

Attached: geoducks.jpg (1600x1200, 1015K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: geoduck.jpg (600x398, 77K)

Gooey ducks

Attached: 8c03d805a9522ddd17a09a6e0b3a1ecf.jpg (923x664, 223K)

Any vids anywhere with a girl fucking one of those?

Attached: geofrot.jpg (520x390, 151K)

how can vertebrates even compete

Attached: dat duck.jpg (593x395, 89K)

Sea drumstick?!

Attached: 39920-.jpg (210x402, 21K)

Attached: saving this guy for later.jpg (901x1200, 204K)

surely a girl have tried fucking it. and surely there are pictures of it.

It must suck to be born a clam.

Attached: x89278fa678.png (478x352, 181K)

Hell the fuck no


Attached: squitring geoduck.jpg (1500x1125, 179K)

I'd really like to try one.

Attached: 1365626794254.jpg (574x326, 107K)

They taste like they are already here

Attached: twotone.jpg (1100x618, 56K)

I've never seen one like that.

Attached: duckbang.jpg (1023x576, 64K)

One basket of unshelled, vagina dicks of the sea, ready for the sacrifice to our Lord and savior, oh merciful Poseidon. We will need his blessing this coming storm season.

hnng would place a condom over and insert

I mean, who eats this?

Attached: grannyduck.jpg (450x600, 196K)

Underrated post

winner so far, agree

Attached: duckgirth.jpg (950x607, 166K)

Those things are so damn tasty sliced about 1/2 in thick on the grill.

Attached: 2grills1duck.jpg (500x375, 26K)

No vids like this with that phallic dinner piece?

Attached: deathbygooey.webm (1280x720, 1.42M)

I want to see someone fucking that or at least sucking on it
I wonder if it feels good or is even feasible as a masturbation device

Attached: hunrgy4duck.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

You know theres videos of chinese people eating those for asmr

Why do you already know the girl mentioned will be Japanese?

The Japanese wolf these down I bet

Women in pics are clearly Chinks

That one has seen some action, specifically the end looks like it was mashed into a feces impacted rectum and not carefully cleaned out after.

what's that video

Yes thank you helpful assistant. For my next trick ima make a lovable faggot rage

A cam whore

Attached: IMG2.gif (400x534, 1.97M)

Well that was quite clear, but why's it titled "deathbygooey"

match thread and vid... not get file names?

>she clearly ded and gooey from the dildo

Attached: ducket.jpg (786x588, 84K)

Anyone who would eat clams.
That's all it is.

Attached: Diggers.jpg (1913x1023, 851K)

nice feet!

I can't believe even a clam has a bigger cock than me

If you think of it as a dick, they get to three feet.

Lmao 69

That's hot

Attached: microduck.jpg (780x536, 147K)

Attached: ur duck is smaller than this lol.jpg (999x664, 252K)

Still bigger than mine

They also get old - over 100 years.

Attached: dad digs big duck.jpg (750x563, 56K)

You can grow shellfish? I don't understand. I thought they lived in water. Are these ones more like earthworms?

They live in the sand/mud under water at the coast.
Tides go in and out...

Attached: Screenshot_2020-01-02 geoduck farming at DuckDuckGo.jpg (1264x683, 432K)

That's wild man this sure is a crazy world

caylin on chaturbate

Attached: geoFUCK.webm (400x400, 1.26M)


was hot until she bit the FUCKING HEAD OFF

Wish she would do that to me

i thought this was delicious bread at first

Ching chongs being ching chongs

They fucking jizz, too

Attached: images (7).jpg (409x565, 20K)

Attached: 1518711146636.gif (400x225, 1.96M)

Attached: duckhunt.png (1280x785, 1.2M)

>her hip

Attached: LOL.jpg (500x361, 44K)

Looks delicious with some oil and over a charcoal grill.

Attached: geodangler.jpg (480x640, 84K)