Please give the hyena a chance, you won't regret it, i promise

please give the hyena a chance, you won't regret it, i promise

Attached: jasiri in her glory -o.jpg (223x226, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill yourself.

For what?

that's true people. she is nice and well mannered

Attached: rita_happy.jpg (370x331, 106K)

>thinking i care
for investing
yay, ritaposter, the thread 404'd yesterday before you revealed the surprise, is it ready?

Attached: jasiri arm on chin -o.png (900x841, 918K)

vomit on my SPLEEN LOves macaroni

Attached: Woman.jpg (879x900, 97K)


looks perfect to me, but Jasiri is perfecter

Attached: jasiri and janja looking at eachother -o.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

Investing into her? Money? My time? What exactly

the suprise is ready. it took some time to figure out how inkscape works but I finally managed it. was working till 02:40 in the night and in the morning.

what I actually did: I took two jasiri posters and draw some vector graphics out of it. then I used a speciallised program to convert the graphics into XY coordinates that were then put out by my soundcard and fed into an oscilloscope. just for the fun and to do something new and good to my fellow hyenas

Attached: rita_argument.png (881x799, 164K)

you remember this picture from yesterday. that was me redrawing the contures of jasiri

Attached: suprise1.png (1920x1080, 357K)

this are the waveforms of jasiri in encoded XY coordinates

Attached: SDS00014.png (800x480, 27K)

out comes this with the correct settings

Attached: SDS00013.png (800x480, 27K)

or so on an older scope :D

Attached: IMG_20200102_104103.jpg (2000x4160, 1.77M)

invest your time to get her known

Attached: rita_consider.png (881x799, 162K)

sounds really cool
so you drew jasiri, fed it through an oscilloscope and redrew her using it? it looks pretty good, is it a carbon copy or are there gonna be some changes as you convert the signals

also wouldn't it mean you can convert it to voltage and feed it through a speaker to hear Jasiri's image?
this looks advanced and expensive as fuck, also thanks, this is jasiri content nontheless

was it this image?

Attached: really cute -o.jpg (338x425, 27K)

why does it matter, invest now and you'll multiply your profits, isn't that worth something?

Attached: jasiri and kion 6 -o.jpg (1170x711, 94K)

this picture was the original. I've redrawn it and covertet it into sound. I fed this signal then ty my scopes, that were operating in XY modes.

>also wouldn't it mean you can convert it to voltage and feed it through a speaker to hear Jasiri's image?
Yep, but it sounds boring.

>this looks advanced and expensive as fuck, also thanks, this is jasiri content nontheless

this one is from about 1960, but costet a fortune back then

Attached: frostbackcat-lion-guard-trash.png (992x606, 243K)

Fine I'll invest.

Attached: IMG_20200102_104033.jpg (2000x4160, 1.81M)

that scope is advanced :P

Attached: IMG_20200102_102843.jpg (4160x2000, 1.91M)

>Peak autism
Good job (you) bump

Attached: 1561814129059.png (1000x1000, 249K)

I hope I could make you some joy by seeing jasiri on some electronics test equipment.

next goal: jasiri in space (on board of the ISS)

Attached: rita_hat.jpg (800x450, 54K)

i didn't have this image actually, thanks
haha nice double entendre, yeah it probably won't be anything too interesting to hear
yeah things at their early stages cost a tonne, there was a time where a 1 gb hdd costed like 4000$ or something crazy like that
you won't regret it user, i promise you that

Attached: sitting -o.jpg (860x1044, 388K)

Please cut your dick off so no future generations have to deal with your heritance's faggotry

haha good job, what are these oscilloscopes used for in reality?, is there a short summary of them or should i get wikipedia

Attached: sweet hyena -o.jpg (950x832, 99K)

thanks, I do what I can

Attached: rita_chest.png (338x422, 150K)

haha that would be a joy, better yet, Jasiri on the moon and in gps systems
is that what happened with you?

