We’re coming for you whte boi. We’re outbreeding your kind in every culture and every country on the planet...

We’re coming for you whte boi. We’re outbreeding your kind in every culture and every country on the planet. Even in your homeland of Europe you’re soon going to be a minority. You might not be afraid now, but keep in mind that when you’re an old man it will be BLACK men keeping you alive in the nursing home. We will poison your water with bleach as we fuck your whte daughters. You disgusting monster. Whtes are everything that’s wrong with the world, BLACK men have brought nothing but peace and prosperity to the human race. You whtes will soon be rounded up and sent to the death camps. The only whtes that will be allowed to stay alive are the women who will be locked up and used exclusively for breeding. The whte women will BEG for the BLACK mans seed daily. There is literally nothing you can do to stop us. The BLACK man is genetically stronger and smarter than your subhuman species. Just crawl back to the frozen tundra from where you came you whte pig. Maybe when the BLACK men are breaking down your door we will show you some mercy and give you a quick death. Refusal to submit to the BLACK man will result in torture before your demise. Soon BLACKS will dominate the Earth and the remaining whtes will cower in fear knowing that the world has never belonged to them and never will. All wh*te women subconsciously want this all to happen so they can take their rightful place as subservient to the BBC

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white guy here.... i officially surrender.... i realize i cant compete against the mighty bbc with my pathetic little 4 inch dick.

Lmao I miss 2006 when we all hated niggers

Oh is it nigger o clock already?

But those are chad blacks; all races have their chads fucking their races stacies while people like us shitpost on their merit...
I guess what I'm trying to say is while OP might be black they just as big a cuck as the rest of us

Shut the fuck up Mandingo settle with ur dick size

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No one cares about your nigger faggot cuck fantasies

Say, how much are you paid to post this here?
What's that? Nothing?
Nuff said.

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I hope you realize the person that posted this got paid to

There are few things in life that a Jew will do for free. Demoralizing Whites is one of them.

Because jews understand white racist white race are the dumbest humans to ever exist.. How you support Hitler ideals when your grandfather and your nation has fought this monster. smh... Think about it

>whites are the master race

>gets demoralized by porn

>jews end up controlling the world

>whites master race, tho

I don't think jews are to blame for this thread user, I think all niggers everywhere are to blame

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You realize the babies come out lighter and lighter eventually being white so keep breeding yourselves outta existance stupid

True this. I have half cast friends, simply because they prefer to be part of the white society once they realise it's the better one and have enough braincells from their white parent to fit in.

White extinction? White extinction!

Happy New Year

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name of the scene?

thats Lindsey Love and Natalie Mars dont know scene name though

Why can't niggers stick to their own women

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in your opening sentence you say you're coming for white boys (learn to spell, nigger.) This indicates your latent homosexual urges. You should probably seek mental help for your gayness.

Why can't white women stick to their own men? Not that it concerns you, incel.

They do cuck the small percentage of white women who fuck black guys are desperate prostitutes or the fat ones.

niggers of both gender want to fuck white males and females its almost as if they know they are ugly to mate with their own.

Such cope. But if you believe that, can you stop getting yourself so worked up by this thread faggot?

That's not true.
Africa's population now has like, what... 50% of all blacks infected with AIDS?
They're reproducing with themselves, it's just that they sweep that shit under the dirt rug because they're all going to die anyway.

>muh paid shills
these are just people baiting for (you)'s and you are just a white insecure faggot

you're the only one who's getting worked up cucklord


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the only faggot is you niggerlover

We still do. Its just this one cuck jew who posts these threads.

you are still going extinct faggot

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most of the niggers are stuck in their shithole countries cuck. Whites will be fine and still outnumber the few slaves that roam our countries.

It's closer to 2% in Africa, and much lower outside Africa. AIDS is still predominately for the gays.

Imagine being a leftist. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

White people post these

put more effort into your shitty edits retard

youre coming for dumb bitches. you can have em.

do you ever just get tired coming up with ideas to write shit threads like this.

the Democrats pay him to post

How can a brotha compete with this, my tiny black dick is nothing compared to horse overlord, and they have less STD's than us brothas.

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god you are all so fucking stupid
its obviously some alt-white faggot in his moms basement


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We can fix this as a white collective if enough of us committed. I read online a few years back that you could increase the size of your Johnson by getting semi hard and just pulling your dick as far away from your body as possible. I don’t do as much as I should because I’m always forgetting and I guess I just haven’t had enough time on my hands but if every white guy on the planet did this regularly, I believe we could alter our DNA and eliminate the one thing those apes think they have over us.

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Found the tard