Lia Marie Johnson live Instagram was shut off a few minutes ago...

Lia Marie Johnson live Instagram was shut off a few minutes ago. She was with this guy that looked like he was either in his late 40s or early 50s. He asked a few times if she was on Instagram. She giggled and said no a few times. Then it looked like they were making out but couldn't tell because you could only see what looked like she was hugging him and his hand rubbing her back.

What are we to make of this? Does she really have an older boyfriend? Does anyone here know the truth???

Attached: 1577300627881.webm (480x846, 1.43M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Repost OP 404 claimed the webm

OP here

I didn't know

Attached: 1577421219034.jpg (640x1136, 77K)

Yeee can you repost that webm and I think she def fucking the dude

I just now tried. it won't let me post the same thing twice

The best I can do since the webm doesn't work.

Attached: 1577420789971.jpg (1000x1000, 148K)

upload it to webmshare then send us the link

bumpity bump

She was saying how she was 'taken advantage of' by a fan in her recent ig when she showed her vag. Is it the same guy or is it some creepy guy she just met?

this video has no rape or anything dude it's just her pulling up her pants, it's on other forums

Who is lia marie johnson?

a girl who used to be on teens react like 6years ago

Never heard of her thx. looks like she has a decent pussy tho?

Former Youtuber

Attached: inbR3NL7RouXv.gif (294x267, 1.48M)

That's what I'm trying to find out.

Attached: 1537580492651.webm (310x550, 277K)

It's working again.

seems so. she's a real tease, the fine bros taught her well
I still remember her line in one of their shows "Im underaaaaage~' talking to an older dude
I wanna say she was 14 or 15 and 100% knew what was going on

Attached: 1473121827766.jpg (768x1024, 460K)

Just downloaded for me, only to see already have it, couldn't have 404'd

From FBE's My Music. Don't know the episode, or even the season.

Attached: I'm underage.webm (200x150, 175K)

This was before she flashed her puss video

Attached: 1537511156673.webm (640x1136, 1004K)

wew thanks i needed to see that again

Attached: 1475221099456.webm (360x640, 687K)

Fucking autistic who cares

This is the link to the full video.
Flashes her puss at 1:42:21

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 50K)

Finebros deserve to fucking burn

Fuck looks a bit rough there doesn't she guys

Attached: tyr.gif (279x343, 783K)

Bad lighting

Kikes do in general. This whore has been used and abused by them for sure.

so she's getting drunked up and raped by who? her "producer"?

oh shit it's real

Screencaps, anyone?

OP here

That's it!!! I'm trying to figure out who the guy is

Repulsive, fuck these jews and fuck the entertainment industry.

i guess the whole harvey weinstein affair didn't do anything, hollywood sitll the same, business as usual. hope she leaks a sextape soon

Went to the link you gave. So she is making out with an older dude!

Alright B found the fucker have fun with this pervert his insta is @wetherbeephoto

I'd like to know how you it's him for sure?

Will anyone marry lia here?

what if she did this on purpose so she has evidence against this dude

she is 23... not underage... so why should anyone care that she is a dumb whore?

you're only jealous

because shes clearly in a terrible place and shes being taken advantage of

Exactly what I was thinking. She realized she fucked up and can't get away, so she played it off like she was stupid and was just fucking around on insta

Do know where we can see the full video?

there are actually people who watched her *underage content* eww, and now they act like whiteknights and pretend to be good.
watched cp of her and now they are raging because a older dude banged her.

Who fucking cares. Piss off ya mong

Hell no I wouldn’t touch that bipolar psychopath with a ten foot pole but still she don’t deserve to get molested

She didn't have "underage content"

shes a slut , could not give 2 fucks


play stupid games, win stupid prizes

oh, yes she had.
saw some of it like 7-8 years ago on /b

It was hard to make out. to dark

patience the brothers, the sextape will arrive in a few years I think

yeah 1:26 in the video

Can you at the very least describe it?

I need more nudes

Why are you acting like she isn’t a grown ass women?

This is the guy in the vid. Looks at least 50 and he's taking advantage of a drunk/drugged mentally unstable girl. WTF

Attached: vlcsnap-2020-01-02-04h26m00s281.png (1080x1920, 681K)

cool, now that we know who he is blackmail him for some lia nudes

I stand corrected. What do you think it was all about?

why not ?

Although individuals may have consumed a sufficient quantity of intoxicant or drug to reduce or eliminate their ability to understand exactly what they are doing, such conditions are self-induced and so the law does not generally allow any defense or excuse to be raised to any actions taken while incapacitated.

This thread is getting deep into some underground kink

He's a photographer who appears to specialize in little girls. Not a good look

Corrected levels to help see a little better.

Attached: LMJ_Dude_LevelsCorrected.png (1080x1920, 599K)

look at this old fucking pervert making out with her while shes clearly fucked up

I almost fucked her in a party last year. Yea she is on drug and fucking crazy

Bruh. Don't be dumb. Go to his ig page and look at 1:26 on the vid. It's the same fucking guy

Eric Clapton?

what a coincidence

Attached: lia.jpg (1362x1213, 184K)

this is Sup Forums

this is plebbit larper

I don't think parents should trust their children around this ghoul

Someone report it to FBI and investigate him please


Cliff Richard?

I honestly 100% agree. People have to take accountability for their safety. So i don't really have too much sympathy. I get fucked up and go out on a regular basis, but i always make sure to be aware of my surroundings.

FULL 20:19 VIDEO!!!

hahahahah this nigga aint working with kids after this shit!!

This is why I love Sup Forums. Always carcking the case

Nah, 20:20

Let’s just raid his Instagram fuck it

So does that mean she'll do it with any guy? Even guys that are way older?

she is live again

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

She's on right now again. Police broke in at her studio because of the Instagram live thing

Check out her current video
The police have been in!

police came and broke in kek



no insta. someone needs to stream snipe this so we can all watch together.

“Lia I need this not to go out”
Then it switched off
Just now

its posted on livestreamfails

her flashing her pussy got 20k upvotes, lets see what happens

“Lia I need this not to go out”
Then it switched off
Just now

Fucking hell I got the vid bois anybody else grab it too

Her live Instagram just went off again. Tell me someone recorded it!!!!

she dead

“Lia I need this not to go out”
Then it switched off
Just now

Anyone got the vid?

Is this the same guy?