Attached: jasiri and kion singing together 2 -o.jpg (1302x844, 95K)

Better than fucking coomer threads.

that's our slogan, we might be shitposts, but atleast we're trying to be better than the rest

Attached: jasiri x janja -o.jpg (480x480, 29K)

you mainly use them to inspect signals ( AC voltages). every circuit has got it's own specific waveforms and by looking at hem you can tell if everything is fine or not.

here is some good (old) explaination:

Attached: rita_drink.jpg (3500x2500, 1.98M)

Can't argue with that. I support the hyena. FUCK coomers

sorry, that one is better and more generic

ah, i see, thanks, by the way, do you watch bigclive?, he does some pretty interesting stuff with electronics
thanks man, feel free to come here if you want to chat or need help and advice

if you don't want to see our threads again, install Sup Forums x and ask me for the md5 list of the images, that will make us vanish
i'll watch this one then, thanks

Attached: janja and jasiri look -o.jpg (640x640, 36K)

Please give a shotgun shell exploding in your mouth a chance. You won’t regret it

jasiri threads are quality threads

Attached: rita_shitpost.png (1000x848, 189K)

i won't get a chance to regret it, and my answer to any fatal scenarios involving me or others is a big no.

Attached: Jasiri kicking tails.gif (600x338, 1.39M)

Hypothetically, what if I were to scream?

I know his videos, but I'm more into the eevblog or shango066

Attached: rita.jpg (621x600, 198K)

i agree, we're better than most repetitive threads, i'm not even sure if we fit in the definition of a shitpost, as its a fairly loose term, but i know that there are quality shitposts out there
i would assume air would be released from your mouth, along with sounds ranging from 50 to 129 decibles
never heard of them, i might check them out later

Attached: jasiri playing with kion -o.png (1000x554, 268K)

it's not cool to give people such ill advices. someone could get injured

what do you mean by that?

Attached: rita_sit.jpg (146x133, 5K)

not jasiri, but I like how this came out

I didn't drew the vector graphics for it

Attached: IMG_20200102_012818.jpg (2000x4160, 1.3M)

fuck off with this gay ass shit.

hi friend, if you don't like it, then just don't enter the read. it's quite easy and the best part of it: you don't have to become rude

Attached: rita_bedroom_eyes.png (900x553, 171K)

woah, so you didn't trace anything?
i don't know user, the thread was pretty straight until you showed up

Attached: happy3 -o.jpg (952x892, 50K)

>Jasiri is a young female hyena that resides in the Outlands. She is the leader of her clan.

>Following Scar's defeat and his army's disbandment, she becomes the leader of the Outlands.

More kike/disney female empowerment

they never praised woman in a forced way, they gave them as equal light as the males

Attached: sisi ni sawa kion and jasiri 2 -o.jpg (1920x1034, 115K)

>woah, so you didn't trace anything?

hm? the vector graphic of this lizzard was an example from the program I used to convert vector graphics into sound.
the jasiri vector pictures are "drawn" by me.

just wanted to avoid getting credits for something that wasn't compleetly my work :3

Attached: rita_cloud.png (600x600, 104K)

ohh, i see, for a second i thought it spewed out the lizard graphic on its own

Attached: Jasiri and Madoa together -o.jpg (960x540, 29K)

ah, hehe. no there is no ghost in this machine

Attached: rita_burp.png (479x360, 221K)

so, waht is going on here? pretty empty by now

Attached: rita_paw stand.png (900x1100, 189K)

this image is pretty cute
not much really, guess its been a slow day, gonna continue drawing my sketch later on and chill for a bit, maybe J will pop on later

Attached: jasiri and kion singing together -o.jpg (1730x731, 100K)

yes, I will also leave. still need to eat and tidy up my place. see you later jasiri

Attached: rita_skateboard.png (800x949, 202K)

Hellrape sodomy goats.

