Hey Sup Forums what's your Job and Pay? Me- grocery store, 13 an hour

Hey Sup Forums what's your Job and Pay? Me- grocery store, 13 an hour

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Retired Lecturer in Further & Higher Education
Currently living the life of Riley, working zero hours per year, with very substantial Private Pension + enhanced State Pension, giving me more "disposable income" than I ever had when I was working.

Just started working in a beer company on night shift
Got promised 19.30$/hour
Did one week, 3 weeks ago and got on payroll the next week
>get 40hours paid at 15.15$/hour without my night bonus
>complain to my supervisor
>says he’ll tell the HR about it and that on the 1st of January my wage will be put back to 18.15(plus night bonus goes up to 19.30)
>get into the app to see if my pay slip for Friday’s pay is there
>see on my profile that my salary is at 18$
>see slip
Still paid at 15.15$/hour and there’s something like over 30 hours and some overtime plus my night bonus missing with also the money they owe me from my first pay
Fucking pisses me off to no end cause i was set to go shopping and running a shitload of errands on Friday
On top of paying this month’s rent
From what they paid me, i’ll basically have a little over 400$ for the next 2 weeks
Fucking multibillionaire piece of shit company

This faggot is so smart he cant even follow thread

23, also grocery store, $20.50/he
I make $7 more than my last grocery job because this company's union isn't ass

25, jobless, $300 a week. Do whatever I want.

Software engineer
760k NOK a year before taxes (~86k USD)

You should start with dumbbell excercises

Administration manager - $39k a year

Own a series of strip clubs in BFE. I outsource most of my work to managers and make 140k per year in Canada it isn't much but it beats actually working.

Free lap dances are cool, but my hubby gets upset if I partake.

Water softener manufacturing at around $11.80USD an hour or approximately 27.5k a year working 45 hours a week.

You people are in the wrong country.

Amazon warehouse worker
12 hr shifts
18 an hour

What is the right country?

Do you use pic related?

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Social Security Retirement, 22k year with Medicare benefits
I worked in warehouses and factories while I put myself through uni, then another 30+ years as a software developer to get these benefits.

Drug dealer, 400-600 a day, hours vary.

Model maker 25/hr

I'm a sous chef at Wendy's in Denton, OH
$12.15 per hour
30 years young.

Professional Hobo, 900 bucks in pension a fortnight.

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Professional shill/shitposter
1 shekel per

US NAVY sailor E-5 pay grade. After taxes 67k yr. But I live in San Diego so it really doesn't go very far. Living here is hella expensive.

$65,000 Married Military Salary Plus Untaxed Pay
Wife Pays All Bills

tits or GTFO

Damn man I would be calling the labour board (Might be called something different in your country?)
If you have shit in writing or their advert I would save all that

then stop going until you get payed propperly. by going to work you are accepting the pay

Self employed premium snapchat
500-1000 per day

Lmaoing at your minimum wage jobs

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Happy new year guy from post below. I'm USMC

Not quite but it fucking feels like it. The money's great though and I get four days off a week.

What does that job entail ?

You must be in central or west coast?
Strip clubs are a dying breed out here. None in NS, I think 1 in NB.. probably none in PEI or NFLD

IT security. 117,000 per year and I just got a $15k Christmas bonus. I'm expecting a pay bump to 130 in two weeks when I hit my 4 year mark.

Wanna make money? Get a CISSP.

Apprentice Mason
Still able to work in the winter and after school its 20-45$ depending on job and experience.

mid tier artist
patreon: $1,500 a month
adds: $400 a month
yt: $2000 a month
webshop: varies around $1k a month
commissions: varies around $3k a month

Food technologist, make $100,000 USD as base pay, plus a 7% bonus and about $10,000 in LTIs.

Car mechanic in Norway. 24.50 an hour

mfw that monkeys dick is the same size as mine...

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And I'm better than you.

At a glance it looks like you have to be not retarded so probably not a good career for me

Grocery store checkout, $22 an hour

I bet that count for that beer belly too

Manufacturing. 32USD/HR.

Wish i could earn 13 fucking bucks for that job in Hungary :(

The field is hurting so badly for people right now that I can confirm even retards who can get a security+ will get employment in the $60k range. Source: some of the college grads I manage who are fucking idiots

fucking where?

Rail industry worker, 32

Peter draws?

I'm currently studying the same, is it really worth it? Should I move to bodywork, or find something to do with EV?

Mailman. I make a little under $31/hr. With the overtime I work it I pulled in just over $95k this past year.

im not gonna play this game

It says in Canada (where I am) there are currently 5,649 people with this certifaction
In the US there are 87,343 (leading # in all countries.
I make 56k/y now I wonder what I could be making if I made the switch. Seems like it’s very niche here so maybe that would be to my advantage

union construction sparky. Depends on hours.. about 160k last year

Middle management at a tech company. 80K and car.

>300 a week
>do whatever I want
Not drive a Tesla

Freelance translator and subtitles editor.
Pay varies, around 500~1000 euro per month.

The job is very demanding though so I usually just save up and go for months essentially without working. I have little to no life so my expenses are minimal, y'know?

Looking to do a post-graduate degree come next season just to get my parents to start paying my rent again. That way I can quit working for an entire year, haha..

Paint line /12.75 an hr

geology field tech. i work 2 weeks on 1 week off, watch netflix and study most of my shift

8000 per swing

which is after tax. im on 175k including bonuses and superannuation. feels good

Apartment building superintendent. Free rent and utilities+$15/h.

21 Y/o M Shreveport
Army guard fag 300-1500 monthly depending on training that month really just bonus I throw in savings
Full time Armed security 8/hr
Donate plasma twice a week to blow on dumb shit and food

it consultant. 75hr

Currently a networking student. My last job was at a Goodyear tire factory at 22 an hour. 12 hour shifts. All the overtime you wanted as long as you didnt go above 80 hours a week