US Army Infantryman

US Army Infantryman
Getting deployed to Afghaniland soon
Going to Tirin Kut which is just north of Kandahar
Hoping to blow up some goat fuckers
> inb4 "hur der oil fighter"
> inb4 "hope you dont like your^legs
> inb4 "trump drumpf blah blag"
Realize I'm most likely to be on tower guard or some other shitty detail rather than kicking doors
Any Sup Forumsros that have been in country?

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We still do that? I thought we pulled out of that lost war years ago.
You know al queda is gone right? That we didnt get anything we needed there?
That its a war that cant be won?

Peace for palestine
Free israel

It can be won easily if the US Army and Navy wasn't neutered by UN doctrine. Any one of those filthy dirt countries could be steamrolled and reduced to nothing within weeks

Get rekt, son.

Good luck with the dog shit ROE,

Why would you volunteer to go to an unwinnable situation? If the country was under an actual direct threat then everyone of us should be defending the USA. If you look at the map of the Middle East, we have overthrown and attacked every country except Israel. You are going to potentially give your life so some Shalom Heeb can sterilize African immigrants and influence our elections. 2/10 in life choices. Hopefully college will better equip you to the realities of the world

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Hope you enjoy shooting little kids in the face for no particular reason OP, that's the kind of thing you can easily wind up doing in a place like that for no good reason.

Then you have to live with it until the day you die.

From what I've seen its literally only SF that is still doing anything worthwhile there. We train up the ana and that's about it. I guess it's still a good chance to get a cib as the fob gets rocketed on a regular basis but it's not the early 2000 anymore and the roe sucks. During the fighting season the Taliban definitely has a presence their though.

KAF is nice. Foods decent, eat at the Lux. Tirin isn't far so the weather should be decent year round. No snow and hot summers, not cold like Bag or Jbad. Enjoy dude.

H Sup Forumsro.

250189XX HM Forces checking in.

Take as much personal shit as you’re allowed. Makes it feel a bit more like home.

Take it for what it is. It might not be guys & glory but you’re still needed to do your job, so eyes up. Those fuckers will exploit any weak point. Don’t be it.

Work out as much as you can. You’ll come home with a tan and the “thank you for your service” goes so much better when the hotties want your cock. Stay off the fries and get in the gym.

Learn as much language as you can. You never know when you’ll need it

Stay safe. Have fun.

Been there done that, i was in laghman province back in 2012-2013. Fuck that shit hole. Good luck.


Fuck that noise of going to that shithole.

>in4b 4bin 4afterb

Pussy ass soldiers cannot beat up another man so they have to shoot weapons from a safe distance like cowards

I wish all the troops would get together and say why are fighting wars of offense. Why not guard the embassies and not waste money on goat fuckers and people who choose to be uneducated Muslims afraid for their lives everyday but the Sunni radicals?
I’d like to see every troop possible home with their families and getting a good and free education.

Saudis? Kuwait? Egypt? UAE?

OP here. They Will grow up to be fighters. We have to.

You have to?

Hadn't heard about conscription being reinstated in the US, sounds like you chose to be retarded IRL instead of just pretending online when you enlisted.

Enjoy your PTSD soldier boy.

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Hope you like sweeping shit and moving boxes.

You got some fancy words there

Hi, I'm OP. I'm a huge faggot, and can't make it in the private sector, so the government is going to quietly dispose of me while protecting Israel and aramco. It's a good thing I'll be leaving, since I was just on the verge of dealing drugs and murdering U.S. citizens because McDonald's wouldn't hire me.

What are you on about?

it was never a war. it's an occupation/pacification.
alqaeda is very much alive. they're just waiting for people to get a little too comfy. and we absolutely got what we wanted, bin laden's head on a spike and a place to put a military bases in striking distance of china, iran and russia


Kill some towel heads for me user. Fuck the Middle East. Nuke Em Til They Glow Then Shoot Em In The Dark is my motto. Come home safely so you can get medical marijuana and become a raging alcoholic to treat your PTSD.

US Army is a disgrace

So you're gonna just sit on your ass. History has shown that of you're not proactive, they will come here and hunt you and your family. I wish this world was as seen through your eyes but it's not.



>Hi, I'm a faggot so far gone down the neolib rabbit hole that I think the only worthy purpose in life is to slave my life away so some billionaire can squeeze an extra 0.5% profit for himself at the end of the fiscal quarter. And I do this because I gargled the kool-aid that if I slave hard enough, some of the billionaire's crumbs might fall through the cracks to me. Man, I'm gonna be so fucking rich if I put in an extra 30 hours a week on top of the 50 I already work. Mr. Shekelstein is going to be so proud, I might even get a pat on the back. I'M GOING TO BE A MILLIONAIRE

Oldfag former Sgt. here. OIF in country 2004-2005. Got a bit jacked up over there. The best piece of advice I can give you is make your VA claims as soon as you get home! And claim everything! Every bump, bruise and fart! The longer you wait the harder it is to prove a service connection. And swallow that dumbass pride, that voice that says “this isn’t a real disability. Other guys got worse than I did.” Everyone thinks that and it’s bullshit.