Attached: andydemonic.jpg (800x450, 303K)

ne, we are not into such stuff. we ar just into nice and cute things

Attached: rita_liar.jpg (640x480, 28K)

see you later dude

Attached: jasiri laying on kion.jpg (1600x1093, 132K)

she's cute

Attached: jasiri_internet.jpg (500x589, 72K)

Yo a ella le doy todas las oportunidades que hagan falta. Es mi hiena favorita. -J

Attached: 1575907089259.png (370x312, 41K)

Hola Rita, I bid you farewell yesterday too but I think you didn't get to see it. -J

Attached: descarga (1).jpg (183x275, 9K)

that's nice of you J, she won't let you down!

Attached: jasiri fanart 2 -o.png (944x1202, 609K)

>disney female empowerment
It may be but at least it stays true to reality, as in real life female hyenas are always the leaders of the hyena packs. The highest ranked male hyena is always socially inferior to the lowest ranked female hyena. -J

Attached: tumblr_pjjod2KT191y0e7t6o1_1280.jpg (1280x720, 388K)

>maybe J will pop on later

(It is one of those silly memes) -J

Attached: Jasiri riendo 3 -j.gif (800x450, 1.99M)

i don't know that video or meme, but it fits perfectly here

Attached: confident 2 -o.jpg (960x540, 28K)

Ugh I came here far too late, I missed the party. Oh well, it is always nice to come and salute you so there's that! -J

Attached: 1576253618524m.jpg (1024x576, 117K)

the party never ends so long as you guys are around, , i'm sure ritaposter will come back today

Attached: jasiri sitting happy -o.jpg (474x666, 22K)



Attached: andycoil.png (583x366, 258K)

>i don't know that video or meme
It is actually hilarious given the context:

So there is this man named Derek Savage who draws very low quality children books revolving around an orange cat named "Cool Cat" who is an anthrophomorphic talking cat who is "cool", as the name suggests.

For some reason his creator decided to make films about Cool Cat which are of even less quality than his book and filled with meme material. Take a look if you want:

PD: Picture is of Derek Savage next to someone in a fursuit of his character. -J

Attached: MV5BN2VlZjk2ZTctMDA2ZS00MGVmLWJmYmUtYmZkMTQ1YTIzMTBlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTE5MzA5OA@@._V1_.jpg (1136x640, 66K)

Wrong video, the one you want to see is this one:


Attached: foxcover1.jpg (1200x630, 460K)

Hallo J! schön, dass du da bist! (nice to see you here!).
no I haven't seen it, but even if I don't read it, I know you feel so

thats true, hyeanas are female leaded. also do lemurs (that ringle tailed).

I'm still tidying my place but I hope I will be back soon.

It's never to late to hang out with friends

Attached: rita_sleep.jpg (480x360, 14K)

oh god, sounds horrible but interesting, saved it for later
i'll watch both of these later
>thats true, hyeanas are female leaded. also do lemurs (that ringle tailed).
>I'm still tidying my place but I hope I will be back soon.
i didn't know that, i do know that a certain species of lemurs where the females also have a pseudopenis, i'm 90% sure atleast

Attached: jasiri on rock -o.jpg (1834x1034, 102K)

>i do know that a certain species of lemurs where the females also have a pseudopenis, i'm 90% sure atleast

well that's something I actually didn't know. Every day learning something new. Thank You :)

(also I'm out of rita pictures)

Attached: robin_ohdelally2.jpg (702x2721, 354K)

what do your friends say that you are posting pictures of men doing their duty? also that you save such pictures on your PC?

>(nice to see you here!).
¡Muchas gracias! Your words make me happy.
>I hope I will be back soon.
Take your time, amigo.
>It's never to late to hang out with friends
True words those! -J

Attached: hyena-pups-playing.jpg (700x505, 131K)

have you seen the pictures I posted at the start of the thread? I finally managed it to do this

Attached: robin_sweat.png (900x900, 167K)



Attached: andycorn.jpg (600x642, 356K)

I did! I wanted to tell you how amazed I am by your technical capabilities, it is very impressive indeed. Do you also know how to draw like -o?

