpha centauri is only 4 light years from here. Our galaxy is 100,000 light years across.

thanks user. I needed this.

So what theories or ideas are there that aren't well known or not talked about often?

maybe the fact that none of this matters, our existence is meaningless and there is nothing after you die... most people don't talk about it because they reject every part of it

If that's too hard for you to visualize or conceptualize try reversing it and know just how small and insignificant you are on a cosmic scale.

There is nothing beyond our sky.

Hear lots of people talk about but i guess you could so no scientific studies though.

Ok if you say so. Guess that means no sun no stars and no moon.

Yup sure, it's all just a big curved tv screen right? Earth is a zoo!

They're much smaller and nearer than NASA claims. Haven't you ever seen clouds behind the moon at night?


>there is nothing after you die
This is the default / naturalistic position - death is the end of any organism. Anything else is a specious claim and would require evidence.

This isnt new and I fail to see how this is a world view altering thought bubble

Yep. It's possible to come to terms with our mortality and insignificance though

You get to explore it in your mind when you dream

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It is the perfect hell.

Think about it. We are actually trapped here. I guess we deserve it.

>It saddens me
whats even sadder to think about is that in all that infiniteness there are probably MILLIONS of civilizations just like us, trapped on a small ball arguing about all of their own issues and never solving them. never reaching out into space.

If each potentially habitable planet orbiting in its parent stars Goldilocks zone was represented by grains of sugar, it would take 6.5 tons of granulated sugar just to represent those planets in our galaxy alone

> " Does the absolutely immense size of the universe ever boggle your mind? ..." ;
No, not at all.

I've always felt reincarnation to be the most plausible after-death scenario

Then provide evidence. If not to the world (you will get laughed at) to satisfy yourself.

No proof. But if there was a soul(or whatever consciousness is) I feel like it would adhere to conservation of energy, it would change forms.
I do want to state I don't actually believe this but it's an interesting thought to me but I know you're probably bored

This is likely true.

There are other factors that make planets habitable to us. Magnetic fields to reduce solar radiation, atmospheric chemistry, having a large moon to perturb gravity and create tidal recycling.

This reduces that pile of sugar to perhaps a few bags, but they for sure are out there. Ready to roll second homes.

Yet most people on earth pick one single grain out of the mountain and proclaim that this one planet is special, God made it alone for us retarded bipedal apes and he gets very angry about where we stick our pee pees

Improve your math skills and get into physics and engineering then, and work on spaceflight, or study biology and engineering and get into biostasis, which is a very interesting field and probably more likely to produce results in space exploration than any other.

Quit 'considering' it like a college kid after a bit too heavy a hit of mescaline, and do shit about it. I used to spend a lot of time being boggled by it too. Now I am an astrophysicist working with ESA and it doesn't boggle me any more. Frustrates me sometimes, but evade my understanding not so much. I spend my days working on aphelion approach vectors for safe orbital approach solutions.

Nah fuck you

based retard

Okay, stay boggled. I suppose where it's folly to be wise, ignorance is bliss.

Whats going on here?

For the record, that wasn't me (OP) that said that.

All that said, I would be interested studying a field like biology or astronomy. I seek to understand - when I said it boggles my mind, I meant that it is difficult to truly conceive of the utter immense size of the universe and the possibilities that may exist. I think it should boggle all of our minds no matter how familiar one is with these fields, as there is still so much we don't know and we live in an incredibly amazing universe.

Implying we are technically already in a time limbo, as if we are 4th dimensional beings that are just observing light and time in a linear form to comprehend the size of the universe waiting for the light to finally go out?

Elitists like you deserve to be captured and released into woods to be hunted like the apes you are

it was smaller a year ago.

I mean it's infinitely expanding bro

dick is under the flap. you can see the balls stretched.

I always found it odd people can be sad about not seeing the infinite void that is space, when most of us don't even see a fraction of our own planet earth. It's cringy as fuck but go check out some sites, explore, embrace the absolute fucking lottery we won with our planet. Thinking of stars and distant galaxies is cool and I understand the appeal, but I'll keep my feet on the ground and enjoy my time here before I drift to whatever is next.

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it was even smaller two years ago.
just because the measurements are big, it doesn't mean it has to be infinite.