WTF are you on about faggot?

That doesn't count as a province. Unless you get sent to Helmand Province, then you aren't coming home.

Trump's doing mass deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

anti-American pussy

We didn't have places within striking distance before?

shalom, Hezekiah

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OPSEC you dumb grunt

Go fuck yourself

He/She/It is saying that if you don't strike first, and you let your guard down, then someone else will come to usurp you.

See: all of known recorded history and the power struggles between civilizations since the dawn of time.

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>yOU ShOOd geT YouR ASs blOWn oFf anD Be THanKfuL FOr ThE PriviLegE

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Sounds like you've had a poor experience. FYI it's easier to use a scoop for shit rather than a broom to sweep it.

Here are the Afghanistan Papers. Trump's lying to you about why you "need to be in Afghanistan" son. You're dying for the jews.

When you get hit with that 7.62 round and feel cold, and know you're dying... remember I told you so.

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I have. I helped shut down Kunduz...didnt end well. Being in a firefight isnt as romantic as you think it is, neither is watching your friend die. Hopefully it will be boring and you just go there and bullshit with friends. Hopefully you dont have to deal with seeing the end of an IDF attack.

Thank GW and the GOP and VOTE TRUMP!


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You ma'am fail at trolling.


Your life has to be shit for you to enlist. I hope you beat the odds.

Suicide rate
30 per 100,000 people (veterans)
14 per 100,000 people (civilian)

Substance abuse
1 in 15 veterans

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lol,its funny how afghanistan is america's modern day vietnam

History repeats itself. But you triggered me by not including Q with your other pronouns.

The Q's all know one thing - they wanna get in this damn car.

I don't know what you meant by that but it made me laugh and put a smile on my face. Thanks user

>I'm so much smarter than a worker because instead of working for one set of millionaires I shoot children for oil so that a different set of millionaires can be richer.
Start a business and stop being one form of cuck or another.

Got a fun guard tower story for you from a guy I once knew.

He worked in a base and knew the guys on tower duty. Civs would run up and piss on the wall surrounding the base.
Unfortunately one day a guy ran up to the wall and fucking suicide bombed on a 3ft thick concrete wall reinforced with rebar.
He caught shit for it.
So this dumb fuck was stuck on a ladder picking guts out of a nearby tree.

Weak Army. This new generation of soldiers are soft as baby shit.. We did the real fighting back in 03.

>It can be won easily
Say this to Soviet Union, they were fucked because of the guerilla tactics.
>US Army and Navy wasn't neutered by UN doctrine
Even if they didn't, the war would be a mess because of guerilla warfare.

Punchline from a Dave Chappelle standup on Netflix. I think it was the latest one, but could have been the one before that. He talks about "The Alphabet People" and how they all are in a car trying to get somewhere.

Here, I dug it up for you.

Tower Duty...

Brings back a ooooold Joke:

My Grandfather died in Auschwitz.


Broke his Neck when he fell drunk from the Watchtower

trump drumpf blah blag

>It can be won easily if the US Army and Navy wasn't neutered by UN doctrine.
Nigga how are you going to 'win', if you don't actually have a goal or finish line, and have no idea what you're doing?
>Any one of those filthy dirt countries could be steamrolled and reduced to nothing within weeks
Afghanistan was steamrolled and reduced to nothing decades ago.. That's the whole fucking problem.

What is it with yanks thinking that chasing savages around shitholes constitutes conquering nation states? There needs to be nation state for it to be conquered.. If there isn't a state, you're just playing wack-a-mole with whoever is most motivated/respected/powerful/armed in the region.


Yeah, but you won't, which is why your state keeps getting itself in this situation..

US puppet
US puppet
Toppled a US puppet a few years ago, to make room for Muslim Brothers that were then quickly BTFO by the CIA to make room for yet another US puppet..
US puppet

what can be won?

the soviets were in Afghanistan forever. you can't WIN anything in Afghanistan. or the middle east, you're fighting an ideology.

GW sold you retards a bill of bad goods, and you dumbshits still think you can "win"

Don't listen to any of these fucking pussies most of them have probably never been in a fist fight let alone a firefight there's a "wahhhh im depwessed and wanna kill my swelf" thread on Sup Forums multiple times a day most of these faggots wanna off themselves and are mentally ill anyway and thats without putting in any work fuck the mission go out there get your brothers backs and come back safe hooah

Your post gave me PTSD.

you've been deployed 4 times to call of duty, your tactical input's relevant. ty colonel. trump would literally make your kind a general in today's military.

Make yourself a hard target. Be alert and make sure everyone around you is at least acting like they’re ready for a firefight at any time. Haji generally doesn’t want to fuck with anyone who looks ready, they’d rather wait for somebody who’s lazy and complacent.

sure, open a business and produce something completely irrelevant, or worse, open a shop and be the most irrelevant kind of people in this world: middle-men. way to beat the system, cuck

good luck soldier, kick some ass for me will ya, and above all embrace the suck! HOOAH!

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May the locals get you before you get any of them.

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another jew pawn, nice

Shoulda joined the Marines faggot, and guess what? The war is over boot.

Are you retarded?
