Hey user that told me to kill myself yesterday

hey user that told me to kill myself yesterday.
fuck you. i'm alive. i'm still here. I won.

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Die alone and unloved.

i will. appreciate u saying that.

Congrats user u deserve it

I wish I had your unconscious body here. I would tightly bind your body with rope, limbs outstretched from your body. Applying regional anesthetic as I snap and crack each bone and ligament in your body starting with the joints of your fingers. Pulverizing the bone under the skin. When you awaken and the pain is too severe for regional anesthetic, I will drug you, and finish treating your bones. You awaken for the last time with an adrenaline shot I’ve given you, so I can roll you around like the delicate bag of rocks you are. Your heart, on the verge of a cardiac arrhythmia, would be beating itself to near exhaustion. I will give you another adrenaline shot so you don’t pass out. Pushing my cock in past your eye, I would skull fuck your eye socket until your heart explodes.

go on...
what else ?

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Good job. Now kys

can we celebrate by lubing up your asshole and me fucking it?

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i will not.
also hello.

i wouldn't enjoy that.
how about we get a cake and share it, while telling each other compliments.

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Half you're alive. Here's a cat

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Keep on rocking OP these sad fags have nothing to loose but you are still standing.

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Oops, meant glad you're alive.

Here's another cat.

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I would enjoy it alot, I wouldint enjoy cake. You can eat it off my sixpack though.

i think you're lying. I think you'd like Cake more than the other thing. If you have a 6pack, i'm sure you're carb starved. Here. Have some cake bro.

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why do girls get happy when a man grabs their throat and pulls their head?

they like to be dominated i guess.

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so they would enjoy being killed?

Day's not over yet, faggot.

i think there's a diff between dommed and deadded.

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That's the safe distance to run away from asian braps


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Who’s on the left

some girl.

Holy shit that clip is cute.