Attached: 47984324373_c115ac6a54_m.jpg (160x240, 20K)

>well that's something I actually didn't know. Every day learning something new. Thank You :)
we all are, don't mention it friend, and robin hood is just as good
>Do you also know how to draw like -o?
haha, i don't think i know how to draw quite yet, unless you meant the technical part of it, but yeah, he showed he has some knowledge with drawing aswell

Can somebody please explain what is happening in this thread. I came here for furry porn and I have no fucking idea what I'm going to be leaving with at this rate

Attached: God help us.jpg (680x680, 50K)

forgot the Jasiri image, here's a picture of a hyundai microwave as an apology, sorry


Attached: Hyundai-Microwave-Oven-HM-23B-with-Grill-500x500.jpg (500x500, 15K)

you'll receive close to no furry porn here my dude, you want an s/fur thread for that, this thread is for mostly chats, we usually talk about animated shows and characters, but you can just chat with us about anything, so long as you're respectful

Attached: jasiri and janja look -o.gif (480x270, 1.7M)

Alright, back to porn then

thanks. the thing is, I do electronics since I'm 10 or so. But what I did there could every other also do in about 2h with the right training (making a picture apear on a CRT). after about 5h you would also know what you are doing (with the right training).

>Do you also know how to draw like -o?
the fact is, I can't draw and I can't play any instrument (and I tried for months). I'd really like it if I could, because the I had another way to express my feelings.
But I'm good at technical stuff and I thought I could make something neat for you guys, so I did.


I think every one of us is good at something. something different. If we all work to gether, the sky is no limit

Attached: blahaj.jpg (1346x1351, 148K)

kys dog fucker

>he showed he has some knowledge with drawing aswell

I just used existing pictures and was copying them. There is no real skill in following a line with your cursor

Attached: robin_shirt.jpg (1100x1047, 165K)

you won't find any furry porn in here. you might find a furfag (me) but no porn. we are just people chatting and having a good time

Attached: robin_melt.jpg (845x1447, 134K)

>I came here for furry porn
They all do. Here we are a very nice rarity indeed. -J

Attached: Jasiri riendo 2 -j.gif (800x450, 1.95M)

I accept it as I accepted the banana, but only because it is you! -J

Attached: Jasiri riendo 1 -j.gif (800x450, 1.96M)

>But I'm good at technical stuff and I thought I could make something neat for you guys, so I did.
Well I myself am very glad you did as I liked it a lot, also it is good that one stays close to what one's good at and improves upon it. If you find electronics interesting and easy to manipulate keep doing it, even if it were only as a hobby. -J

Attached: head-shot-magnificent-female-red-260nw-1584067315.jpg (396x280, 27K)

imagine this tard rejected by Sup Forums

i mean you showed knowledge at using a vector based image software, and what you did was technically drawing
thank you for your forgiveness, it won't happen again

Attached: excited look -o.jpg (358x393, 15K)

This thread is a weird ass rabbit hole.

I need her yeen peen in my mouth

Attached: 1577917912697m.jpg (837x1024, 68K)

Burn in hell

Attached: giphy.gif (315x227, 467K)


Attached: 2d5.jpg (800x800, 135K)

lol who are they, who killed them, how and why?

sandniggers because fuck them


So is this what replaced mlp?


Well boy looks like I shit my britches again, better scrape the refried bean paste off my legs, give it a lil' lick tell ol' dad how it tastes, boy. Okay, now pee on my trousers and pull em up, I'm gonna go behind the shed and fiddle with the ol' peter a bit and imagine being fucked from behind by Klaus Nomi wearing only a tutu and pink bra.

Attached: andyelder.jpg (600x646, 188K)