Anons agree with this chart?

Anons agree with this chart?

This chart is 100% accurate in my book and I will post the sizes later.

This is what you dick looks like from the side.

Guess the lengths.

Attached: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.jpg (1224x1816, 364K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe you should look up the definition of micro penis if you want an accurate chart, based off this you have autism

that was a joke, replace micro penis with "very small"

So the chart is not accurate? would you move the labels down or up? By how much.

I think you might be the autistic one.

Are you aware of the average size/length? Have you ever actually seen a micro penis or a super small dick? I promise you there are drastically smaller dicks out there and the last image is a dick most people would be scared of rather than revere as being "oof very big". First comment was right, OP is retarded lmao

1- 4.5 inches
2- 5
3- 5.5
4- 6
5- 6.5
6- 7
7- 7.5
8- 8
9- 8.5
10- 9
11- 9.5
12- 10

post the actual sizes

Attached: 1577116991821.jpg (1000x1000, 426K)

Attached: 1556434390171.jpg (1024x768, 148K)

look at all those fucking hands! wtf?! hahahaah

Yes, but the average is skewed greatly.

Average penis size is much longer then stated in studies, but said bullshit studies warp perception every so slightly and makes small guys think they are normal, and normal guys think they are big.

like this retard here.
Anything below 7 inches is legitamatly small.

Only way I could edit it.

Again these are 100% accurate representations of these lenghts, hopefully people realize how small the supposed average is.

Attached: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzNum.jpg (1224x1816, 370K)

tiny dicked hapa projecting ITT


Attached: 1554036614623.png (1747x972, 684K)

Is the joke that you think im actually spencer or that im just like spencer?

You realize my dick is in the picture right?

Attached: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz3.jpg (1224x1816, 435K)

gotta say that's the worst photoshop/ ms paint I've ever seen. It hurts my eyes.

its confirmed OP's a faggot

then give us your name and facebook url. you should make it a public document if you have no problem using your own body.
but you won't because this is a larp by a small dicked virgin that wants Sup Forums users to feel like they have a small penis because that is what you are cursed with.


Attached: 1562399896191.jpg (260x194, 10K)

based, the first step is acceptance OP

And then there's real life where the 1st image is the average size.

those are basically the same fucking sizes i posted you fucking retard. they were guesses at best

You were one inch off at the start and that was selective bias.

5.5 inches look slike 4.5 inches to you becuase 5.5 is tiny

You think im that fucking stupid?

Its no trick, the normal sized dick is whats stated in the infograph and if you think otherwise your delusinal.

Have a look in the mirror your most likely in the normal range. your the one whos larping.

My dick is objectivly small and dicks above me are NOT big but normal.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-12-30-15-39-10.jpg (1280x720, 493K)

And time stamped.

Attached: IMG_20200102_221349.jpg (3120x4160, 1.63M)

OP has a 2 inch dick confirmed and is larping to hide the shame, either that or he's retarded.

fuck off you pretentious cuck. they were guesses

Time.... Stamped?

what the fuck does that prove. post timestamp and stand in front of mirror naked from the neck down.

You're supposed to do it in the same picture faggot.

hes a full retard

These three photos are all of me?

Fuck you guys deny everything that does not fit your world view.

op is projecting hard right now.

there have b been plenty of studies of the average penis size and they are accurate.
you're obviously hell bent on making people self-conscious about their penises because youre posting this shit anonymously on Sup Forums of all places. go to reddit and post your bait, but you won't because you'd end up in r/drama in a second

>Fuck you guys deny everything that does not fit your world view.
Says the guy that thinks the average dick size is small.

why have you taken such an interest in penis size and penises? shouldn't you be informing condom makers and porn outlets of your findings? they'd be quite interested in your data, unlike anyone here becasaue this is the second time you've posted your tiny dick theory today.

Funny how no one has anything to say until the sizes are releaved.

6.5 inches looks and feels SMALL objectivly with proof in the OP pics only when you see the stats does everyone freak out.

Why are condoms 7.5 inches long while the large ones are 8 inchs long?


you do realize your talking to yourself itt

This is it I'm done, OP's stupidity is giving me a headache. OP do humanity a favor, stay out of our gene pool.

here's op's ugly fat face

Attached: 1552185502185.png (531x368, 329K)

Attached: 1556535532394.png (545x372, 332K)

Attached: 1566755512815.png (540x360, 309K)

Pencil neck af! He looks like a bobblehead toy.

Take a look at my 6 inch dick. Say what you will bt its nice and girthy and my girlfriend cant wrap her whole hand around it.

She lets me put my dick anywhere and finish in her face. So be sad about that you pathetic virgin

Attached: B.jpg (600x655, 392K)

What is she a really deformed midget?

Shes 5'1 and sexy as fuck. I've had sex twice in the last 7 hours/ What have you done besides make shit threads?

created this post on my website. check it out whiteboi. Forums-neo-nazis-yellow-fever/#comments

I have a girlfriend, and im not the one who said your gf must be a midget... (im OP)

You wana knwo what I have done? streched the fuck out of my dick over the past 2 weeks and made it bigger. (still small)

FOR my girlfriend because she is actually a model.

Attached: zzz.png (719x516, 853K)

i saw this picture yesterday with the numbers in it, i dont need to guess.
secondly how the fuck can it be " accurate in your book" have you senn thousands of penises all over the world and measured them?
the average is different in every country.

and models want bigger dicks? or do they need them because they are so stretched out already?

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